GA Proposals

[#4 for 4/4/12 GA] Proposal for the Endorsement and Support of the Dignity and Resistance May Day March and Rally

The Bay Area Coalition for Dignity and Resistance has called for a march and rallies on May Day (May 1, 2012), starting at 3pm at the Fruitvale BART plaza. Many Occupy Oakland people have been attending the meetings as part of the coalition, along with people from Decolonize Oakland, Occupy the Hood, Occupy SF, immigrant community organizations, and others. Monday, 3/26/12, the Occupy Oakland May Day Assembly voted to endorse this event and bring a proposal to the GA for endorsement by Occupy Oakland. The kick-off rally will be in … Continued


Proposal Queue for the April 1, 2012 General Assembly

1. Proposal to Endorse and Participate with ACCE/RTJ in National Transportation Day of Action on April 4, 2012 2. Proposal Endorsing Goldman Sachs Educational Seminar 3. Finance Proposal for Reimbursement of Costs for Million Hoodie March for Trayvon Martin 4. Clearing House Proposal 5. Proposal for the Endorsement and Support of the Dignity and Resistance May Day March and Rally 6. Separate Proposal for Funds for the Dignity and Resistance Coalition 26307


[Passed at 4/1/12 GA] Proposal to Endorse and Participate with ACCE/RTJ in National Transportation Day of Action on April 4, 2012

We, the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment’s Riders for Transit Justice (ACCE/RTJ), are calling for nationwide demonstrations on Wednesday, April 4th, 2012, to highlight the amount of money being given to banks to pay extraordinarily high interest rates on swap fees. This is in conjunction with Occupy MBTA/Boston and many other cities. Fruitvale Transit Village, at bus stops on International Blvd. 4/4/12 4:30 p.m. We are also going to have actions in Oakland regarding our local buses. $53 million annually in swap fees is being paid to the big … Continued


[Passed at 4/1/12 GA] Proposal Endorsing Goldman Sachs Educational Seminar

The OO Labor Solidarity Committee asks that the General Assembly endorse the Goldman Sachs Teach-In by the Oakland Coalition for Economic and Social Justice. It will be held on Wednesday, April 4th, 2012, from 1:30 – 4:30 PM, at the Allen Temple Baptist Church/J. Alfred Smith Fellowship Hall at 8501 International Boulevard in Oakland. This event will also be held in memory of the anniversary of the death of Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., and will set the stage for an action at the City of Oakland Finance Committee to … Continued


Proposal Queue for the March 28, 2012 General Assembly

1. OO Endorsement of “Oakland & New York Are One Fist” Solidarity Statement 2. Door to Door Outreach Proposal 3. Clearing House Proposal 4. Proposal for Endorsement and Support of the Dignity and Resistance May Day March and Rally 4a. Separate Proposal for Funds for the Dignity and Resistance Coalition 25853


[Pulled at 3/28/12 GA] OO Endorsement of “Oakland & New York Are One Fist” Solidarity Statement

The Occupy Oakland General Assembly stands in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street and all those who were brutalized on March 17, 2012.  Six months after the beginning of the Occupy movement, thugs dressed in blue once more beat, bashed, and stomped on peaceful protesters trying to create a better world. Late at night on the 17th of March in New York City, Cecily McMillan was left convulsing in bonds without being allowed medical attention; just as on October 25th Scott Olsen was shot and left bleeding in the streets of Oakland by those whose motto is “to protect … Continued


Proposal Queue for the March 25, 2012 General Assembly

1. Proposal for Afghan Solidarity Action 2. Proposal for Press Conference Re: DA/OPD Repression of Occupy 3. Proposal for OO Support of Mr. 1% Rally in Redwood City 4. Fast Food Workers Proposal 5. OO Endorsement of “Oakland & New York Are One Fist” Solidarity Statement 6. Door to Door Outreach Proposal 7. Proposal to Form a Working Group to Explore the Pros and Cons of Endorsing the People’s Congress 8. Proposal to Support Occupy Education’s “Tax the Millionaires” Ballot Initiative 25417


[Passed at 3/25/12 GA] Proposal for Afghan Solidarity Action

Communities in Oakland have been struggling against police violence, surveillance, criminalization, and incarceration for generations. Police here are becoming more and more militarized daily, there are joint trainings between local police, the U.S. military, IDF, and Bahrainy security forces. Soldiers, trained killers returning from war, are joining the local police forces. Local police departments are investing in and using military grade weapons for low intensity warfare upon civilians here. We experienced the raids and night raids here in Oakland. Many of us were beaten or brutalized by rubber bullets, bean … Continued


[Passed at 3/25/12 GA] Proposal for Press Conference Re: DA/OPD Repression of Occupy

Occupy Oakland and other Occupy groups in Alameda County have been subjected to a relentless campaign of suppression and discriminatory application of the law by the Oakland police department, the mayor, the city administrator’s office, and the Alameda County district attorney’s office. This campaign focuses not only on intimidation and terrorizing activists with threats of violence, inordinately long jail stays due to high bails, inflated and inflammatory sentencing such as: lethal use of less than lethal weapons, bails in the 100’s of thousands, criminal and hate crimes charges, stay away orders, … Continued