Author Archives: kencheetham

I’ve uploaded my photos of Occupy the Farm (Gill Tract), here: Click on any of those medium-sized images to go to the page for the individual full-sized image for downloading. The images at the very end are outtakes of the CBS5 video of the 2012-05-14 police raid. The others are photos by me.  My photos just before the raid show the seedlings coming along nicely the evening before the raid. Ken Cheetham 31185


photos of Occupy the Farm at the Gill Tract

Hello — If you’d like to see and/or use any of my photos of Occupy the Farm (Gill Tract), they are posted here: Click on any of those medium-sized images to go to the page for the individual full-sized image for downloading. (The images at the end are outtakes of the CBS5 video of the 2012-05-14 police raid. The others are photos by me.) Ken Cheetham 31182


12-minute video of shutting down the port

Hello — I posted a 12-minute video of shutting down the Port of Oakland here: Raw amateur video heavily edited down to mostly short clips.  It attempts to document the sequence of events, the enthusiasm of the crowd, passing messages back through the crowd, and group decision-making.  Ends with the drumming / dancing / chanting groove back at 14th and Broadway.  Posted it Sunday night 2011-11-06. Ken Cheetham   5716