[Tabled at 3/11/12 GA] Proposal for Finance of Inside Out: A Participatory Art Project

Categories: GA Proposals

We are asking for financial backing of the participatory art project, Inside Out | Occcupy Oakland. We have raised almost $6,000 in less than a month on Kickstarter, and are asking for a $1000 contribution from O.O. so that we can take this project to its full potential. To put this in perspective, the Finance Committee has let us know that there is 29k in the Long Haul fund as of 2.29.12.

We have taken portraits of Oakland Occupiers from all walks of life, and are pasting them onto buildings all over Oakland, using art to Occupy our city and reclaim our walls. You probably recognize many of the faces from GA meetings and Occupy events. Our portraits express the diversity of our movement, promote peaceful and creative protest, and demand attention at local and global levels. There are already two 20 foot portraits on 24th Street and Telegraph, and multiple smaller portraits posted around Oakland, and this is just the beginning. The portraits have already sparked constructive dialogue around the world, and we have reached audiences across the US and in countries including France, the UK, Australia, Columbia, Germany, Libya, Spain, and Argentina.

Our funding goes towards printing huge portraits (We use a local printer that plots them out on 3′ by 10′ strips.), making wheat paste, purchasing tools and equipment, renting scaffolding, creating promotion media, and producing a short documentary to share Inside Out | Occupy Oakland with the world. Some of our footage will also be included in a feature documentary created by the global Inside Out Project.

This is a participatory project, so we welcome all of you to join our efforts. Inside Out | Occupy Oakland is here to share the diversity and strength of Occupy Oakland within our own community and with the world. With the support of the OO community and a contribution of $1,000, we can continue to turn Occupy Inside Out.


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