
“OPD Has Brought a Serial Killer Back to the Force.”

Scott Olsen talks about the reinstatement of OPD Officer Robert Roche, fired by Oakland for lobbing a flash-bang grenade into the crowd of rescuers who had come out to help Scott when he was felled by a bean-bag round on Octobe 25th, 2011. Listen as Olsen relates how Roche has bragged about killing people. Roche was reinstated with back pay days ago when an arbiter ruled that he was “just following orders.” The person who allegedly gave those orders? Oh, he’s now the assistant to the Chief of Police. Two … Continued


Oakland City Council Meeting – Item 20: Domain Awareness Center Phase II

Oakland City Council Meeting -Item 20: Domain Awareness Center Phase II Unfortunately, but expected, it passed; 6 to 1. – November 19, 2013 – Oakland, California Speaking against the Oakland City Council Meeting. Item 20: Domain Awareness Center (DAC) EFF representative speaking at the Oakland City Council Meeting. Item 20: Domain Awareness Center (DAC) Data Engineer Speaking at the Oakland City Council Meeting: Item 20 DAC Oakland Police and Homeland Security Personal at the Oakland City Council Meeting Item 20: Domain Awareness Center (DAC) . 54076


Oakland City, Council Members, etc Info

PAGE UPDATED: February 19, 2015 The Squeaky Page All for a better world!. . This squeaky page contains: 1- Oakland City Hall address, phones, and directions 2- Oakland City Council Members email addresses 3- Council District Locator 4- Where to fill out a Speaker Card 5- Useful Tags (for Tweets, etc) 6- Oakland Representatives . .  1 Oakland City Hall address, phones, and directions Oakland City Hall Contact the Office of the Mayor 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza 3rd Floor Oakland, CA 94612 officeofthemayor@oaklandnet.com phone: (510) 238-3141 fax: (510) 238-4731 … Continued


Oakland City Council Meeting (Jan 22, 2013) Photos/Videos

Photos and videos taken during the intense and disappointing Oakland City Council Meeting on January 22, 2013. Mike Wilson at Oakland City Council Meeting – Jan 22, 2013“Alan Blueford” at Oakland Council Meeting – Oakland, California January 22, 2013  Leo at Oakland City Council Meeting – Oakland, California Jan 22, 2013 Black Riders Liberation Party at Oakland City Council Meeting – Oakland, California Jan 22, 2013 Omar at Oakland City Council Meeting – – Oakland, California January 22, 2013 “This is where Omar eloquently explains to Council what other things they … Continued