General Assembly

Categories: GA Statements, General Assembly

Our General Assembly is a participatory gathering of Oakland community members and beyond. Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly uses a participatory decision-making process appropriately called, “Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision Making Process.” Our Assembly and the process we have collectively cultivated strives to reach agreement while building a mutually respectful community.

Proposals are brought to the Facilitation Committee, either in person at their regular meetings or through email to, and then are brought to Occupy Oakland’s General Assembly. A proposal becomes a resolution only when it is approved through the mechanics of Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision Making Process.

If the community passes a proposal, based on Occupy Oakland’s Collective Decision Making Process, then it becomes an official Occupy Oakland resolution.

The bulk of the organizing of Occupy Oakland is produced through various committees, working groups and caucuses. Therefore the General Assembly also provides a medium for our community to report back on their workings and future actions.

Please see the sample agenda below.

I. Welcome

II. Welcome Announcements
III. Agenda Overview
IV. Reports from Committees & Sub-committees
V. Forum

“How will I as an individual, or as an associated organization, participate in the     General Strike and beyond as part of the occupy movement?”

VI. Overview of Process

VII. Proposals

1.  Egyptian Solidarity March

2.  All Inclusive Tactics/ Bridge Difference/ Responsible Black Bloc

3.  Proposal Against Destructive Actions that Threaten Occupy Oakland

4.  Proposal for Occupy Oakland Endorsement to Occupy a Building

VIII. Action Announcements
IX. General Announcements

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