Foreclosure Defense Group

We provide front line foreclosure defense support for Oakland families. We also participate in greater Occupy Oakland councils on housing, reclamation, and land takeovers.



Alameda County Sheriff to People He Allegedly Serves: Go F*** Yourselves.

(protest against the Sheriff tomorrow (Tuesday).) Alameda County’s elected Sheriff Greg Ahern may not be Joe Arpaio, but he sure seems like he’s trying. Not only did Sheriff Ahern months ago refuse to listen to the people and stop cooperating with ICE (the Federal agency in charge of deportations), but just yesterday he told the people he does not believe he serves to f*** off yet again (in not quite so many words). Here’s how it came down. Back in January, hundreds of people protested and testified at a hearing … Continued


GG Evicted at Gunpoint! Help Her Get Her House Back From US Bank!

This morning, April 19, at around 9:00 a.m., Alameda County sheriff’s deputies arrived and got into GG’s house through the side door. A real estate agent, Phi Nguyen, accompanied the deputies. GG was there, and so was her tenant (whom we believe has a right to be separately evicted and 90 days to comply). The deputies demanded that they both leave and when Gigi argued. one of them pulled a gun on her. GG and her tenant both left. The deputies eventually left, leaving at two security guards. A locksmith … Continued


GG is Still Fighting for her Home – And You Can Help

GG is still in her home! And we are still fighting with her. On Friday, 4/5/13, GG, friends, members of the Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group and members of ACCE invaded the US Bank at the Kaiser Building Plaza on 20th St. near Snow Park. The bank immediately locked its doors but not before most of the crew made it inside. We demanded that a bank official fax GG’s demand letter to the powers-that-be at US Bank HQ. After about forty-five minutes the demand letter had been sent, with the … Continued


OO’er GG is Fighting For Her House. Help Wanted!

GG, one of Occupy Oakland’s stalwarts these many months, had managed to stave off US Bank – which put her into a fraudulant loan she couldn’t pay and then foreclosed on her – for a long time. Judges had granted her stays of eviction and told US Bank to negotiate a loan modification with GG for years, but the negotiations never happened, and now, it seems, the gig is up. The latest stay expired on Friday, and a new judge has yet to rule on an extended stay of eviction. … Continued


Displacement: Place, Power and Race

cityscape graphic of Oaklands skyline by Geremy George

Displacement: Place, Power, and Race The Foreclosure Defense Group presents its second event in the “Welcome to Class Warfare” series Friday, March 8th 6:30-9:30pm $?  Free!! First Congregational Church 2501 Harrison St, Oakland, CA Gentrification, foreclosures, “urban redevelopment”…. all are facets of the same brute force we feel acutely in our daily lives : Displacement, the uprooting and shifting of communities serving the demands of speculative capital and white supremacy. We offer this forum to hear voices from different struggles, to deepen understanding of the powers at play, and to … Continued


We Drew A Line in the Sidewalk… And Zaki Won!

On September 27th, 2012, the Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group drew a line in the sidewalk and told Bank of America that they were not going to take Zaki Alshalyan’s home. On Friday, October 26th, as a result of our direct action and a proposal for a loan modification put together by OOFDG peeps working with Mr. Alshalyan, Bank of America approved a three month trial loan modification for Zaki. I noted back then Banks are perfidious creatures. Zaki has not yet won in full. The bank granted him a … Continued


Day 100! And Jodie is Still In Her House! #defendjodie.

One hundred days ago Morgan Stanley was threatening to send in the sheriffs and a moving truck the next morning to evict Jodie Randolph from her house in Alameda, California. One hundred days ago it looked like Jodie Randoph, grandmother and cancer patient, might be out in the street. But it was also one hundred days ago that the Occupy Oakland Foreclosure Defense Group swung into action, invading Morgan Stanley’s Oakland offices and calling for anyone and everyone to show up at 9:00 AM the next day to prevent the … Continued


Debtors’ Assembly Saturday! Strike Debt Bay Area Says: “You Are Not a Loan!”

We came together for the first time on November 15th. Since then we have formed a working committee, an offshoot of the original NYC-based Strike Debt, dubbed Strike Debt Bay Area. Now we’re hosting a Debtors’ Assembly, where we hope people will come together to learn about a debt system that is strangling us; where we will talk about ways to support each other against it; and where we will brainstorm ways to fight it on both local and national levels. It will take place at the way cool Eastside … Continued


Strike Debt Bay Area Says: “You Are Not a Loan!”

We came together for the first time on November 15th. Since then we have formed a working committee, an offshoot of the original NYC-based Strike Debt, dubbed Bay Area Strike Debt. Now we’re hosting a Debtors’ Assembly, where we hope people will come together to learn about a debt system that is strangling us; where we will talk about ways to support each other against it; and where we will brainstorm ways to fight it on both local and national levels. It will tape place at the way cool Eastside … Continued


#defendjodie Update Day 5

Update Day 5 #defendjodie Nov 09 #defendjodie folks bring food and solidarity to the nearby Nob Hill picket!Updates: Our text alert system continues to grow. It has doubled in size over the last week and a half. We are fielding requests from local papers and blogs for interviews with Jodie, so stay tuned for more media on #defendjodie. Today also was a phone blast day to pressure Morgan Stanley to negotiate with Jodie. Congratulations everybody! When we last checked, John Sheldon’s phoneline at Morgan Stanley/SF shutdown because it was getting … Continued