Author Archives: brucep


Liberate Oakland, Shut Down the 1% GENERAL STRIKE & MASS DAY OF ACTION Wednesday November 2, 2011 Below is the proposal passed by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly on Wednesday October 26, 2011 in reclaimed Oscar Grant Plaza. 1607 people voted. 1484 voted in favor of the resolution, 77 abstained and 46 voted against it, passing the proposal at 96.9%. The General Assembly operates on a modified consensus process that passes proposals with 90% in favor and with abstaining votes removed from the final count. PROPOSAL: We as fellow occupiers … Continued


Occupy Everything! Liberate Oakland! Mass Rally & March

All out for the very first official Occupy Oakland action forward widely… Saturday October 22 2011 11am Rally Amphitheater of Oscar Grant Plaza (formerly Frank Ogawa Plaza) 14th and Broadway, Downtown Oakland 12 noon March Through Downtown & around the north side of Lake We live in a world where unemployment and staggering levels of debt are the new normal, where poverty and homelessness are met by police violence and incarceration. The entire global economy is broken, and politicians in the US and elsewhere remain powerless to do anything about … Continued


Notice of eviction from the city…

Occupy Oakland  received a notice of eviction from the city on October 20,2011. It does not specify a date, but it says the park should be cleared by 10pm. (but not a specific day) It could be any night that they move to evict.  Please join the occupation, attend assembly meetings and check back here for updates. A second eviction notice was delivered on 10/22/2011 but as of late into the night of the 22nd/early am no signs of police action are evident.  (updated 10/23/11 1 am) Support Occupy Oakland! … Continued


Solidarity Statement for all striking workers and students

This statement was passed by the Occupy Oakland General Assembly last night. Please pass along this information to any and all unions, workers, students, and whoever else might be interested. 1. From this point forward, we offer our support for all strikes taking place in the Bay Area and specifically within Oakland. 2. We commit to offer practical and creative support to those who walk out from union or non-union work places, with or without union leadership. 3.This statement also applies to student strikes. By issuing this statement, we wish to send … Continued


Agenda for 10/19 General Assembly – Everyday at 7pm in the Amphitheater of Oscar Grant Plaza

Guest speaker: A Greek comrade will call in from the general strike there to give us some words of solidarity! Open Forum Question:  How can we strengthen our solidarity with other occupations? )Tomorrow’s question: Gang injunctions and youth curfew which will be discussed in next Tuesday’s City Council Meeting.) Committee Announcements – Updates from committees, including their meeting times and quick announcements Autonomous Action Announcements – Get pumped about upcoming actions coming out of occupyoakland! Announcements from other occupations – What’s up at occupysf, occupy wall street… Proposals – Today: … Continued


Letter in Solidarity with California Prison Hunger Strike 10/17/2011

10/17/2011 A Letter to the prisoners on hunger strike in the Security Housing Unit (SHU) of Pelican Bay State Prison and those in other units joining them. We, as members of Occupy Oakland, send our support for your strike against the cruel and inhumane conditions of imprisonment. We honor you as defenders of human and civil rights, and stand in solidarity with your demands in the struggle over prison conditions. Our community at Oscar Grant Plaza has the opportunity to incorporate great lessons from your strike; the challenge will be to match your courage and … Continued


Resolution In Solidarity With #OWS and Condemning NYPD From Occupy Oakland 10/14/2011

10/14/2011 Occupy Oakland denounces the violent police repression of protesters on Wall Street. Several of these protesters were brutally beaten and arrested, and one legal observer from NLG was run over by a police motorcycle and had his leg broken. We here in Oakland say SHAME on the NYPD and Mayor Bloomberg and demand that all the protesters be freed and all charges dropped. We demand that Occupy Wall Street be allowed to continue without police repression. Occupy Oakland stands in solidarity with the occupation movement that is growing in … Continued


In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, the many occupations underway across the country and Indigenous Resistance Day, Occupy Oakland lives! 10/8/2011

    To the people (aka the 99%): Our only demand is an invitation: Join Us! We are reclaiming public space to use as a forum for the people to come together, meet one another, listen to each other, and build power for ourselves. Occupy Oakland is more than just a speak-out or a camp out. The purpose of our gathering here is to plan actions, to mobilize real resistance, to defend ourselves from the economic and physical war that is being waged against our communities. We look forward to making … Continued


Facilitation Working Group Meeting Notes 10/19

The Facilitation Working Group (FWG) will be trying to post our meeting notes daily so there is greater transparency. We meet everyday at noon on the concrete area just north of Oscar Grant Plaza, below the trees. Everyone is welcome. The first 30 minutes are devoted to letting folks NOT in the working group share their suggestions and concerns about the General Assembly (GA) process and structure. After that, we close the meeting to just the working group so we can plan for that day’s GA agenda. That said, EVERYONE … Continued