Author Archives: isis

Protest FCC Chair Tom Wheeler, Thurs. Jan. 9th, in Oakland and Mountain View

Protest FCC Chair Wheeler Thurs. Jan. 9th, in Oakland and Mountain View     WIRELESS MICROWAVE RADIATION KILLS Thomas E. Wheeler, recently appointed by President Obama as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will be speaking in Mountain View and Oakland, CA on Thursday, January 9.  Join planned protests and speak out against increasing wireless health damage. Fox in Charge of the Hen House: From 1992- 2004, Wheeler headed the wireless industry lobbying group, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).  During his stint at the CTIA, his own scientists … Continued


November 10: The Bay Area Battle in Transport: Workers Face Employer Onslaught – No More Defeats Like Wisconsin! Business Unionism vs. Class Struggle Unionism

***PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE BELOW!   The Bay Area Battle in Transport: Workers Face Employer Onslaught   No More Defeats Like Wisconsin! Business Unionism vs. Class Struggle Unionism    Meeting: November 10 (Sunday) 2:00 PM At: Black Repertory Theater 3201 Adeline Street, Berkeley     Although BART workers marched through downtown Oakland in August and October chanting “Strike, strike, strike!”, union officials shackled them with a concessionary contract. Why did BART workers settle for a concessionary contract after fighting for four months — striking twice, staging militant mass rallies … Continued


Sunday: East Bay Hills deforestation discussion with David Theodoropoulos: Invasion Biology vs Integration Biology

INVASION BIOLOGY OR INTEGRATION BIOLOGY? Who is behind the deforestation and pesticiding of the East Bay Hills, from Richmond to Hayward? **Slideshow with narration, followed by discussion** DAVID THEODOROPOULOS Conservation Biologist and Author: Invasion Biology: Critique of a Pseudoscience + Update from Save Mt. Sutro Forest SUNDAY, JULY 14, 2013, 6:30PM (doors open 6PM) Historic Hall, Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists 1924 Cedar, Berkeley, California (one block east of MLK, Jr. Way) Hear about Invasion Biology from a different perspective of non-native species, based on Evolutionary Biology, and find out … Continued


Wednesday, June 12: Forum about East Bay Hills Tree Removal Plans

  FORUM: FIRE RISK REDUCTION AND TREE REMOVAL PLANS FOR THE EAST BAY HILLS’ PUBLIC LANDS   Dan Grassetti, Hills Conservation Network Peter Gray Scott, Hills Conservation Network    The University of California, East Bay Regional Park District, and the City of Oakland want to remove more than 80,000 trees in the East Bay Hills. These public-sector entities also plan to deploy a 10-year program of herbicides. This attempt to reduce fire risk is to be funded by $5.9 million from FEMA. Come to a discussion of different visions for our … Continued


Manufacturing Guilt – New Documentary about Mumia Abu-Jamal – Two Bay Area Screenings

New Documentary Film Focuses on Mumia’s Innocence:   Manufacturing Guilt How Philadelphia’s Police and DA actively manufactured Mumia’s guilt, and suppressed his innocence   A short film by Stephen Vittoria, writer/director of “Mumia – Long Distance Revolutionary,”   with Rachel Wolkenstein, lawyer for Mumia, legal consultant on this film   TWO SHOWINGS IN THE BAY AREA!   with speakers: Rachel Wolkenstein, lawyer for Mumia, and a Member of Mumia’s Family   Speaking on: INNOCENT: the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal   Oakland: 7 PM, Friday 05 July East Side Arts Alliance,  … Continued


OCCUPY PSYCHIATRY: Protest the APA in San Francisco, Sunday May 19, 2013

Protest at the American Psychiatric Association’s Annual Conference Sunday, May 19, 2013 11:30am-5:30pm Moscone Center, 747 Howard Street, San Francisco Matthew Morrissey   (415) 722-6317 Jim Gottstein   (907) 274-7686 American Psychiatric Association Protest May 19, 2013 — San Francisco FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 13, 2013 On May 19th, MindFreedom International, the Law Project for Psychiatric Rights (PsychRights®), and the California Client Action Workgroup, organized under the Occupy Psychiatry banner, will protest of the American Psychiatric Association’s 2013 Annual Conference at the Moscone Center, 747 Howard … Continued


Oakland Coliseum Sunday: Protest Ban of Mumia Film at Shaq O’Neal’s Theater in Newark, NJ

Protest Banning of Mumia film in Newark New Jersey!   We demand that Shaquille O’Neal Come Clean on his role in this ban!   FREE MUMIA NOW!   Come out to the Warriors Playoff Game, Oakland Arena,   11:30 am, Sunday the 12th of May!   The Labor Action Committee To Free Mumia Abu-Jamal asks you to support Oakland Teachers for Mumia in this call.   Join us at the east entrance ticket window,  or on the foot bridge to the Arena from BART.   This is not a picket … Continued


James Connolly – Songs of Freedom Friday, May 10 at 7:30PM 518 Valencia (16th and Valencia in San Francisco) Mat Callahan will report on the progress of the project to republish Songs of Freedom, a songbook edited by Irish revolutionary James Connolly and published in 1907 in New York. A year ago, Mat first announced plans to record a selection of the songs for a CD and to reproduce the original Songs of Freedom along with two other long forgotten song books containing Connolly’s stirring lyrics. Now, the project is … Continued


Monday May 6: Protest at PG&E Shareholders Meeting

So Many Reasons to Protest PG&E: San Bruno, Smart Meters, Diablo Canyon, EMF hazards, acoustic seismic testing, Hinkley & Kettleman Hills, fracking Monday, May 6, 2013 – 9am-1pm Outside PG&E shareholders meeting PG&E, 77 Beale St., San Francisco (Beale & Market Streets) Information:   San Bruno gas pipeline explosions, resulting in deaths, injury, and destruction of homes. – PG&E lied about pipeline inspections – whistleblowers harassed – NTSB report   Smart Meters, with serious problems including health impacts, electrical fire and explosion dangers, interference with electronics, privacy invasion … Continued


KPFA’s Broadcasters of Color and Unpaid Staff Townhall Meeting – Thursday 4/11/13 6pm Laney College

KPFA’s Broadcasters of Color and Unpaid Staff Town Hall Meeting Thursday April 11 6:00 PM Laney College 900 Fallon Street, Oakland Student Center Room 401 (4th floor)   Contact: Block Report Radio blockreportradio [at]   We will talk about: 1. The arbitrary suspension of Black broadcaster JR Valrey from the Morning Mix, without due process; as well as the consistent racist treatment of broadcasters and staff of color in the recent past including Nadra Foster, Carrie Core, Miguel Gavilan Molina, and more. 2. The 2 tier treatment system in … Continued