Labor Solidarity Committee

We take the fight against the 1% to the 1%. Non-union labor, unionized labor, and labor supporters are all welcome in this action oriented committee. We are also the node for solidarity from organized labor, from mobilization to trucks, fliers, and port-o-potties.

Port Truckers Get Nothing from City. Work Stoppage and Pickets on Wednesday!

They got nothing from Oakland’s Mayor… The truckers have gone to the City of Oakland and asked for assistance from the Mayor and City Council to help sway the Port Commissioners, but from the Mayor all they got was lip service followed by increased antagonism in the form of legal action against them for threatening the flow of commerce at the Port. All they wanted was a fair shake for them and their families… For the past ten years trucker rates have remained the same while the costs of working … Continued


Trucker Power. Or “Ain’t No Power Like the Power of the Truckers ‘Cause When They Get Mad They Can Make a S*Load of Noise!”

On October 21st, 2013, an organized group of Port Truckers based in the Port of Oakland, in collaboration with local labor activists, stopped work and picketed gates at the Port in protest of their working conditions. Oakland, as usual, responded with vast numbers of riot police who pushed the picketers illegally out of crosswalks and threatened them with arrest. That seems only to have persuaded other truckers – wary of protests – which side they should be on, made the already protesting truckers even more determined and bent them all … Continued


Two-Faced Quan Talks With Port Truckers. Then Sues Them.

In a move that is right out of the playbook of Wells Fargo, Bank of America and JP Morgan Chase – promising a homeowner a loan motification then immediately instituting foreclosure procedings – Mayor Jean (Two-Quanface) Quan today approved of the City of Oakland suing two Port Truckers for “unlimited damages” in the wake of their labor action two weeks ago. That after she had agreed to help them pull together a meeting with Port of Oakland authorities and others. According to a press release issued by Port Truckers Solidarity … Continued


O25. They Are Coming.

Two years less one week later, Scott Olsen was sitting next to me having a beer and discussing the state of his lawsuit. Hours before that he, a hundred others, and I had watched yet one more time the infamous video clip (2:20) “What’s your name! What’s your name! Shit!” It was embedded in a new documentary entitled “The Battle for Oscar Grant Plaza.” shown at a benefit at the Parkway Theatre on Saturday, October 19th. Scott Campbell, shot and severely wounded by a rubber bullet on November 2nd, 2011, … Continued


Open letter to the community from Port Truckers

Port Shutdown information for Monday, Oct 21st, 5:00 AM. This letter is to address the purpose of the Port of Oakland Trucker Association protest and work stoppage at the Port of Oakland on August 19 2013. On August 14, 2013, a letter was hand delivered to Mayor Jean Quan’s office notifying her of our intent to protest several work related issues. This letter went unanswered. Mayor Quan’s inaction left us no choice but to carry out our protest. We have since made contact with the Mayor’s office and established a … Continued


NOT Wanted. At the Port, or in our City. Plus Port Truckers Thank Community Supporters.

Yvonne Liu captured the moment perfectly. At one point, around 6pm, the picketers realized that Miguel Masso, the Oakland police officer who killed 18-year old Alan Blueford was standing in the scrimmage line of cops. People started shouting, “Killer! Child killer!” until the field commander removed Masso from the line. This is the second time Miguel Masso has been told “NOT Wanted!” by Oakland’s citizens. The first time occurred at Oscar Grant Plaza during the Trayvon Martin protests in August, when he was again pulled off the line by his … Continued


OO & JAB Stand in Solidarity with BART Workers on Strike.

Justice 4 Alan Blueford Coalition and Occupy Oakland peeps stood alongside SEIU 1021 rank and file as they shut down the Port of Oakland almost a year ago. With the BART strike now official, J4AB once again stands with SEIU 1021 rank and file and all the other BART workers involved. JAB coalition members at the Alan Blueford Center for Justice (Office and Facebook) produced this awesome video:     Occupy Oakland passed a resolution on October 10th, 2013 in support of BART and AC Transit workers and a possible … Continued


Proposal To Endorse BART Solidarity Rally and, if it Comes to Be, a BART Strike.

This was a proposal presented at Sunday’s General Assembly by the Transit Workers Solidarity Committee. Insofar as the General Assembly did not have a quorum, it was not approved. However, The Occupy Oakland General Assembly in late October of 2011 passed a resolution in support of all workers and in solidarity with strikes, which will stand us in good stead in validating our support for BART workers in their current struggle against austerity and the one percent. At the 2nd Anniversary Party on Thursday the organizers of the celebration may … Continued


Peter Byrne Speaks to Berkeley Post Office Defenders on BlumStein: The Duo Looting the Post Office and UC.

On Saturday, September 28th, 2013, investigative reporter Peter Byrne was kind enough to come and address a rally to save the Berkeley Post Office and fight back against the privatization of our commons. Byrne recently published the e-book (soon to available in print!) Going Postal: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband sells post offices to his friends, cheap.”. Excerpts from the book were published in a recent East Bay Express. In the book he describes how Richard Blum and his wife, Senator Feinstein, claim they do not collaborate but in fact … Continued


‘Going Postal’ to Fight Against Privatization and Save the Post Office from Richard Blum.

  Peter Byrne, investigative reporter and author of an expose on Richard Blum, his corporation CBRE, his spouse Senator Diane Feinstein, and the privatization of the Post Office, will be speaking at Berkeley Post Office Defenders’ rally Saturday, September 28th at 12:00 noon on the steps of the Historic Downtown Berkeley Post Office at 2000 Allston Way. Here are some brief excerpts from his expose, Going Postal: U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein’s husband sells post offices to his friends, cheap. On Richard Blum and CBRE: Real estate transactions are normally negotiated … Continued