
NDAA 2013: Drones, Permanent War And Indefinite Detention Without Charge Or Trial For American Citizens On American Soil

While mainstream media keeps the Sheeple distracted with Christmas classics and inconsistent reporting about killings in Connecticut, Amerika’s corporate fascist puppet Congress quietly hacks away at habeus corpus. )( “In recent decades we have lost sight of the historic achievement that empowered the individual. The religious, legal and political roots of this great achievement are no longer reverently taught in high schools, colleges and universities or respected by our government. The voices that reach us through the millennia and connect us to our culture are being silenced by ‘political correctness’ … Continued


Time Magazine Selects Mass Murderer As Person Of The Year 2012

Time Magazine has selected a mass murderer as Person of the Year for 2012: Drone strikes approved by corporate fascist puppet president Barack Obama kill 49 innocents for every 1 “suspected terrorist” they hit. When drones fly children die, and the American Sheeple who do nothing to stop it are as guilty of murder as their “elected” leaders. )( Tags: drone strikes, murder, genocide, drones, false flag terrorism, guns, gun control, newtown, hypocrisy, obama, bushbama, odrona, war profiteering, corporate fascism, military industrial complex, kleptocracy, time magazine, person of the year, … Continued


2012 Voter Guide for Demopublicans and Republicrats

Keywords 2012 election, 2012 elections, anonymous, bushbama, bushbamney, corporate fascism, corporate greed, democratic party, democrats, demopublicans, elections, global revolution, gop, judicial overrides, kleptocracy, manufactured consent, obama, obamney, obomney, occupy movement, occupy wall street, odrona, ows, plutocracy, police state, political corruption, politics, predetermined outcomes, puppet politicians, republican party, republicans, republicrats, revolution, rigged elections, rigged voting machines, romney, sheeple, two party duopoly, two party tyranny, vote, vote for nobody, voter, voters, voters guide, voting Hashtags #2012election, #2012elections, #anonymous, #bushbama, #bushbamney, #fascism, #greed, #democrats, #demopublicans, #elections, #globalrevolution, #kleptocracy, #gop, #obama, #obamney, #obomney, #occupy, … Continued


NDAA 2012 Update: Odrona Demands Dismissal Of Section 1021 Injunction

Corporate puppet and wannabe fascist dictator Barack Obama aka Bushbama aka Bushbamney wants to keep the power to make you disappear asserted in AUMF 2001. NDAA 2012 UPDATE: ODRONA DEMANDS DISMISSAL OF SECTION 1021 INJUNCTION “Dissent without civil disobedience is consent.”-Henry David Thoreau In the case of Christopher Hedges et al v. Barack Obama et al (Case 1:12-cv-00331-KBF) the fascist regime of corporate puppet president Barack Bushbamney Odrona just filed its brief in opposition to a permanent injunction against the indefinite detention of American citizens without charge or trial provisions … Continued


Americans Have Three Choices In November: Bushbamney, Third-Party or Nobody

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results – like voting on false choices in rigged elections with predetermined outcomes. AMERICANS HAVE THREE CHOICES IN NOVEMBER: BUSHBAMNEY, THIRD-PARTY OR NOBODY As they’ve done so many times in the past, on Tuesday 6 November 2012 American voters will go to the polls to decide absolutely nothing. At least not at the presidential level, where electing either corporate-controlled Democratic puppet Obama or corporate-controlled Republican puppet Romney will mean a continuation of perpetual wars for profit and oil … Continued


Is 99% Spring Co-Opting Occupy Wall Street Into The Corporate-Controlled Two-Party System?

Is “Spring99%” a rejuvenation of Occupy Wall Street, or a false flag psyop aimed at absorbing OWS into the elite-controlled, false-choice Demopublican facade? IS THE 99% SPRING INITIATIVE AN ATTEMPT TO ABSORB THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT INTO THE CORPORATE-CONTROLLED TWO-PARTY SYSTEM? co-opt (verb): To absorb, assimilate or take into a larger group. See also co-opted, co-option, co-optive, co-optate, co-optated, co-optation, co-optative, coopt, coopted, cooptive, cooptate, cooptated, cooptation, cooptative, taken in, taken over, annexed, appropriated, subverted and screwed. Here you will find the letter that launched the “99% Spring” initiative and the … Continued


Occupy Australia! Bushbama trades unearned Nobel Peace Prize for Salesman-of-the-Year Trophy from U.S. Defense Contractors

OCCUPY AUSTRALIA! BUSHBAMA TRADES UNEARNED NOBEL PEACE PRIZE FOR SALESMAN-OF-THE-YEAR TROPHY FROM U.S. DEFENSE CONTRACTORS Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 63: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 18 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0063c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? This week, while across America thousands of Veterans and other concerned Citizens protest the corporate takeover of our Republic and hundreds of those Patriots are beaten and arrested, our Kleptocracy-controlled puppet president Bushbama traded his unearned Nobel Peace Prize for a well-deserved Salesman-of-the-Year trophy … Continued