nobel peace prize

Time Magazine Selects Mass Murderer As Person Of The Year 2012

Time Magazine has selected a mass murderer as Person of the Year for 2012: Drone strikes approved by corporate fascist puppet president Barack Obama kill 49 innocents for every 1 “suspected terrorist” they hit. When drones fly children die, and the American Sheeple who do nothing to stop it are as guilty of murder as their “elected” leaders. )( Tags: drone strikes, murder, genocide, drones, false flag terrorism, guns, gun control, newtown, hypocrisy, obama, bushbama, odrona, war profiteering, corporate fascism, military industrial complex, kleptocracy, time magazine, person of the year, … Continued


Undeserved: Bushbamney’s Nobel Peace Prize, Peres’ Medal of Freedom, Sarsak’s Starvation in Indefinite Detention

Undeserving Nobel Peace Prize recipient Obama awards Medal of Freedom to fellow war criminal Peres while soccer player Mahmoud Sarsak starves in Israeli jail. UNDESERVED: BUSHBAMNEY’S NOBEL PEACE PRIZE, PERES’ MEDAL OF FREEDOM, SARSAK’S STARVATION IN INDEFINITE DETENTION In a cruel twist of irony, Israeli President Shimon Peres was honored Wednesday night [6/13/2012] with the “Presidential Medal of Freedom” at a lavish White House feast while Mahmoud Sarsak, rising Palestinian soccer star, nears death by starvation. Sarsak is now on his 87th day of hunger strike to demand the basic … Continued