Greetings and Solidarity from Occupy Oakland! We present this call to you because we believe it is time the occupation movement begins to work together to carry through coordinated, pinpointed actions. We want to disrupt the profits of the 1% and to show solidarity with those in the 99% who are under direct attack by corporate tyranny. Occupations throughout the US have been evicted through nationally coordinated police raids. It is time for us to respond with our own coordinated actions. Our aim is to shutdown the West Coast ports: … Continued
General Strike – 11/2/11
Communique in Support of Port Workers in Northwest
COMMUNIQUE TO EGT (Export Grain Terminal) FROM OCCUPY OAKLAND CONCERNING OAKLAND PORT SHUTDOWN IN SOLIDARITY WITH LONGSHORE WORKERS IN LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON To: EGT CC:Alberto Weisser, Chairman and CEO, Bunge Ltd, CC:Eizo Kobayashi, Chairmen, Itochu Corporation CC:Kang Duk-soo, Chairmen, STX Pan Ocean As those of you with EGT (Export Grain Terminal) already know, on Wednesday, November 2nd, 100,000 residents, working families, children, students and Occupy Oakland participants marched and effectively shut down the Port of Oakland as part of our General Strike. Occupy Oakland passed a resolution to hold this historic … Continued
Oakland General Strike Videos, November 2, 2011
See below for videos of Rallies, Bank Actions, Port Shut Down and other activities during the historic General Strike in Oakland on November 2. 2011. 4032
Nov 1: General Strike Press Conference
OAKLAND, Calif. [November 1, 2011] Organizers of Oakland’s general strike have announced an 8:30 a.m. press conference tomorrow morning at the corner of Telegraph Avenue and Broadway in downtown Oakland. That intersection was the site of the 1946 Oakland general strike, the last general strike that happened in the United States. The morning press conference will clarify the day’s activities, including the march to shut down the Port of Oakland that afternoon. “Liberate Oakland, Shut Down the 1%” is the official name of the November 2 action. The day of … Continued
Oakland General Strike Videos, November 2, 2011
See General Strike Videos for more videos of Rallies, Bank Actions, Port Shut Down and other activities during the historic General Strike in Oakland on November 2. 2011. 4389
General Strike Shuts Port of Oakland and Downtown Banks
Huge, enthusiastic, crowds swarmed through downtown Oakland with half a dozen major marches on banks and corporations that shut down Wells Fargo, Chase, Citibank, Bank of America and many others. Police stayed clear of the strikers who ranged freely, from Broadway to Grand Avenue and around the Lake. By late afternoon the crowds had swelled to over 10,000. Waves of feeder marches continued to pour into the Oscar Grant Plaza, including 800 children, parents, and teachers who had gathered at the Oakland Main Library. The evening march to the Port … Continued
How YOU can Participate in the General Strike!
WAYS TO PARTICIPATE ON NOVEMBER 2 GENERAL STRIKE & DAY OF ACTION called for by Occupy Oakland Occupy Oakland is calling for no work and no school on November 2 as part of the general strike. We are asking that all workers go on strike, call in sick, take a vacation day or simply walk off the job with their co-workers. We are also asking that all students walk out of school and join workers and community members in downtown Oakland. All banks and large corporations must close down for … Continued
Important Updates on 4pm & 5pm March on Port
For timing issues in order to successfully blockade the port, we will be leaving 14th and Broadway to march together on the port at 4pm sharp, and again at 5pm sharp. There will also be a critical mass leaving at 14th and broadway at 4pm as well. Take over the Port by bike! Critical Mass Bike Ride call out, to ride to the Port at 4pm, from Oscar Grant Plaza (Frank Ogawa Plaza) and shut it down. Ride in solidarity with Occupy Oakland, and the General strike. 2768
Occupy Oakland General Strike Press Conference
On October 31st, a press conference was held in Latham Square, at the intersection of Telegraph & Broadway, the epicenter of the Oakland General Strike of 1946. CLICK HERE FOR EDITED VERSION FULL PRESS CONFERENCE: Your browser is not able to display this multimedia content. 2752
General Strike Endorsements
SEIU LOCAL 1021 Call to Action for Nov 2 U.C. UAW Local Support of General Strike Alameda Central Labor Council endorses Nov 2 – [2] Phillipine Airline Workers Back Oakland General Strike Call of Occupy Oakland Berkeley Federation of Teachers Calls On Teachers to participate in the Wednesday, November 2nd Day of Action Oakland Teachers Union OEA Executive Board endorsed Occupy Oakland’s November 2 “General Strike/Mass Day of Action” Carpenters Local 713 endorses General Strike Week 1 Endorsements 2714