USW workers are on strike at nine refineries, including Tesoro near Martinez. Their contract has expired. Issues include safe staffing levels and stop work authorization to respond to dangerous conditions. You can support them by joining the picket line at Tesoro, 150 Solano, Pacheco (near Highways 680 and 4). It’s a great chance for community members to stand with workers fighting for our health and safety! The picket line is up 24/7, so you are welcome at any time! The Tesoro plant has been shut down cooperatively by management and workers … Continued
Author Archives: facilitation-committee
Proposal to lower quorum
Whereas the General Assembly of Occupy Oakland has continued to meet every week, Whereas the last resolution regarding quorum set quorum at 70 attendees, Whereas the General Assembly is generally attended by less than 20 people, Whereas the current quorum makes it impossible for Occupy Oakland to pass official resolutions endorsing new committees or actions, It is resolved to set quorum at 25 attendees until such time as typical attendance increases and this number can be re-evaluated. 53332
Resolution in support of transit workers strikes
Passed at the Second Anniversary of Occupy Oakland, October 10, 2013 Whereas, we support BART and AC transit workers and the demand for no concessions. Any compromises made demoralize and disempower the working class. For example, when there was a mass occupation of the Wisconsin State Capitol by workers opposing Scott Walker’s union-busting bill, many were calling for a General Strike. After the South Central Federation of Labor endorsed a General Strike to counter the bill, the Democratic party and AFL-CIO bureaucrats quickly dismantled the mass mobilization with an … Continued
Occupy Oakland Forum on Police Actions – Grand Lake Theater – Thursday, February 9, 2012 – 6:15 PM
On Thursday, February 9, 2012 at 6:15 PM, Occupy Oakland will be holding a Forum on Police Actions at the Grand Lake Theater. Although the Citizen’s Police Review Board Forum on the police response to Occupy Oakland, previously scheduled for Feb 9th, has been indefinitely postponed, the show WILL go on. Occupy Oakland is willing to pick up where the City of Oakland leaves off! Many thanks to the Grand Lake Theater for hosting this event. See you there! 18926
Awesome GA with POC Facilitation Team on Sunday, Feb 5
Sunday GA’s were moved to 19th and Telegraph to allow the participation of those with stay-away orders from OGP. On Sunday, Feb 5, one of those individuals had an opportunity to attend a GA for the first time since his stay away order went into effect weeks ago. He put that opportunity to good use by co-failitating Sunday’s GA as part of the POC facilitation team. Go Chris! 18799
[Passed at 1.29.2012 GA] Anti-Repression Cmte proposal for Feb 6 Action against police repression
Anti-Repression Cmte proposal for Feb 6 Action against police repression Occupy Oakland has faced heavy police repression since its inception. From the first police raid on October 25th, when the camp was violently destroyed and people were brutally tear gassed and shot with rubber bullets to the recent arbitrary arrests in the past several weeks the Oakland Police Department and city government have made it clear that they will continue to target and repress those in occupy Oakland . Often those arrested have their charges dropped after spending several days … Continued
Proposal to hold a General Strike on May 1st
Proposal to hold a General Strike on May 1st Proposal for O.O. to endorse a General Strike on May 1st, International Workers Day, to fight for greater economic equality, immigrants rights, healthcare and education for all, and an end to the repression of the occupy movement. The general strike is back, retooled for an era of austerity. Last November 2, Occupy Oakland called for and carried out the first general strike in the US since the Oakland general strike of 1946, shutting down the center of the city and blockading … Continued
Proposal from Finance Committee For Regularizing the Unincorporated Association finance structure and roles
Proposal from Finance Committee For Regularizing the Unincorporated Association finance structure and roles: 1. Remove Tim from the precedency, and abolish the office of president. 2. Appoint a UA Bank Account Signer, to be approved by the finance committee, after a background check. Bank Account signer may only act upon authorization of the UA, and cannot facilitate finance committee meetings. 3. Appoint a Tax Papers Responsibility Person to conduct an Immediate Edge review, approved by finance committee after a background check. 4. Appoint a UA Statement Signer, approved by finance … Continued
Proposal – Occupy WallStreet Not Palestine
Proposal – Occupy WallStreet Not Palestine Occupied Palestine, October 13 -The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the largest Palestinian civil society coalition struggling for Palestinian rights, is proud to stand in solidarity with the movements struggling for a new world based on democracy, human rights and economic justice. From New York to Athens, from Madrid to Santiago, from Bahrain to Rome, these huge mobilisations provide a much needed reminder of something that Palestinians have always known – that another world, a dignifying one, is possible and ordinary … Continued
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 General Assembly
The Occupy Oakland General Assembly Facilitation Committee has unfortunately decided that they will not be facilitating a GA this evening, or addressing proposals currently in the queue. No member of the Committee has stepped forward to hold any facilitation team position for tonight’s GA. We have received specific and credible threats against members of OO committees, as well as general threats against OO members at the GA tonight. These threats come from within our community from a member of OO. With the ongoing threats of violence, not just recently, but … Continued