Emergency Proposal: Occupy Oakland General Assembly Holiday Calendar Proposed Holiday Calendar – The last regular scheduled GA will be on Sunday, December 18th. – Monday, December 19th at 6PM. – Wednesday, December 21st at 6PM. – Monday, December 26th at 6PM. – Wednesday, December 28th at 6PM. – Monday, January 2nd at 6PM. – Wednesday, January 4th at 6PM. Regular General Assembly Schedule will begin on Sunday December 8th at 2PM. Proposers: Ra, Ali, and Ayr. 12939
GA Statements
This EMERGENCY PROPOSAL was Passed on December 2, 2011 GA Agenda: Endorsement and Active Support of the December 3 Global Day of Action for Climate Justice
Facilitation Committee Note: This is the final text of the resolution that was passed on December 2, 2011. Occupy Oakland Solidarity Statement with the 1000 Durbans Day of Action for Climate Justice In response to the 1% profiting from pollution: Occupy Oakland stands in solidarity with the December 3rd Global Day of Action for climate justice called by La Via Campesina, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance and the Civil Society Organizing Committee in South Africa. This day of action is happening under the banner “Stop the 1% from profiting from … Continued
Call for a coordinated West Coast Port Blockade on 12/12
Greetings and Solidarity from Occupy Oakland! We present this call to you because we believe it is time the occupation movement begins to work together to carry through coordinated, pinpointed actions. We want to disrupt the profits of the 1% and to show solidarity with those in the 99% who are under direct attack by corporate tyranny. Occupations throughout the US have been evicted through nationally coordinated police raids. It is time for us to respond with our own coordinated actions. Our aim is to shutdown the West Coast ports: … Continued
Occupy Oakland Calls for TOTAL WEST COAST PORT SHUTDOWN ON 12/12
Proposal for a Coordinated West Coast Port Shutdown, Passed With Unanimous Consensus by vote of the Occupy Oakland General Assembly 11/18/2012: In response to coordinated attacks on the occupations and attacks on workers across the nation: Occupy Oakland calls for the blockade and disruption of the economic apparatus of the 1% with a coordinated shutdown of ports on the entire West Coast on December 12th. The 1% has disrupted the lives of longshoremen and port truckers and the workers who create their wealth, just as coordinated nationwide police attacks have … Continued
General Assembly
Our General Assembly is a participatory gathering of Oakland community members and beyond. Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly uses a participatory decision-making process appropriately called, “Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision Making Process.” Our Assembly and the process we have collectively cultivated strives to reach agreement while building a mutually respectful community. Proposals are brought to the Facilitation Committee, either in person at their regular meetings or through email to facilitation@occupyoakland.org, and then are brought to Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly. A proposal becomes a resolution only when it is approved through the mechanics … Continued
What is Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision-Making Process?
Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision-Making Process is the manner in which our General Assembly makes a decision pertaining to a specific proposal. A decision is reached through the mechanics of Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision Making Process. The following outlines the said mechanics: Step 1: Proposal is Presented Proposal is presented to the General Assembly by following the mechanics of submitting a proposal to the General Assembly. Framing and Actual Proposal Step 2: Clarifying Questions Members of the community present clarifying questions to that proposal in front of the assembly (i.e. who, … Continued
Hand Gestures
The following gestures have been agreed on in order to express an opinion, to complete a decision on a proposal and to allow the entire community to co-facilitate our General Assembly: 1. Applause/Agreement: Place both hands in front of yourself, with palms facing out and open, then flutter fingers. 2. Disagreement: Hands in front of self, open hands and face tips of fingers to the ground, while shake hands from side to side. 3. “That has already been said”/”Get to the point”/”Time is up:” Place your arms in … Continued
Occupy Oakland to Re-Occupy at 19th & Telegraph During Nov 19 Day of Action:
called for by Occupy Oakland General Assembly 11.17.11 During the Mass Day of Action on Saturday November 19, Occupy Oakland will set up a new occupation to continue the growth of our movement in the park and empty lot on 19th & Telegraph adjacent to the Fox Theater in the rapidly gentrifying Uptown neighborhood and entertainment district. The mass march planned for the day will end at this park and Occupy Oakland will begin setting up a new camp. All Occupy Oakland committees (food, security, medics, media, entertainment etc) should … Continued
National Day of Action against State Repression of the Occupy Movement
Called for by Occupy Oakland General Assembly 11.17.11 The last week has seen a coordinated attack against numerous major occupations in the US– Portland, Phoenix, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Denver, Oakland, San Francisco, New York and other cities across the country. Several news reports have indicated that these simultaneous attacks were directed by the Department of Homeland Security, in consultation with local mayors and police departments. It should be clear to us that this is happening not because we are weak, but because we have become a real threat to … Continued
Communique in Support of Port Workers in Northwest
COMMUNIQUE TO EGT (Export Grain Terminal) FROM OCCUPY OAKLAND CONCERNING OAKLAND PORT SHUTDOWN IN SOLIDARITY WITH LONGSHORE WORKERS IN LONGVIEW, WASHINGTON To: EGT CC:Alberto Weisser, Chairman and CEO, Bunge Ltd, CC:Eizo Kobayashi, Chairmen, Itochu Corporation CC:Kang Duk-soo, Chairmen, STX Pan Ocean As those of you with EGT (Export Grain Terminal) already know, on Wednesday, November 2nd, 100,000 residents, working families, children, students and Occupy Oakland participants marched and effectively shut down the Port of Oakland as part of our General Strike. Occupy Oakland passed a resolution to hold this historic … Continued