Author Archives: drwxrxrx

Port Shutdown gets attention of Target, Walgreens, JCPenny, Crate & Barrel

Rocky shores: Representatives from Target, Walgreens, J.C. Penney, and Crate and Barrel tell Oakland port commissioners and staffers they’re prepared to bypass the city – and ship all their overseas merchandise through Los Angeles – if the locals can’t control the Occupy situation. The reps point out that 40 percent of their imports come through Oakland, and say last week’s shutdown cost their companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in missed shipping deadlines. Matier & Ross, (12 Dec 2011) 13578


city trying to move OO

Oakland News – Mayor’s Office Plans To Move Occupy Oakland first half of the text: This is an Oakland News entry based on information given to this blogger over the weekend from various sources that do not wish to be named. The first most recent one was this morning. Oakland Mayor Jean Quan held a meeting at 7:30 AM today (Monday) to consider various sites to relocate Occupy Oakland. Currently the giant encampment is at Oakland Frank Ogawa Plaza, which is also called Oscar Grant Plaza or Grant Ogawa Plaza. … Continued