Live Stream of Symposium on Fukushima March 11-12, 2013

Categories: Announcements, Open Mic





The Medical and Ecological Consequences of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident 

March 11-12, 2013


The New York Academy of Medicine, New York City, NY

A unique, two-day symposium at which an international panel of leading medical and biological scientists, nuclear engineers, and policy experts will make presentations on and discuss the bio-medical and ecological consequences of the Fukushima disaster, will be held at The New York Academy of Medicine on March 11-12, 2013, the second anniversary of the accident. The public is welcome.

A project of The Helen Caldicott Foundation, the symposium is being co-sponsored by Physicians for Social Responsibility.


Live stream link will be:


We are very pleased to offer the live stream, and have gone great effort to have it done professionally to enable clear viewing and remote events. It will be free to all, but we ask that those who feel this was a valuable service consider making a donation through the Donate Now button on our website. If everyone who asked for and watches the live stream donated even just $5 it would help to pay for having it done by an expert team, and indexed and put back on line after as a permanent reference. Thanks for joining us from home, to those who cannot join us in person.



(NOTE: These times are EASTERN – the symposium is taking place in New York, so that’s 3 hours ahead of Oakland)

The Japanese Prime Minister during the Fukushima crisis, Naoto Kan, will open the symposium with a special videotaped message: My Experiences as Prime Minister during the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster. He will be followed by another video message from Hiroaki Koide, Master of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI), Specialist of Radiation Safety and Control: Fukushima Daiichi, A Chronological Account of the Disaster


Monday, March 11


9-9:15 Moderator Donald Louria, MD, Chairman Emeritus, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey


9: 15-9:30 Former Prime Minister of Japan, Naoto Kan (videotape)

Opening Address


9:30-9:45 Hiroaki Koide, Master of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute (KURRI), Specialist of Radiation Safety and Control. (videotape)

Fukushima Daiichi: A Chronological Account of the Disaster


9: 45-10:15 Arnie Gundersen, Nuclear Engineer, Fairewinds Associates

What Did They Know and When Did They Know it?


10:15-10:45 David Lochbaum, Union of Concerned Scientists

Another Unsurprising Surprise


10:45-11:15 Coffee


11:15-11:45 Hisako Sakiyama , Member of Fukushima Nuclear Accident Independent Investigation Commission

Risk Assessment of Low Dose Radiation in Japan: What Became Clear in the Diet Fukushima Investigation Committee


11:45-12:15 Akio Matsumura, Founder of the Global Forum of Spiritual and Parliamentary Leaders

What Did the World Learn from the Fukushima Accident?


12:15-1:00 Questions


1pm-1:30pm Press conference:  There will be a press conference with US Navy Quartermasters (retired) Maurice Enis and Jaime Plym who both suffered radiation exposure and subsequent health damage while serving on the USS Ronald Reagan during a Fukushima aid and rescue mission. Over 150 participants in the mission are reported to have since developed tumors, tremors, internal bleeding, hair loss and other health problems they attribute to radiation exposure.  Enis and Plym will discuss the lawsuit they joined against the nuclear plant’s owner, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), for misleading US officials about the extent of radiation released.


1:15-2:15 Lunch




2:15-2:45 Steven Starr, Clinical Laboratory Science Program, University of Missouri

The Implications of Massive Radiation Contamination of Japan with Radioactive Cesium


2:45-3:15 Timothy Mousseau, Department of Biological Sciences, University South Carolina

Chernobyl, Fukushima and Other Hot Places: Biological Implications


3:15-3:45 Ken Buesseler, Marine Scientist Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute,

Fukushima Ocean Impacts


3:45-4:15 Coffee


415-4.45 Marek Niedziela, Department of Pediatrics, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poland (videotape)

Differential diagnosis of ultrasonographic thyroid lesions in children


4:45-5:15 David Brenner, Center for Radiological Research, College of Physicians and Surgeons. Columbia University,

Living with Uncertainty About Low Dose Radiation Risks


5:15-6:15 questions









9:00-9:15 Session Chair: Andrew Kanter, Physicians for Social Responsibility.


9:15 -9:45 Alexey Yablokov, Russian Academy of Sciences,

Lessons from Chernobyl


9:45-10:15 Wladimir Wertelecki, Former Chair, Department of Medical Genetics University South Alabama

Congenital Malformations in Rivne, Polossia Associated with the Chernobyl Accident


10:15-10:45 Ian Fairlie, Radiation Biologist and Independent Consultant

The Nuclear Disaster at Fukushima: Nuclear Source Terms, Initial Health Effects


10:45-11:15 Coffee


11: 15-11:45 Steve Wing, Gillings School of Public Health, University North Carolina

Epidemiological Studies of Radiation Releases from Nuclear Facilities: Lessons Past and Present


11:45-12:00 Joe Mangano, Radiation and Public Health Project,

Post Fukushima Increases in Newborn Hypothyroidism on the West Coast of USA


12:00 -12:30 Robert Alvarez, Institute for Policy Studies,

Management of Spent Fuel Pools and Radioactive Waste


12:30-1:30 Questions

1:30:-2:30 Lunch


2:30 -2: 45 Cindy Folkers, Beyond Nuclear,

Post-Fukushima Food Monitoring in the US


2.45-3.00 Mary Olson, Nuclear Information and Resource Services

Gender Matters in the Atomic Age


3.00-3.30 Kevin Kamps, Specialist in High Level Waste Management and Transportation, Beyond Nuclear.

Seventy Years of Radioactive Risks in Japan and America


3:30-4.00 Coffee


4:00-4.30 David Freeman, Former Chair, Tennessee Valley Authority

My Experience with Nuclear Power


4:30-5.00 Herbert Abrams, Stanford University School of Medicine

The Hazards of Low Level Ionizing Radiation: Controversy and Evidence


5:00-6.00 Questions


6:00-6:30 Helen Caldicott Closing Remarks




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