Oct 25th Press Release Occupy Oakland Raid

Categories: Press Releases 2011

OAKLAND, Calif.  [October 25, 2011]

Occupy Oakland is having a rally and meeting at 4:00 p.m. today on the steps of the Oakland Library on 14th & Madison.  Supporters will meet to determine the next steps for the movement, after this morning’s brutal police raid.  Reports from the county courthouse are that bail for the protesters is set at $10,000.00 each, and that all of the over 80 arrested protesters will be held until an arraignment on Thursday, October 27.

The kitchen at Broadway & 14th had been feeding the 450 individuals who were sleeping there and at Snow Park.  Yesterday afternoon, the fire marshal broke down the kitchen and took the propane and all cooking supplies.  As the Oakland Police Department was aware that the kitchen had been dismantled, occupiers were surprised to hear Mayor Quan’s office citing “fire safety concerns” as a justification for the violent early-morning.

This morning at 5am over 500 police in riot gear from cities all over central California brutally attacked the Occupy Oakland encampment at 14th & Broadway. The police attacked the peaceful protest with flash grenades, tear gas, sound cannons, and rubber bullets after moving in with armored vehicles. Apparently the media was not allowed in to document this repression, and the police established barricades as far apart as 11th and 17th. Over 70 people were arrested and the camp gear was destroyed and/or stolen by the riot police.

The Oakland Police Department has stated that there were no children on site at the time of the raid, but the 4:45-5:15 section of this citizen-journalist video includes the clearly audible cry of a young child:

Occupy Oakland is not finished, it has only begun.  Our numbers will be larger than ever.

About Occupy Oakland:
Occupy Oakland is an emerging social movement without leaders or spokespeople. It is one of 1,570 occupations currently occurring around the world in solidarity with Occupy Wall St. For more information about the other occupations, see: http://www.occupytogether.org/


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