Support striking refinery workers

Categories: Environmental Justice Committee, Labor Solidarity Committee

USW workers are on strike at nine refineries, including Tesoro near Martinez.  Their contract has expired.  Issues include safe staffing levels and stop work authorization to respond to dangerous conditions.  You can support them by joining the picket line at Tesoro, 150 Solano, Pacheco (near Highways 680 and 4).  It’s a great chance for community members to stand with workers fighting for our health and safety!  The picket line is up 24/7, so you are welcome at any time!

The Tesoro plant has been shut down cooperatively by management and workers (it was half-closed already for maintenance when the strike began).  If the strike spreads to Chevron in Richmond, which may happen, management there has indicated they will keep the refinery operating using managers, non-union workers and retirees (varieties of scabs).  Clearly these folks won’t have the experience and training necessary to operate the refinery safely….


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