Debtors’ Assembly! You Are Not Alone. You Are Not A Loan!


November 23, 2013 @ 10:00 pm – November 24, 2013 @ 12:30 am
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Fellowship Hall
1924 Cedar Street
Berkeley, CA 94709
Hannah Appel

Debt keeps us isolated, ashamed, and afraid – of becoming homeless, of going hungry, of being crippled or killed by treatable illness, or of being trapped in poverty-level jobs. Those facing foreclosure, medical debt, student debt, or credit card debt feel alone, hounded by debt collectors, and forced into unrewarding work to keep up with payments.

Join us for Strike Debt Bay Area’s (website and Facebook) third Debtors’ Assembly, where we will come together to understand debt in this modern society of ours and how to fight it collectively. This event is generously sponsored by the Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee.

This Debtors’ Assembly will be an opportunity for people to come together, gain an understanding of how debt works, share their own debt experiences, and work on various ways to change the unjust debt system and begin to organize debt resistance.

ORGANIZATION INFO: Strike Debt Bay Area is the local chapter of Strike Debt, an international movement of groups working to build popular resistance to all forms of unjust debt. Strike Debt has organized the Rolling Jubilee, the Debt Resistors Operations Manual, and local debtors’ assemblies.

Strike Debt supports the creation of just and sustainable economies, based on mutual aid, common goods, and public affluence. We owe the financial institutions nothing. It is to our friends, families and community that we owe everything.

Poster from our first Debtors’ Assembly

Artwork and design by Sandy Sanders.


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