Stop Dirty Banks National Day of Action – SF


March 21, 2023 @ 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm
Wells Fargo HQ
420 Montgomery St.
San Francisco

What: Stop Dirty Banks Day of Action

Join us for an action at Wells Fargo Corporate Headquarters in downtown San Francisco to demand that big banks stop funding climate change through their investment in the fossil fuel industry.

Over the past year, thousands of people have taken the pledge to close accounts, cut up credit cards, and boycott Bank of America, Chase, Citibank, and Wells Fargo if they don’t move their investments out of fossil fuels. On 3.21.23, we will gather to show the strength of our movement!

This event is organized by partners in the Bay Area Climate Finance Hub, including Third Act SF Bay Area, Oil and Gas Action Network, 1000 Grandmothers, Stop the Money Pipeline, XRSFBay, and others.

More info about the campaign organized by Third Act can be found here. RSVP and stay tuned for info about a local action in San Francisco on the morning of March 21st.


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