
New Year’s Eve Dance Party at the Holdout @ The Holdout
Jan 1 @ 4:00 am – 9:00 am

Eats. Raffle. Tattoos. Live Musik!

Oscar Grant 5th Year Vigil and Celebration. @ Fruitvale (Oscar Grant) Bart Station Plaza
Jan 1 @ 8:00 pm – Jan 2 @ 12:00 am

All Families of a loved one killed by Gun Violence, Please bring an 8×10 photo and a Loved one favorite color balloon to be released.

Come meet us at the Grant Station for the 5th annual vigil/celebration for Oscar Grant to be held on New Year’s Day at the Grant Station (Fruitvale BART Station).

Join the Oscar Grant family on this Day of Remembrance!


• Family of murdered victims
• Artist
• Community Activist

LIVE Performances:

• Libation
• African-Native-Latino Ceremony
• Poetry, music, spoken word
• Candle lighting, Balloon Releasing
• Words of inspiration Min. Keith Muhammad
• RGB–Young Gifted and Black–Our Children


Ryan Coogler — Director of Fruitvale Station

And more guests – check them out at the Facebook page & RSVP

Evict the Cops! Defend our Homes! @ 24th St. BART, SF
Jan 1 @ 11:00 pm – Jan 2 @ 12:00 am

Come out and march on January 1st at 3pm starting at 24th street BART Plaza and ending at 16th street BART.

“On January 1st Mission residents and agitators want to ring in the New Year with a big “fuck you!” to the San Francisco Police Department. The elevated pig presence in the neighborhood is unavoidable and many have already felt its effects. In November, four Valencia Gardens residents were attacked and then arrested by SFPD officers. The expansion of police surveillance at the 16th street BART plaza has lead to increased harassment of young people of color, homeless folks, and sex workers.”


Celebrate the Life of Oscar Grant: discussion, music, open mic, slideshow, food
Jan 2 @ 3:00 am – 5:00 am

Panel Discussion features Wanda Johnson, Keith Muhammad, Nigel Bryson, Dan Siegel, Cat Brooks.
Performances by Ras Ceylon, Jabari Shaw, Rasheedah Sabreen, PaRadise ThePoet

Friendraise for forthcoming documentary Oscar Grant: The Rest of the Story.


TPP ACTION @ San Francisco Federal Bldg
Jan 2 @ 10:00 pm – Jan 3 @ 12:00 am


Support Detroit Workers – Make the Banks Pay! @ Bank of America
Jan 3 @ 8:00 pm – 9:00 pm

On January 3 a revised deal with Barclays bank will go before the bankruptcy judge in Detroit. This deal that slightly improves the original one, will still exempt Bank of America and United Bank of Switzerland from the bankruptcy process that threatens Detroit workers pensions and the assets of the people from art, to water and parks.

Demo at BofA near Fruitvale BART at noon to support Detroit. (They are demonstrating at the courthouse Friday am and then going inside to pack the courtroom.) NY is working on a demonstration near Wall Street for Jan. 3, as well.

Cancel Detroit’s Debt –Make the Banks Pay, They Owe Us
Hands Off Our Pensions
Save City Services and Assets
Make the Banks Fund a Jobs Program

Oppose Barclays Swap Deal Which Will Cost the City of Detroit Its Future

Facebook event, RSVP and more info.

First Friday: Outreach Against the Domain Awareness Center @ First Friday, we'll be somewhere in the mix, probably near the J4AB booth
Jan 4 @ 1:30 am – 5:00 am

 Last month we had an awesome booth, surveillance video and clips from 1984 streaming, banners and handouts.  Then the powers-in-the-sky decided to pour down freezing rain.

We’ve now applied for a cloudless sky, and to untilt Earth’s axis so that it will be warm and daylight until late. Renee Domingo <WE LOVE BIG BROTHER>  is considering the application.  We’ll let you know.

Do come out regardless and <BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING> help us spread <FREEDOM IS SLAVERY> the word.

First Friday with J4AB. @ Alan Blueford Center for Justice
Jan 4 @ 4:00 am – 7:00 am

The Alan Blueford Center For Justice is honored to host Indo Slapmaster, Mike-aka DeeJay-West, Oscyi MT Mayor, & Moe Green for 1st Friday in Oakland, this is a show for The People, so COME ON!!!

Halt the Heist! Save the Berkeley Post Office! Pass the Zoning Ordinance! @ Downtown Berkeley Post Office
Jan 4 @ 6:00 pm – Jan 5 @ 1:00 am

On Saturday, Jan. 4, between 10:00AM and 5:00PM, the Berkeley Post Office Defenders will have an information table in front of the downtown Berkeley Post Office at 2000 Allston Way to inform people about the status of our strategies for halting the sale of that post office and fighting the privatization of the US Postal Service.

We will also have a petition for people to sign asking Mayor Tom Bates to vote for the proposed zoning overlay – – a precedent-setting strategy that will, if passed, preserve the entire Historic District around MLK Park, including the Post Office, for civic uses. See two writeups of this approach in the Wall Street Journal and the Los Angeles Times.

Please consider stopping by our outreach table on Saturday to sign the petition, find out more about our ongoing efforts to retain our vital public goods, and learn of ways you can participate.

Or just come and hang out for a while!

Justice 4 Alan Blueford Coalition Meeting @ Alan Blueford Center for Justice
Jan 4 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Join us as we start a new year and plan a rally for early February demanding that Kamala Harris prosecute Miguel Masso for the murder of Alan Blueford. The subcommittee meeting for this campaign will take place immediately following the main coalition meeting.

Get up-to-date on the civil lawsuit that is proceeding against OPD and the City of Oakland.

We will also be planning other events in conjunction with other groups, including an action in Sacramento in late January.

OAKLAND PRIVACY WORKING GROUP MEETING @ Sudo Room (entrance on 22nd St, buzzer)
Jan 5 @ 2:30 am – 4:00 am

Getting There

Join Oakland Privacy Working Group to organize against the Domain Awareness Center (DAC), Oakland’s citywide mass surveillance center.

If you are interested in joining the Oakland Privacy Working Group email listserv, send an email to:

OO General Assembly: Moved to SUDOROOM through January @ The Sudoroom
Jan 5 @ 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Through the end of January we will have General Assembly at the sudoroom on 2141 Broadway, Oakland, CA.

Here are instructions to access the room, the entrance is on 22nd Street:

This Sunday will be a Cryptoparty at the sudoroom, along with the third Sunday in January, these will be opportunities to update your digital profile so the government can’t easily track your every move.  More blather on this to follow this afternoon when I have a moment.

Our General Assembly is a participatory gathering of Oakland community members and beyond, where everyone who shows up is treated equally and has equal decision-making power. Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly uses a participatory decision-making process appropriately called, “Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision-Making Process.” Our Assembly and the process we have collectively cultivated strives to reach agreement while building community.

Autonomous Action & the General Assembly
The bulk of the work of Occupy Oakland does NOT happen in the General Assembly. It happens in various committees, caucuses, and associated groups that report back to the general assembly. Everyone participating in Occupy Oakland should be part of at least one associated group. Occupy Oakland encourages autonomous actions that do not require consensus from the General Assembly. This encourages political activity that is decentralized and welcomes diverse voices and actions into the movement.

General Assembly Standard Agenda

  1. Welcome
  2. Welcome Announcements
  3. Agenda Overview
  4. Forum
  5. Reports from Committees, Subcommittees, Caucuses, & Working Groups
  6. Action Announcements
  7. General Announcements

Occupy Oakland GA

Berkeley Post Office Defenders General Assembly. Help Plan Our Next Steps! @ Downtown Berkeley Post Office
Jan 7 @ 2:00 am – 3:30 am

The Postal Service has put the Berkeley Post Office up for sale!!

The Postal Service has started to outsource Post Office services to Staples, replacing union jobs with low-paying, low benefit work.

In November the Planning Commission passed on to the Berkeley City a proposed Zoning Ordinance that would make the Post Office property less desirable to potential purchasers of the capitalist variety. We are still waiting for action on this from the City Council and are organizing to put pressure on City Council members to make sure this measure is brought up and passed.

The Postal Service has announced that they are contracting with Staples to provide Post Office window services inside Staples stores, using Staples employees instead of Post Office employees. There is already a pseudo Post Office operating inside the Berkeley Staples store (Shattuck & Durant).  We conducted our first action against this privatization of postal services on December 21st.

Come and help plan our next actions in defense of our Post Office and against privatization and non living-wage jobs. We want to send a message to CBRE, the Post Office, Staples and Berkeley politicians that the sale will not be tolerated!

Check out the video of Peter Byrne’s talk at one of our Save the Post Office Rallies in the Fall of2013!

Occupy Forum: Mayor Gayle McLaughlin: Making Local Democracy Work in the City of Richmond @ Unite Here, Local 2, near Civic Center BART
Jan 7 @ 2:00 am – 5:00 am
A growing disconnect between citizens and government has renewed the need for local leaders to revisit issues of democracy and governance. What can we learn from Richmond? From standing up to Wall Street banks by using eminent domain to stop foreclosures, to taking on Chevron — California’s biggest polluter and a tax evader, Mayor Gayle McLaughlin is actually representing the people of Richmond and showing us representative democracy at its best.

Despite powerful attacks, Richmond became the first municipality in the nation to beat back Wall Street threats, litigation, and a campaign dedicated to end the city’s program using eminent domain to help underwater homeowners. How was the community, led by Mayor McLaughlin, able to hold off the banks, asset managers and securities units of Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, and AIG, the very same firms that caused the foreclosure crisis in the first place?

For decades, environmental justice groups including Richmond Progressive Alliance, West County Toxics Coalition, and Communities for a better environment have fought Chevron, one of the world’s top polluters and a major tax evader whose refinery has long dominated the city. Chevron’s toxic, explosive, and corrosive chemicals and toxic releases cause devastating harm. To add insult to injury, Chevron vehemently opposes paying its fair share of taxes. Last fall, the oil giant pumped $1.2 million into city elections “They have been polluting our democracy along with polluting our environment,” said McLaughlin. The City of Richmond is currently suing Chevron for damages from the massive 2012 fire and Mayor McLaughlin has called on Chevron to pay its taxes and create a new corporate culture by putting the health and safety needs of Richmond residents before its profits. At the press conference announcing the city’s lawsuit against Chevron, McLaughlin was clear: “This isn’t just about money, it’s also about a culture of abuse. This suit is a situation requiring Chevron to be accountable to our community.”

Richmond is on the rise. Mayor McLaughlin’s focus on working side by side with a community that has suffered decades of injustice is helping to showcase how an urban community is transforming itself in the 21st Century.

More info at:

Time will be allotted for Q&A, discussion and announcements. Donations
to OccupyForum to cover costs are encouraged; no one turned away!
Stop the Oil Terminal in Pittsburg: Come to the City Council Meeting. @ Pittsburg City Hall
Jan 7 @ 3:00 am – 5:00 am

Let the City Council know that you are not happy with the idea of an oil terminal in Pittsburg! We are getting as many people as possible to come join us at the City Council meeting and show with our numbers and our voices that we do not want the WesPac project!

Some people will be making public comment, and you can do that if you want (we have tips on speaking for you), but we would love just to have your support!

Bring a friend!

via Pittsburg Defense Council.

Mothers in White: Justice 4 Andy Lopez @ County Building, Rm 100A
Jan 7 @ 9:00 pm – 10:30 pm

Mothers in White will pleasd for justice for Andy at the January 7, Tuesday, meeting of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors, at 1 p.m.

A bi-lingual flyer about the event includes a photo of Andy’s parents Sujey and Rodrigo over his coffin. Mrs. Lopez apparently plans to attend the event and may speak to the supervisors as a mother whose innocent son was killed by law enforcement.

“Every member of the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors is staring into a moral crisis!” reads the flyer. “What kind of ‘policy’ permits the brutal killing of a 13-year-old child who committed NO CRIME?” it asks. It poses the questions, “To what length would you go if your innocent child or grandchild was brutally murdered?”

The committee reported its intention to “create a dramatic visual impact” of at least 50 Mothers in White, as well as their allies, including men in white and the group Women in Black, which has appeared on street corners around the world to bear witness to those killed by violence.

People are invited to bring mirrors to hold up to the supervisors to examine themselves. Supervisor Mike McGuire apparently said that Andy’s death was a time to reflect in the mirror. This peaceful event intends such a reflection.

The color white was selected because it was Andy’s favorite color. White is not the absence of color, but the mixture of all colors, which is what this mass movement for justice seeks.

Source article.

Contested Spaces: Anarchist Spaces in Dialoge and Solidarity @ Station 40 Apt B
Jan 9 @ 3:00 am – 5:00 am

In the spirit of building solidaristic relationships between anarchist social centers, collectives, and event spaces, we will host a special panel and social hour at Station 40 on January 8 at 7 pm.

We’ve invited members of The Holdout (Oakland,, Outtaline (Emeryville), and The Base (Brooklyn, NY, to join us in a conversation about the activities we have been organizing in our spaces, and the political motivations that form what these activities look like. We also hope to touch on the impact of our spaces. After a short panel discussion, everyone is welcomed and encouraged to kick it! We’ll have food, tea, and games.

This event is open to the public, but those involved other collectives are especially encouraged to come and hang out with old and new comrades.

original notice:

Protest FCC Chair Wheeler in Oakland (11am in Mountain View)
Jan 10 @ 2:00 am – 5:00 am


Protest FCC Chair Wheeler

Thurs. Jan. 9th SF Bay Area



Thomas E. Wheeler, recently appointed by President Obama as Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will be speaking in Mountain View and Oakland, CA on Thursday, January 9.  Join planned protests and speak out against increasing wireless health damage.

Fox in Charge of the Hen House: From 1992- 2004, Wheeler headed the wireless industry lobbying group, the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA).  During his stint at the CTIA, his own scientists told him that cell phones were causing brain tumors. He buried the data and fired the scientists.

Wheeler buried the truth.  Now, we are burying the victims.

Mountain View Event

Wheeler will be speaking in Silicon Valley at the Computer History Museum – 1401 N. Shoreline Blvd. in Mountain View. Protest outside starts at 11am, event is from 12-1pm (it is a free Commonwealth Club event and is now open to the general public.) You must sign up in advance here.

Click “register” first. Where it asks for your membership number simply enter “non-member.”

WE NEED YOU TO COME WITH SIGNS AND YOUR VOICES! We would also like to see babies, toddlers, preschoolers, teens, etc at both events. A funeral procession will be held for the victims of wireless technology. Dress in Black!  Media will be there and we need to get our message across.

Oakland Event

Wheeler will be speaking at the Preservation Park Niles Hall at 1233 Preservation Park Way in Oakland at 7 pm. We will hold a rally at the main entrance on 12th St. starting at 6pm.  Tickets to this free event are sold out but the public is free to attend the rally- more information here.

Again, bring your signs, voices, children, grandchildren and friends. Media will be there also. A funeral procession will be held for the victims of wireless technology. Dress in Black!

What we want:

  • adequate health warnings on wireless devices
  • a complete ban on wireless radiation in K-12 schools
  • a recall on ‘smart meters’
  • repeal of the 1996 Telecom Act
  • defense of our copper-based landline network
  • research-based wireless health standards
  • Chair Wheeler to step down from the FCC
  • Most of all, we want people to be told the truth- WIRELESS KILLS.

Please join us and spread the word to as many as possible.  We look forward to seeing you there!  If you have any questions about these events, or you are a member of the news media please call 925-285-5437 or 360-201-3959

Thank you so very much & we hope to see you all next week,

Ellie Marks, California Brain Tumor Association

Josh Hart, Stop Smart Meters!

p.s. please spread the word through social media- we depend on grassroots efforts to make events like these a success!


Mass Effect: a night of collectives @ Sudo Room (entrance on 22nd St, use buzzer)
Jan 11 @ 2:00 am – 7:45 am

We cordially invite you to share your collective ideas and effects in the community. A night to share your projects and learn what else is happening with other collectives. If nothing else, it will be a night of art and mysticism.

6:00-7:30 – Collective discussion
7:30-8:00 – Poetry reading
8:00-9:30 – Musical ensemble
9:30-1:00 – Food and dance

 Original notice.

Strike Debt Bay Area Politics of Debt Reading/Discussion Group. @ Public School Space (entrance on 22nd St, use buzzer)
Jan 11 @ 3:00 am – 5:00 am

Politics of Debt will be primarily discussing the Modern Monetary Theory vs. Austrian School proponents’ video debate. We will elaborate on what Modern Monetary Theory is and stands for.

A link to the public school webpage with the class info and reading/video links.