Einstein Says: “(b)Arf!” To Austerity! “(b)Arf!” To Privatization!

Categories: Front Page, Open Mic


That would be Einstein the Dog of course, Occupy Oakland’s unofficial non-corporate entity with personhood status. He’s the one looking intelligent and inquisitive in the lower left.

Einstein, Berkeley Post Office Defenders, Save the Berkeley Post Office, Strike Debt Bay Area members, Occupy Oakland peeps, and retired postal workers came together Saturday, December 21st in front of the Staples Store in downtown Berkeley for three hours to protest the privatization of the Post Office. Besides selling off historic Post Offices at bargain-basement prices, Postal Service management contracted to put postal counters into Staples stores – staffed by poverty-wage Staples employees instead of union, living-wage Postal employees.

Can you say union-busting?

You can read a full report of the day’s activities, the fight against union busting and privatization, and more about Staples’ treatment of their workforce here. With more pics!

Meanwhile, here’s another message from Einstein, cleverly getting his food server to hold the sign, while he sniffed free.

You can learn more about Richard Blum, his wife and why he should be indicted by reading Going Postal, Peter Byrne’s excellent expose revealing the skullduggery behind Blum’s dealings with the Post Office and the University of California.


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