General assembly

Observations and Reflections on The History and Practice of the Occupy Oakland General Assembly In Its First Years

by Margaret Rossof As I write this in April, 2013, the General Assembly of Occupy Oakland is still meeting every Sunday afternoon.  A couple of dozen people, sometimes more, show up.  They may be in their twenties or seventies, or anywhere in between, with occasional children and teens.  There is an evident diversity of cultural heritages.  As far as I know they include people identifying as anarchists of different stripes, members of Trotskyist organizations, Green Party activists and recovering Maoists.  Many, including some of the baby boomers, were never politically … Continued


Re-Imagine the GA on July 29th After the GA

The second gathering to Re-imagine the General Assembly will be held on Sunday, July 29, after the General Assembly, at 19th and Telegraph (approximately 3:30/4:00 to 6:00). The goal is to “get down to business” about concrete ways to improve the OOGA.  Small group discussions will cover topics and concerns brought up by participants at this event, as well as those that came up in our survey responses and at the first gathering. Possible areas of discussion include what should happen at GAs; what kinds of facilitation do we want; … Continued


The NDAA Passed – where where you?? Occupy Earth – this is a priority…

Well, we went out there to the occupy SF raleigh, was a scene as usual, sisters, brothers out on the streets peacefully protesting against the treatment of the majority, us, by the selfish, greedy 1% that don’t care about anything other than themselves and their power and monetary gain. I was saddened that on today, on “Bill of Rights” Day – congress was able to pass the NDAA – indefinite detention without trial. You think Guantanamo was bad, this is Guantanamo on a worldwide stage, and President Obama looks like … Continued


Indefinite detention for U.S. citizens – We need to act now – this threatens us all.

This is of the up most important – Congress is trying to put though a bill that will allow government, and our military, to detain U.S. citizens INDEFINITELY WITHOUT TRAIL.  Please at the least spread this around – sign the petition, call congress and the senate. And if you can get to Occupy Oakland, please make banners & boards speaking out against this, demanding that we remain a democracy.  This new bill, if it goes through and isn’t veto’d, threatens us all, it’s so broad, any one of us … Continued


Decolonize Oakland: Creating a More Radical Movement

Decolonize Oakland: Creating a More Radical Movement       Oakland is the ancestral homeland of the Chochenyo Ohlone, an indigenous community that has no collective territory of their own and no recognized legal status or rights.   As detailed in The Memorandum of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples, which the General Assembly passed with 97% support on 28 October 2011, the Chochenyo Ohlone have survived a brutal colonial history and ongoing occupation, which makes them strong members, allies, leaders, and guides to the movement of the 99%.  In passing that memorandum … Continued


A Beginners Guide to ‘Occupy’ on Vimeo

I found this video, filmed at the Occupy Bristol encampment in the UK, to be very well done. It provides clarification of our common purpose and bond to both beginners and to original occupiers who may be getting tired and cold and sometimes disheartened. I hope for renewed strength to be sent your way through the focus of our collective energy! We APPRECIATE THE HECK OUTTA YOU!!!!! Peace -Indigo   4855


GA Minutes 10.27.11

General Assembly 10/27/11 Arrival Time: 7:00 pm Approximate Head Count: 1,000 INTRODUCTION We have cultivated a modified consensus making process. (Explains) Submit proposals to, or submit in person on paper.  Three or more people must endorse a proposal and be present during its presentation to the GA. This is how we run the GA (explains process, hand signals, vote count, etc). All are welcome to do autonomous actions with or without the approval of the GA.   PROPOSALS Kittens’ Action: We propose that people converge here at the plaza … Continued



If the organization doesn’t work with the City to identify and control thugs I fear it will be highjacked. 3741


General Assembly Minutes 10.24.11

Approximate head count:  200 Facilitator: [Requests for translation, smoking section, lawyer’s guild #] Tonight, we’re squeezed tighter together so we can be more engaged. Show respect for people speaking. Mess ups happen on stage because only a few facilitators are trying to facilitate. There are no proposals tonight, so no explanation of modified consensus needed. Is there anyone new here tonight? [between 5 and 10 people raise hand, people clap for them] Forum topic: How do we move forward in terms of protecting the camp, increasing numbers and creating a … Continued