Author Archives: gnuworldorder

Picket of the Zim Shanghai continues!: Saturday 4:30-5PM W.Oakland BART–End the Siege of Gaza

We stopped the ZIM from unloading this morning, let’s keep the pressure on this afternoon! Folks will gather at the West Oakland BART, at 4:30 PM if you are marching, at 5 PM for a carpool to the picket.  Previous POST: ALERT: The Zim Shanghai has changed its estimated arrival back to Saturday (September 27th) AM.  The critical picket is back to 5 AM Saturday, 9/27. Gather at W. Oakland BART. We will still be at W. Oakland BART at 5pm tonight to meet anybody who wishes to help plan … Continued


Resist the Pablumization of the Albany Bulb, RE-OCCUPY!

Recap added May 14: The Albany Bulb is a form garbage dump formed when cities and corporations dumped waste in the Bay and even demolished a natural hill to make room for a parking lot for a race track.  When the infill was halted by a law suit in 1983. The City of Albany talked with developers about turning this wasteland of concrete & rebar into a Marina and high-rise luxury hotel but was finally discouraged by community opposition and the costs developing on tidal mudflats covered with construction detritus. … Continued


Arrests and rotten deal at the Albany Bulb

From: Amber Whitson <phlamber.the.bull AT gmail DOT com> The settlement is public information now and will be announced at the Council meeting tonight: “On Friday, April 11th, Albany Police raided a camp on the Albany Bulb, arresting two Bulb residents at one of their longtime homes. One of those arrested is currently dealing with serious medical issues and missed an extremely important surgery while locked down. Not content to merely criminalize the homeless, the city used their arrests as a pretext to exclude the two targeted Bulb residents (who happen to … Continued


The battle for a democratic Pacifica and KPFA

There is an ongoing struggle over control at listener sponsored Pacifica radio right now, including an ongoing occupation of the national headquarters by supporters of the Pacifica Executive Director of Pacifica, Summer Reese that has been going on for the last week. The issues are very complicated, and came to a head when the Pacifica National Board (PNB) voted to fire Summer Reese despite the fact that she has a 3 year contract. Supporters of the PNG then padlocked the door to the Pacifica offices on March 14th. Summer Reese … Continued


GA at Mike’s house this Sunday! Hike & feed

The Occupy Oakland General Assembly will convene over food and libation this week at Mike’s house in El Cerrito.  We normally meet at 2:00 PM, but our holiday GA, hike and social will begin later than our usual time: 3:00 PM for a hike on the Albany Hill, 4:30 PM for a short meeting, 5:30 PM for a holiday meal. If you would like to attend either: – send email to Mike ( for directions – call Mike at 510-299-0493 for directions – show up at the Oscar Grant Plaza … Continued


GA will be at the SUDOROOM through Jan.: CRYPTOPARTY Dec. 15th & Jan. 19th

EDIT: On December 22nd GA will be held in El Cerrito, combined with a hike and holiday meal. Bring something to share and comfortable shoes!   The few stalwarts who attended General Assembly last week at OGP decided they were tired of losing extremities to frost bite and voted to re-locate GA to the SUDOROOM through the end of January, at the normal time, 2 PM Sunday afternoon.  The sudoroom is a wonderful community hacker-space dedicated to positive social change, open source and making communication accessible without corporate control. … Continued


Defend Berkeley’s Historic Post Office, Concert & Teach-In Saturday 8/31

Afternoon Concert on the Steps of Berkeley’s Historic Post Office Sat. August 31 – 12:00 Noon – Music ·                   Anne Feeney, labor troubadour ·                   Michael O’Brien, Canadian hip hop artist ·                   Boomer and friends will get you dancing ·                   Redd Welsh, songs of struggle On the steps of the Berkeley Post Office 2000 Allston Way (1 block from Downtown Berkeley BART, corner Milvia St.) To Celebrate the month-long people’s encampment in tents on the steps of the Berkeley Post Office, which brought wide attention to the Post Office struggle. To … Continued


All out to defend the Berkeley Post Office, EVICTION IMMINENT!

URGENT UPDATE: About 5 PM a dozen uniformed postal police showed up and delivered some papers and ordered all tents down and all persons away from the Berkeley Post Office by the end of business today, Monday, August 5th.  The PO closes at 6 PM and the doors are locked at 8 PM, we need folks down there now to defend the occupation.  Me, I have vacation plans in the Bahamas and have already booked my flight…. Save the Berkeley Post Office FRIDAY: A little before 2 pm today (Friday … Continued


Stop the Oakland DAC surveillance city, speak out at City Council Tuesday, July 30

Everyone was sure the Oakland City Council would simply rubber stamp a resolution to accept, appropriate and administer upwards of $2 million to implement phase 2 of the systems enhancements and integration of the Domain Awareness Center (DAC) this past Tuesday night. Thanks to the efforts of a few concerned Oakland residents who brought facts and hard questions before the Council they decided to hold off on the vote and postponed a decision to the following regular Council meeting taking place on Tuesday, July 30. The DAC, which is a … Continued


Sign up and speak out against government surveillance at City Council

Tuesday, July 16, 5:30PM, City Council Meeting Council is seeking to pass a resolution to administer a $2 million payout to major defense contractor, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for needed software and infrastructure to integrate “Phase 2” of the Domain Awareness Center (DAC) a mass centralized virtual data center for intelligence gathering in Oakland. If this gross violation of privacy has you concerned come out and voice your opinion on Big Oakland Brother the DAC to the Council. Sign up to speak against increased government surveillance, Item 7.19: … Continued