Daily Archives: November 21, 2011

The government wants to grant Banks immunity from prosecution!

We were actually dancing in the streets when Obama was elected and look what he does to us: http://deadlyclear.wordpress.com/2011/11/17/stop-justice-department-officials-sign-resolution-against-wall-street-immunity/ http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/632/t/9899/campaign.jsp?campaign_KEY=27952   7202


rights and responsibilities

Supporters of Occupy need to know JUDGES WON’T TELL YOU THIS, but when you sit on a jury in a criminal trial, you have the right to vote according to your conscience, no matter what the judge says about the law.  As a juror, you are the final safeguard for justice.  If you think that the criminal charge is based on a bad law, or a good law that is not being applied properly, or that there are other factors that would make you regret a vote to convict someone, … Continued



Where is the money going? I read that the $20k donation from OWS was going into a credit union, but some outfit named “Long Haul” has a website up soliciting donations for OO? Who is controlling the funds? 7182


Repression of Occupy Oakland Continues

• Early Monday morning the encampment at Snow Park was successfully evicted by Police, no arrests reported • Early Sunday morning the new encampment at 19th & Telegraph was cleared by Police, no arrests reported Here is a video that includes the initial occupation of the empty lot on Saturday evening as well as a report the next morning following the raid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVtKX9vBiHs&feature=youtu.be • On Sunday afternoon, Police, private security & DPW workers destroyed the garden planted in Oscar Grant Plaza during the Saturday Day of Action More info regarding … Continued



Have the organizers of Occupy Wall Street looked into the FairTax Act, or is there another fair tax base that they are proposing?  We need to have a goal or some sort of solution, to aim for, alternatives to the existing tax basis that is totally lopsided and allows loopholes for the rich.  From what I have seen of the FairTax Act it is simple and fair.  If this isn’t agreeable, what can we propose what are some of the goals? WandaKay 7160


hold mayor quan accountable

this is from a story in today’s new york times…Saying public safety remained her first priority, [Oakland] Mayor Jean Quan said in a statement, “We will not tolerate lodging on public property, whether in parks or open space; it is illegal.” This is as opposed to all manner of illegal activity engaged in by government employees in Oakland, starting with the infamous police force, that they don’t mind tolerating at all. 7157


The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: A One Trillion Dollar Boondoggle That is “Too Big to Fail”

THE F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER: A ONE TRILLION DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE THAT IS “TOO BIG TO FAIL” Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 66: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 20 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0066c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? The constitutionality of “the United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction” a.k.a. “the Supercommittee” created on August 2nd by the “Budget Control Act of 2011” is a question few of our corporate-controlled politicians or media pundits have the intestinal fortitude to … Continued


Find Your Own Way to Participate

Feeling energized and delighted by the news from members of my family of friends, my tribe and my community: More people are stepping up, stepping out and getting involved! Occupy isn’t a hierarchical, spearheaded organization. No one is liable for you. No one can protect you. You must manage your own risk and practice self-reliance, while you collaborate with others doing the same thing. In my judgment, your best judgment might be your best ally. Occupy is a global movement that invites people to embody and integrate their autonomy, and … Continued


Dissenters within the 99%. We need you.

Dissenters! We need you! I keep reading grumbling from people who believe that Occupy Oakland took a wrong turn on 11/19/2011. Just to be clear, there was no breaking of windows on 11/19 or violence. Some are saying that somehow the actions on the 19th gave Occupy Oakland and the City of Oakland a bad name that will scare business away from Oakland at the very least. I am an Oakland resident. This is my home. I haven’t noticed businesses clamoring to come to Oakland even before Occupy Oakland. Heck, … Continued