Important Updates on 4pm & 5pm March on Port

Categories: General Strike - 11/2/11

For timing issues in order to successfully blockade the port, we will be leaving 14th and Broadway to march together on the port at 4pm sharp, and again at 5pm sharp.
There will also be a critical mass leaving at 14th and broadway at 4pm as well.

Take over the Port by bike! Critical Mass Bike Ride call out, to ride to the Port at 4pm, from Oscar Grant Plaza (Frank Ogawa Plaza) and shut it down. Ride in solidarity with Occupy Oakland, and the General strike.


6 Responses to “Important Updates on 4pm & 5pm March on Port”

  1. Mab Widdershins

    Forwarded Message from the Disability Action Brigade:

    We’re going to the port to scout out a place for us to gather and for the shuttle vans to meet us. Which gate(s) will be blockaded??? It’s a huge area, and we need to plan carefully ahead as we don’t move around too well sometimes. Please let me know what you know asap. I need to inform our group.

    Thanks so much!

    Marg Hall

  2. De Linquent

    I appreciate your response. I am surprised that more of the occupy movement participants did not reply and seem to pass right over the post of one of their own “99%”.

    Well, you have to understand, there’s a big event happening tomorrow. Preparations are keeping everyone pretty busy!

    I am aware that this is a one day strike; however the container with my product in it has been sitting at the port since last week. My deadline is to have it in hands no later than tomorrow for shipping to my trade show. That is not going to happen.

    Why did you wait until the last possible minute to pick up your cargo?

    Also, I have heard several interviews with the participants at various locations and I am more frustrated that it seems many of them don’t know what they are even protesting. I appreciate standing up for your beliefs, but know what you are standing up for.

    Strange. I haven’t encountered a single person within this movement who didn’t know why they were participating. May I ask who you were speaking to about this?

    I wish there was a little more knowledge and organization. Make sure that any of the small businesses that may be affected by the movement be made aware so they can decide how to avoid issues.

    A decentralized movement like this does take some getting used to, I agree! But I would disagree with your assessment of the movement as disorganized. Rather, it’s structured in a way to encourage personal responsibility and action, and not just the typical obedience hierarchy.

    But you do raise a good point about communication. For future events, how would you suggest communicating with the hundreds (thousands?) of businesses in Oakland? Unfortunately, there isn’t a single central location where this information could be posted where everyone would see it, so if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them.

    Thanks for having this discussion with me! Your input is really appreciated.

  3. dpf226

    I appreciate your response. I am surprised that more of the occupy movement participants did not reply and seem to pass right over the post of one of their own “99%”.

    I am aware that this is a one day strike; however the container with my product in it has been sitting at the port since last week. My deadline is to have it in hands no later than tomorrow for shipping to my trade show. That is not going to happen.

    If this was a matter of affecting only one day, I could be understanding to your cause, but the actions of the last week or two have caused me to loose my biggest sale of the year.

    Also, I have heard several interviews with the participants at various locations and I am more frustrated that it seems many of them don’t know what they are even protesting. I appreciate standing up for your beliefs, but know what you are standing up for.

    I wish there was a little more knowledge and organization. Make sure that any of the small businesses that may be affected by the movement be made aware so they can decide how to avoid issues.

    Again, I thank you fro your post.

  4. Urbaned

    Mr. De Linquent, you need to put your “Critical Thinking” hat back on. You make no sense whatsoever. Sorry, dpf that you will lose a day’s business for someone else’s idiocy.

  5. De Linquent

    I’m sympathetic to the concerns you raise here. It is hard right now for small businesses, but the reasons that your business struggles are the reasons this strike is being held.

    Additionally, I’m not sure from your comment if you’re aware of this or not, but this isn’t a month-long strike. We are only going to hold the Port for a single day. Will the loss of a single day’s product really stop your business from ever being able to grow, and you from being able to hire new help in the future?

    I don’t mean to belittle your concerns, and I hope that my comment doesn’t come off this way. There are many of us living paycheck to paycheck, employers and employees alike, and for many of us, the loss of this day’s income will be felt harshly. But when faced with the potential gain a city-wide general strike could provide for us all? I’ll tighten my belt for a day, and I hope that you can come around to supporting this action as well.

  6. dpf226

    Up until now I have kept my mouth shut on all this Occupy stuff. Several of my family and friends have served our country and fought for the rights of Americans, therefore I support any educated group to protest their beliefs.

    HOWEVER! Now this movement is affecting my lively hood! I am a small business owner…NOT part of their so called 1%. I do pay business and personal income taxes quarterly and annually. I get up every day and work to pay my bills and don’t rely on the government to take care of me. I would like to grow my company to employ those looking for a job. I cannot do that if I cannot fulfill my clients requests.

    Now because the longshoreman in Oakland are planning to strike to support this movement, I am being held back from doing my job. I have retail coming into this port and now I cannot meet the deadline for my client. This means I make no money, my company doesn’t grow and I cannot hire.

    I am sure it is not their intention to hurt small businesses, but they need to consider the consequences of their actions. They say they are targeting big business and financial institutions and I am neither of those, so why am I being affected??