Fight For $15 Takes Action Around the Country. Oakland Confronts Jack-in-the-Box, McDonald’s.

Categories: Front Page, Labor Solidarity Committee, Open Mic

fightfor15-oak-nyc-chiStrike actions and civil disobedience have taken place across the country today in the next escalation of the Fight For $15/hr and the right to form a union without retribution.

Tweets have noted events in:

Boston, New York City, Philadephia, Charlotte, Miami, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Flint, Indianapolis, Wisconsin (city unspecified), Chicago, Rockford Illinois, Little Rock, Houston and, of course, Oakland.

Police were “running out of handcuffs” in Detroit and other protest sites saw arrests as well.


Oakland peeps started the action early this morning, first going to Jack in the Box, where some days ago two workers were fired after signing a union card. Then on to McDonald’s in the Temescal, taking it over and shutting it down for a time.

More action, including a rally at Oscar Grant Plaza, is planned for 11:30 AM today.

Tweets and tweetpics from the action this morning in Oakland:








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