The Oakland Commune is Dead. Long live Occupy Oakland

Occupy Oakland is not dead. We are many. Oakland commune has killed the GA but now some black niggas and they white moma and Mexican sister and white sister . Is starting an Action GA . Quorum is 20 people meet sunday at 2:00 at 19 and telegraph. We are all together the young people is calling for everybody to come out. Believe in young people of Occupy Oakland. We are here Ready to help you. We have and will put our life on the line for your rights Fuck … Continued


FTP: Montreal March Part 2–Bring a Pan! 7/9p 6/2/12

We’ve all seen the images of the hundreds of thousands of people in the streets of Quebec. Our comrades up north are really turning up the volume and standing up for the world they want! Come out Saturday night in solidarity for a second night of “casserole”-style marching, which means…bring your pots and pans! This is gonna be the LOUDEST FTP march EVER! Bring red squares of cloth too. 19th & Telegraph, Rally at 7, march at 9. And as usual, TAC asks for the following: SHIELDS: If you have the capability … Continued


Occupy Stockton’s Visit

Hi All, We enjoyed meeting you all this evening. Thank you for being so open to our ideas & perspectives. We look forward to this blossoming relationship and are eager to grow alongside our brothers & sisters. In solidarity! 31547


Violence and Arrests at Anti-Repression/ Fuck the Police March

By Cami Graves January 7, 2012 Tonight the Occupy Oakland Tactical Action Committee called for a rally and march to protest police repression of Occupy Oakland. Protestors met at Oscar Grant Plaza at 7pm. Some wore black–a tactic called “black bloc” to help keep cops from distinguishing demonstrators and picking them out of the crowd–while others brought bubbles to make their nonviolent intentions clear. At 9pm, the marchers headed to the Oakland PD headquarters at 7th and Broadway where they were met by a line of officers with batons and … Continued


Open Questions for the Former Occupiers of the Former Traveler’s Aid Society

I appreciate your willingness to speak.  Dialogue is one thing that distinguishes civil disobedience & direct action from crime & thuggery. At the moment, I do not think your actions were an Occupation. I think what you did was an Exploitation. I am telling you what I think, & the questions I have, in hopes of changing your mind, or learning from your answers. While you were moving in library books (but not food, water, toilets, or any other essentials for an actual Occupation?), the tens of thousands of people … Continued