Wednesday, January 25, 2012 General Assembly

Categories: Facilitation Committee, Open Mic

The Occupy Oakland General Assembly Facilitation Committee has unfortunately decided that they will not be facilitating a GA this evening, or addressing proposals currently in the queue. No member of the Committee has stepped forward to hold any facilitation team position for tonight’s GA.

We have received specific and credible threats against members of OO committees, as well as general threats against OO members at the GA tonight. These threats come from within our community from a member of OO. With the ongoing threats of violence, not just recently, but in the past, we not only feel unsafe as members of the facilitation team, but feel you are unsafe, and that the issue merely being brushed aside has gone on long enough. Such threats violate the spirit of the GA itself, as they eliminate our ability to conduct the democratic forms of decision-making that we practice. 

We apologize for making this decision without the greater community, but due to the timeliness of it, we were unable to have this discussion without having people excluded. We hope you understand this decision, and support us in this statement against this kind of behavior.

We as a committee will be planning to hold a forum soon — date and time to be determined — as we feel that, aside from this statement, we can also tackle the issue head on. Please come to this important forum to have your voice heard.

If you have further questions, please email:


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