
Confronting the Many Faces of Repression

Rethinking Repression Over the past year, we have experienced many forms of overt police repression, from the camp eviction and night of tear gas on October 25th, to raids on the vigil, to snatch and grab squads on May Day.  We have come to expect the riot-clad police, with their batons and chemical weapons, although repression comes in other forms as well.  As a community, we have not been sufficiently attuned to these other faces of repression.  As the Anti-Repression Committee (ARC), we too have focused primarily on the overt … Continued


Who is the finance committee?

The day before yesterday, the finance committee posted here on OO’s website that there was a meeting, yesterday, October 17th, at Awaken Cafe at 6pm. Curious about the rumors that have been circulating, I decided to go because I really want the finance committee to have a chance to counter those rumors, to explain their side of the story. I have never asked for money from Occupy Oakland but do feel myself to be a part of it as I have participated in many protests, paid bail, put money … Continued