Since the early days of our movement, the Web Committee and many others in Occupy Oakland have received valuable free services from the activist collective at Riseup provides secure and stable communications tools for free to social revolutionaries and groups around the world. We in the Web Committee have long benefited from our group’s email list, one of the valuable services that Riseup provides. Other committees, caucuses, and groups have taken advantage of this service to facilitate efficient communication amongst their members. Additionally, Riseup allowed us to use their … Continued
Web Committee
Web Committe Meeting Thur Sept. 6th at 6PM Victor Martinez Peoples’ Library
The web committee (such as it is) is meeting on Thursday, September 6th at 6PM at the Victor Martinez Biblioteca Popular at 1449 Miller Avenue at E. 15th in Oakland. The reason we are posting this on the front page is that at the start of the meeting we will spend a few minutes helping committee delegates figure out how to post articles to our web site, which is an underutilized resource, so folks who are interested in posting might show up. Bring a laptop if you have one handy, … Continued
Web Committee Update 4-10-12
We have been cleaning up bugs, making design improvements and tightening up for the spring actions. We are also working on better outreach to committees for delegate postings. 27370
OO Web Committee on the Front Lines, Suffering Casualties – 4/2/12
My Arresting Experience and Photos from the Occupy SF 888 Turk Street Occupation – April 02, 2012 * By Daniel, a member of the Occupy Oakland Website Committee. I didn’t plan to get arrested today, but it happened. I just wanted to document the occupation. After staying outside photographing, I decided to go inside and take some photos of the first floor that I learned was open to the media. But while inside I decided to go upstairs to the second floor, where recording/photographing was not allowed, and soon after … Continued
Site Upgrades 1/27/12
The Web Committee has been struggling with two different issues. Our site is in need of more (and more timely) content, in order to reflect the events and issues of the Occupy Oakland community. On the other hand, we have seen a rise in spam posts. The measures we take to open the site up more will allow more spam in, while measures which prevent spam from getting in at all will prevent most Occupiers from getting in as well. We have formulated a plan to address this problem. The first … Continued