Protest FCC Chair Tom Wheeler, Thurs. Jan. 9th, in Oakland and Mountain View

Categories: Announcements, Discussion, Open Mic

fcc wheeler

Protest FCC Chair Wheeler

Thurs. Jan. 9th, in

Oakland and Mountain View




Thomas E. Wheeler, recently appointed by President Obama as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will be speaking in Mountain View and Oakland, CA on Thursday, January 9.  Join planned protests and speak out against increasing wireless health damage.

Fox in Charge of the Hen House: From 1992- 2004, Wheeler headed the wireless industry lobbying group, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).  During his stint at the CTIA, his own scientists told him that cell phones were causing brain tumors. He buried the data and fired the scientists.

Wheeler buried the truth.  Now, we are burying the victims.

Mountain View Event

Wheeler will be speaking in Silicon Valley at the Computer History Museum – 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View. Protest outside starts at 11am, event is from 12-1pm (it is a free Commonwealth Club event and is now open to the general public.) You must sign up in advance here.

Click “register” first. Where it asks for your membership number simply enter “non-member.”

WE NEED YOU TO COME WITH SIGNS AND YOUR VOICES! We would also like to see babies, toddlers, preschoolers, teens, etc at both events. A funeral procession will be held for the victims of wireless technology. Dress in Black!  Media will be there and we need to get our message across.

Oakland Event

Wheeler will be speaking at the Preservation Park Niles Hall at 1233 Preservation Park Way in Oakland at 7 pm. We will hold a rally at the main entrance on 12th St. starting at 6pm.  Tickets to this free event are sold out but the public is free to attend the rally- more information here.

Again, bring your signs, voices, children, grandchildren and friends. Media will be there also. A funeral procession will be held for the victims of wireless technology. Dress in Black!

What we want:

  • adequate health warnings on wireless devices
  • a complete ban on wireless radiation in K-12 schools
  • a recall on ‘smart meters’
  • repeal of the 1996 Telecom Act
  • defense of our copper-based landline network
  • research-based wireless health standards
  • Chair Wheeler to step down from the FCC
  • Most of all, we want people to be told the truth- WIRELESS KILLS.

Please join us and spread the word to as many as possible.  We look forward to seeing you there!  If you have any questions about these events, or you are a member of the news media please call 925-285-5437 or 360-201-3959

Thank you so very much & we hope to see you all next week,

Ellie Marks, California Brain Tumor Association

Josh Hart, Stop Smart Meters!

p.s. please spread the word through social media- we depend on grassroots efforts to make events like these a success!


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