Solidary Statement With the South African Miners of Marikina

Categories: Front Page, Labor Solidarity Committee

To the workers striking against Lonmin:

We are the Labor Solidarity Committee of Occupy Oakland. We have been watching your struggle and are inspired by the strength, courage, and determination you have shown. We always support any and all workers who realize their power and stand up to fight back back against injustice. Injustices come from bosses, government, and even supposed allies.

None have fought with more fervor and righteous persistence as you. Few have ever faced the horrors that you have in return. We are both mournful and enraged by the brutality we know you have suffered. These actions must not go unanswered.

We extend to you a hand of solidarity from across the globe. We want to fight alongside you. We are workers also; your battles are our battles. We are on the same side; we share the same enemies on the other side.

We call on all people who have only their labor to survive and any of their organizations to not just speak, but to act in solidarity with you. We would like to take action against any company that buys, transports, or invests in products from Lonmin PLC. This includes refusing to install, sell, use or transport products containing material from this mine. It also includes shutdown actions against investors and companies who service Lonmin PLC.

We also support every effort to resist unjust economic and government systems, including your actions resisting murderous, violent police. This is another common battle that we share.

Lastly, we support your ability to organize in any way that way that you, as workers, decide, in order to combat the injustices you face. We will do what we can to support and defend you. This is one fight; we should be one fist.

In mourning, outrage, and solidarity,

— The Occupy Oakland Labor Solidarity Committee


One Response to “Solidary Statement With the South African Miners of Marikina”

  1. Isis

    Video of Oakland Rally in Solidarity with Marikana Lonmin Miners in South Africa:

    On August 24, 2012 in Oakland, California a rally was held to protest the murder of South Africa Miners. Speakers protested the massacre by the government and the National Union Of Miners which was charged with supporting the use of police to kill the miners.

    Production of Labor Video Project