By Cami Graves January 7, 2012 Tonight the Occupy Oakland Tactical Action Committee called for a rally and march to protest police repression of Occupy Oakland. Protestors met at Oscar Grant Plaza at 7pm. Some wore black–a tactic called “black bloc” to help keep cops from distinguishing demonstrators and picking them out of the crowd–while others brought bubbles to make their nonviolent intentions clear. At 9pm, the marchers headed to the Oakland PD headquarters at 7th and Broadway where they were met by a line of officers with batons and … Continued
Occupy Oakland Journal 2011
Voices from the Occupation: GA Can Also Stand for Getting off your Ass
by Jaime Omar Yassin (Omar is a member of the Occupy Oakland Media Committee and also blogs at I made a joke earlier about Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly being a clever device designed to make occupiers so frustrated with bullshit that they would actually go out and do things themselves. That’s an exaggeration, of course. The GA has been responsible for some unequivocally fantastic things: the November 2nd General Strike; the November 19th Rally and March that led to the new, brief, but important occupation at 19th and Telegraph; … Continued
Welcome to the New Blog!
by Cami G. Hi all! As our movement matures, some of us on The Media Sub-Committee have realized that there’s a necessity to keep you all up-to-date and interested and provide a consistent alternative media source direct from those involved in the movement and that is the purpose of this blog. We’d like to post relevant news and articles and feature some of the great work our local activists are doing every day. But, we also want to invite input from all of you! We welcome your personal stories, interviews, … Continued
News of the Occupation: Occupiers Past and Present – Oakland Union of the Homeless
by Kevin Seal (Kevin is a member of the Occupy Oakland Media Committee as well as a freelance journalist) Several new proposals for action are underway in Occupy Oakland. As these initiatives take root, occupiers are careful to note that this movement happens in the context of a lengthy history of protest in Oakland. From the Black Panthers to the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights to Color of Change, there is a rich legacy of civil disobedience in Alameda County, and Occupy Oakland is helping bring these varied and … Continued
Voices of the Occupation: Why I got arrested at Oscar Grant Plaza
by Cami G (personal reflections of a member of the OO Media Committee) On February 1, 1960, four students from the all-black Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina—Joseph McNeil, Franklin McCain, Ezell Blair, Jr., and David Richmond—strolled into the Woolworth store in downtown Greensboro, North Carolina, sat down at the lunch counter, and ordered coffee. Because of the counter’s “whites only” policy, they were refused. Several employees and a manager asked them to leave, but they remained until the store closed, when they peacefully dispersed. The next day, the … Continued