Insure Communities, Not Fossil Fuels


February 29, 2024 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Montgomery BART
1 Post St.
San Francisco

The global Insure Our Future campaign focuses on pressuring insurance companies to stop insuring fossil fuel projects. Join a global week of action to bring this demand to the streets.

Insure Our Future writes:

“In order to build a new fossil fuel project, companies need three things: permits, money and insurance. Without insurance, most new fossil fuel projects cannot go ahead, and existing ones must close. This makes insurance the Achilles heel of the fossil fuel industry. . . .

Insurance campaigning has already made new coal power plants almost uninsurable, threatening their viability, Coal companies are finding it increasingly difficult to access insurance cover even for their ongoing operations. Now we need your help to do the same for oil and gas expansion.”

The Oil and Gas Action Network is hosting the Bay Area action.



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