Whereas the General Assembly of Occupy Oakland has continued to meet every week, Whereas the last resolution regarding quorum set quorum at 70 attendees, Whereas the General Assembly is generally attended by less than 20 people, Whereas the current quorum makes it impossible for Occupy Oakland to pass official resolutions endorsing new committees or actions, It is resolved to set quorum at 25 attendees until such time as typical attendance increases and this number can be re-evaluated. 53332
Facilitation Committee
Facilitation Needs Help! -Meeting: Sunday Aug 5th at 1:30pm @ 19th & Telegraph
FACILITATION NEEDS HELP!! There will be a facilitation meeting Sunday Aug 05th at 1:30pm at 19th and Telegraph. All are welcome!~ We’re looking for help! 37401
Proposal Queue for July 15 GA
1. Emergency Proposal for new Quorum requirements 2. Proposal To Endorse Occupy Oakland Media Committee Purpose Statement 3. Proposal for a Occupy Oakland, Liberate Everything Conference at Laney College in Oakland 4. Proposal to Endorse Occupy Anti-War Working Group resolution to END to the militarization and violence of the police, FBI, homeland security, and any other ‘security’ force (Held at Proposers request for later GA) 5. Proposal to denounce the physical attack on the Revolution Books table at OGP On May Day (held pending response … Continued
1st of July General Assembly – 2 pm – 19th and Telegraph
The 1st General Assembly of Occupy Oakland in the month of July is this Sunday, and there are a number of interesting proposals that are being put forth, such as: 1. The proposal to endorse and help organize the Occupy Oakland Liberate Everything Conference this summer, geared towards providing a more radical tone and communicating the unique perspective of Occupy Oakland to others and the world, 2. A proposal to jointly plan an Occupy Oakland July 4th action of some sort or another 3. A proposal to deal with the … Continued
Proposal Queue for GA Sunday 5/20
1) Proposal To Endorse Occupy Oakland Media Committee Purpose Statement 2) Proposal for Occupy Oakland to Ratify the proposal created by the National Gathering Working Group 3) Proposal to Endorse Occupy Anti-War Working Group resolution to END to the militarization and violence of the police, FBI, homeland security, and any other ‘security’ force 4) Proposal to denounce the physical attack on the Revolution Books table at OGP On May Day 5) Proposal for a march against stay away orders and state repression toward Occupy Oakland 1) Proposal To Endorse Occupy … Continued
Facilitation Committee needs help!
The Facilitation Committee needs help! We can’t keep up with necessary behind-the-scene logistics, much of it on the website, unless we get new committee members. The GA is a crucial community activity. Please help it to run smoothly by volunteering with the Facilitation Committee. You can contact us at occupyoaklandfacilitation@gmail.com. Tasks we need help with, which should be shared by several people, include: –responding to emails –updating the proposal queue when we get proposals by email –attending meetings on Wednesday at noon and Saturday at 4 to receive additional proposals … Continued
GA Clearinghouse – Wednesday 4/25, 6pm
** In case of serious rain the clearing house will be across the street from Oscar Grant Plaza indoors at : Unite Here- Hotel Employees and Restaurant Suite 208, 1440 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 It might get a little tight, but it will be dry. See you there. ** Many Occupy Oakland committees as well as many other groups in the Bay are in the midst of organizing actions and events for this spring and summer that we are all excited about. We have been looking forward to sharing information … Continued
Reimagine the GA Working Group – The Holdout, Oakland – Friday, March 16, 2012 – 6:00 to 7:30 PM
The Occupy Oakland Facilitation Committee is forming a working group and planning a convening to “Reimagine the General Assembly.” This will be open to any member of Occupy Oakland or the Oakland community. The General Assembly has been a vital part of our movement even before the camps were established. We’ve created a rich, diverse, and fluid process for radical participatory democracy and consensus-building. As Occupy Oakland has evolved from the days of the camps to an ever-expanding movement of working groups and direct action, it feels useful to ask … Continued
Awesome GA with POC Facilitation Team on Sunday, Feb 5
Sunday GA’s were moved to 19th and Telegraph to allow the participation of those with stay-away orders from OGP. On Sunday, Feb 5, one of those individuals had an opportunity to attend a GA for the first time since his stay away order went into effect weeks ago. He put that opportunity to good use by co-failitating Sunday’s GA as part of the POC facilitation team. Go Chris! 18799
Wednesday, January 25, 2012 General Assembly
The Occupy Oakland General Assembly Facilitation Committee has unfortunately decided that they will not be facilitating a GA this evening, or addressing proposals currently in the queue. No member of the Committee has stepped forward to hold any facilitation team position for tonight’s GA. We have received specific and credible threats against members of OO committees, as well as general threats against OO members at the GA tonight. These threats come from within our community from a member of OO. With the ongoing threats of violence, not just recently, but … Continued