For individual or group trauma support, mediations and anti-oppression advocacy, please contact Safer Spaces: Tel: (510) 502-9466 Healing can take place in the form of reconnecting with Mother Earth. It can be little steps like birdwatching, hiking, going to the beach or eating freshly picked berries. Ask your five senses what do I see, hear, taste, touch, smell? Have you tried gardening? Or are you already a gardener? What does your body, mind and soul experience when you dig that dirt, plant the seed, water, trim the weeds, ask … Continued
Safer Spaces Committee
Post-May Day Self-Care Tip#1
SAFER SPACES is available for Post-May Day phone and in-person individual or group trauma support. Please contact us @ (510) 502-9466 or email: Nourishing Mind/Body/Soul/Each Other! From: Mindful Occupation: Rising Up Without Burning Out Protest is physically, emotionally, spiritually, socially, and politically intense. Even moment to moment, it can shift from being exceptionally enriching and energizing to exasperating and exhausting. One of the most effective ways to deal with these desires and disruptions is to establish and sustain a collective, holistic space that nourishes people’s individual needs as … Continued
M1GS Street Action Panel and Skill-Share 4/29/12 (Sunday) Noon-2:30
With May Day approaching in less than two weeks, the Safer Spaces committee invites activists and allies together for a two and a half hour panel and skill share session on: *Basic tips for a sustainable street action *Emotional First Aid: trauma education, emotional self care tips for pre, during and post action *First Aid: simple street medic tips, physical self-care for pre, during and post action *Coping with activist burnout and keeping the movement connected When: 4/29/12 (Sunday) Time: Noon-2:30 (hope everyone is ok with a slight overlapping of … Continued
Healing Circle for Occupy Activists with Starhawk & Fellow Healers!
HELLO OCCUPY OAKLAND! Please join us this Sunday, February 5, 6:30-8:30pm for a Healing Circle for Occupy Activists with: Starhawk, and fellow healers Luisah Teish, Riyanna, George Franklin, Evelie Delfino Sales, and more. In recent weeks, activists with the Occupy movement have been hard-hit by police violence, arrest and imprisonment. Join us in a safe space to acknowledge, release and heal from the pain, fear, rage and trauma, so we can come back stronger. In sacred space, we can connect from the heart. Open to those of all spiritual persuasions—or … Continued
Trauma Support Group Tonight, 2/1/12
Safer Spaces will have a trauma support group today, February 1, 2012 for members of the community dealing with effects of police violence against the movement. The group is being offered as a direct response to requests from the community for trauma services. Our second Trauma Support Group is Today, Wednesday, 2/1/12 @ The Holdout, 2313 San Pablo Ave@23, Oakland Time: 7P-8:30P As we are able to secure spaces, we will announce future dates. (If you have a space, let us know!) We are also available to talk one-on-one, just … Continued
Post 1/28 Trauma Medics are Available!
HELLO OCCUPY OAKLAND… This is a communiqué from your sisters at Safer Spaces Committee! Because of the cop violence used against our Move-In Day action, Safer Spaces is making ourselves available to folks on our Safer Spaces Dispatch/Hotline for the next couple days for various types of support. Some normal things that happen to people after cop attacks: Feeling “on edge”, distant, angry, numb, unsafe, overwhelmed, depressed scared, anxious, etc. Some of us might not know that these feelings are connected police violence and some people might not want to admit that … Continued
Come Visit Safer Spaces @ Sunday Wellness Clinic!
Do you want to help organize with the Safer Spaces? Do you have a service you would like to provide? Do you want to find out when the next Trauma group is, or to just check in with someone about what is going on for you? Is there something that you and your group want that you would like us to set up? COME VISIT US ON SUNDAYS, AT THE NEW WEEKLY WELLNESS CLINIC @ OGP, 12-5pm! We’re there to talk, organize, brainstorm, answer questions, or whatever else we haven’t … Continued
Trauma Support: Week of 1/9/2012
This week, Safer Spaces will begin offering Trauma support groups for members of the community dealing with effects of police violence against the movement. These groups are being offered as a direct response to requests from the community for Trauma services, especially after the brutality this Saturday night. The 1st group will be this Wednesday, 1/11, 7:00-8:00pm @ The Holdout, 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland. As we are able to secure spaces, we will announce future dates. (If you have a space, let us know!) We are also available to … Continued
Safer Spaces Is Now Online!
Welcome to the new Decolonize/Occupy Oakland Committee page! We will be adding more content over the following week with details about what we do, how to get involved, and how to contact us for services. In the meantime, feel free to contact us at the address above. In Solidarity and Sustainability, Safer Spaces 12316