Author Archives: desiree

Plaza Events 12.17.2011

7:00 am Yoga Liberation Yoga 12:00 pm Meditation Group 12:00 pm Occupy the Red Wood Hike …reconnect with nature, rejuvenate the spirit… Meet at Oscar Grant Plaza Saturday, Dec. 17th @ 12.00 pm Convene at Plaza & Carpool to the Redwoods! 12:00 pm Nurse In to Protest the Over Watering of Our Beloved Oak Tree The majestic symbol of our city is in danger! In the city’s attempt to prevent the possibility of the return of the OCCUPY OAKLAND encampment – they have been over watering the lawn in front … Continued


Want to make Occupy Oakland work better? Start with yourself!

I don’t rant much, or at least I don’t feel like I do, but I gotta tell you I’m a little pissed off. Occupy is NOT a hierarchical, nonprofit with full time workers, access to grants or funding. None of us get paid to be there. Not the kids at the vigil, not the people on the boat, not the P.O.C., the facilitation team, the media team, the web team, finance, or the admins and users on facebook, the website and other forums, NONE OF US GET PAID TO DO THIS!!! … Continued


Evidence of Police Brutality

If you have pictures, videos, or personal accounts of police brutality please upload them here: Is this freedom? 9410


Response to the tactics of the City of Oakland and the OPD

A statement by the Occupy Oakland Media Commitee: In recent weeks, as mainstream media has focused its attention on Occupy Oakland, our city’s tragic struggles have been on public display: Oakland’s high violent crime rate, systematized racism, ongoing police brutality, and dire economic poverty are impossible to ignore. Yesterday, the Occupy Oakland encampment received a “Notice of violations and demand to cease violations” from the City. The mayor and city council are using Oakland’s deep-seated socio-economic troubles to justify ousting demonstrators from Oscar Grant Plaza. The people of Oakland understand … Continued


Status of $20,000 Donated by OWS Press Release

OAKLAND, Calif. [November 8, 2011] Since the October 26 announcement of a donation following the police raid on Occupy Oakland, some have wondered how these funds are being handled.  At Monday night’s General Assembly, Occupy Oakland voted on the next steps needed to make use of the $20,000 which Occupy Wall Street donated to the Oakland encampment.  Resulting from that consensus vote, Occupy Oakland is in the process of opening an unincorporated association in its name in the state of California. The money is temporarily being placed into the Wells … Continued


Nov 1: General Strike Press Conference

OAKLAND, Calif. [November 1, 2011] Organizers of Oakland’s general strike have announced an 8:30 a.m. press conference tomorrow morning at the corner of Telegraph Avenue and Broadway in downtown Oakland.  That intersection was the site of the 1946 Oakland general strike, the last general strike that happened in the United States. The morning press conference will clarify the day’s activities, including the march to shut down the Port of Oakland that afternoon.  “Liberate Oakland, Shut Down the 1%” is the official name of the November 2 action. The day of … Continued


Oct 25th Press Release Occupy Oakland Raid

OAKLAND, Calif.  [October 25, 2011] Occupy Oakland is having a rally and meeting at 4:00 p.m. today on the steps of the Oakland Library on 14th & Madison.  Supporters will meet to determine the next steps for the movement, after this morning’s brutal police raid.  Reports from the county courthouse are that bail for the protesters is set at $10,000.00 each, and that all of the over 80 arrested protesters will be held until an arraignment on Thursday, October 27. The kitchen at Broadway & 14th had been feeding the … Continued


Oct. 27th Press Release (General Strike Proposal Passes)

OAKLAND, Calif. [October 27, 2011] Over 1,600 Occupy Oakland voters chose by consensus to push for a General Strike, set to happen on Wednesday, November 2.  With 1,484 votes in favor of strike, 46 votes against, 77 votes to abstain, the 96% majority vote carried the measure. The vote came after announcements of solidarity from Occupy Wall Street, Occupy San Francisco and the Egyptian revolution.  The Occupy Wall Street protesters in lower Manhattan’s Zuccotti Park announced hours earlier that they would donate $20,000 to Occupy Oakland, to assist in the … Continued


Oct 26 Press Release (Scott Olsen Vigil)

10/26/11–3pm–OaklandCity Hall–Vigil for Scott Olsen, US Marine Veteran Today,10/26/11at 3pm at Oakland City Hall, a vigil will be held in support of Scott Olsen, a Marine veteran who was hit by a police projectile in downtown Oakland at the Occupy Oakland demonstration on the evening of October 25, 2011. Olsen completed two tours in Iraq and is a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War. At this time, Olsen is in stable yet serious condition at an Oakland hospital. At the hospital, he is accompanied by friends and other Iraq … Continued


Oct 15th Press Release

OAKLAND, Calif. [October 15, 2011] Participation and support continue to grow for Occupy Oakland.  Today at 2:30 p.m., Danny Glover will lead a Jobs Not Cuts march from Laney College to the Oakland encampment, and he will be joined by the mayors of Oakland, Berkeley and Richmond.  Glover’s high-profile involvement is expected to draw new and larger crowds to Occupy Oakland, and all are invited to take part in the group’s general assembly, scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Over 500 people attended Occupy Oakland yesterday — its fourth successful day. Occupy … Continued