
Jubilee Policy [Debt Eradication] Platform Study Group @ Online
Jan 14 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm

The California Policy and Political Education Working Group of the CA Poor People’s Campaign will host the first monthly meeting of the Jubilee Policy Platform Study Group. Here is the section we’re reading for the first meeting.

Being a document that the campaign is using to put forward a policy agenda that addresses the interlocking injustices we want to read and discuss what it means to our work on the state and local level.

For the first session, Lauren Hill and Abraham Entin will share facilitation. They are asking us to read the introduction and 1st section (pages 1-3).

If you want to join, please RSVP. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The Cost of Racism for Everyone: Conversation w/ Racial Justice Advocate, Heather McGhee @ Online
Jan 14 @ 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
sum_of_us.jpg The Cost of Racism for Everyone: Conversation w/ Racial Justice Advocate, Heather McGhee

MODERATOR: Sheila Smith McKoy, HNU’s Provost and VP for Academic Affairs

RSVP (Free):

Join Heather McGhee for a conversation about the topic of her upcoming book,
“The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together”.

Heather McGhee’s specialty is the American economy—and the mystery of why it so often fails the American public. From the financial crisis to rising student debt to collapsing public infrastructure, she found a common root problem: racism.

But not just in the most obvious indignities for people of color. Racism has costs for white people, too. It is the common denominator of our most vexing public problems, the core dysfunction of our democracy and constitutive of the spiritual and moral crises that grip us all.

But how did this happen? And is there a way out?

This event is part of Holy Names University’s “Soaring Toward Justice” speaker series, designed to encourage conversations about anti-racist action, diversity, and restorative justice with the goal of building campus and community stakeholder coalitions to actively co-create an anti-racist society.

ABOUT: Heather McGhee

Heather McGhee holds a B.A. in American Studies from Yale University and a J.D. from the University of Californiaat Berkeley School of Law. McGhee is a the chair of the board of Color of Change, the nation’s largest online racial justice organization.

How Fines and Fees Harm Californians @ Online
Jan 14 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

Pre-register for a link to this Digital Discourse >>

Fines, fees and other legal monetary sanctions burden millions of Californians and disproportionately impact low-income people and communities of color. These mechanisms trap people in a byzantine and punitive system that can cause things like traffic tickets to cost thousands of dollars, contributing to a two-tiered system of justice where some are burdened more than others. However, recent policy changes at both the local and state level are attempting to reform this unfair and unjust system of fines and fees. Come hear how the Bay Area is proving itself a leader in the critical efforts to eliminate regressive fees and deliver equitable fines.

Stephanie Campos-Bui / UC Berkeley Policy Advocacy Clinic
Elisa Della-Piana / Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area
Jacob Denney / SPUR
Anne Stuhldreher / San Francisco Financial Justice Project
+ Paul Briley / Legal Services for Prisoners with Children & All of Us or None

SPUR Digital Discourse

Registrants will receive a link to this Digital Discourse a day in advance of the program. Later registrants will receive a link one hour prior to the program’s start. Anyone registering less than an hour before the program may not receive a link.
Phone: 415.781.8726


Free for SPUR members.
$10 for non-members.


When registering, please use the same email address that you use to receive SPUR emails.

Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present @ ONLINE, VIA 'ZOOM'
Jan 14 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Just us for a virtual event with Mary Ziegler for her new book “Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present”. She’ll be in conversation with Mother Jones reproductive rights reporter Becca Andrews.

Hosts: San Francisco’s Booksmith independent bookstore and Mother Jones Magazine (SF)

Cost: FREE & open to the community. The event link will be sent to everyone who registers.

RSVP required:

To order “Abortion and the Law in America”, with free shipping throughout San Francisco and the East Bay, please go to:


“Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present” by Mary Ziegler

With the Supreme Court likely to reverse Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion decision, American debate appears fixated on clashing rights. The first comprehensive legal history of a vital period, Abortion and the Law in America illuminates an entirely different and unexpected shift in the terms of debate. Rather than simply championing rights, those on opposing sides battled about the policy costs and benefits of abortion and laws restricting it. This mostly unknown turn deepened polarization in ways many have missed.

Never abandoning their constitutional demands, pro-choice and pro-life advocates increasingly disagreed about the basic facts. Drawing on unexplored records and interviews with key participants, Ziegler complicates the view that the Supreme Court is responsible for the escalation of the conflict. A gripping account of social-movement divides and crucial legal strategies, this book delivers a definitive recent history of an issue that transforms American law and politics to this day.

ABOUT: Mary Ziegler, author

Mary Ziegler is the Stearns Weaver Miller Professor at Florida State University College of Law. Pulitzer Prize winning historian David Garrow has called her “the premier historian of abortion in the post-Roe era.” She teaches and writes on the legal history of reproduction and constitutional law, family law, and sexuality. Her latest book is Abortion and the Law in America: Roe v. Wade to the Present (Cambridge University Press 2020). Her first book, After Roe: The Lost History of the Abortion Debate (Harvard, 2015), was the winner of the 2014 Harvard University Press Thomas J. Wilson Memorial Prize for best first manuscript in any discipline. She often serves as commentator in leading mass media outlets across the world, including The Atlantic, The BBC, the Boston Globe, CNN, the Guardian, MSNBC, NBC, The New York Times, NPR, PBS News Hour, Politico, the Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.

ABOUT: Becca Andrews, reporter for Mother Jones Magazine

Becca Andrews is a reporter at Mother Jones. A Southerner, she most often writes about the Southeast, gender, and culture. Before joining Mother Jones as an editorial fellow, she wrote for newspapers in Tennessee. Her work has also appeared in Slate, Marie Claire UK, and USA Today. Her first book, No Choice, on the dwindling access to abortion in the United States, is forthcoming from Hachette’s Public Affairs imprint.

Ella Baker Meeting @ Online
Jan 14 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

7th Annual Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy Weekend
Jan 15 all-day

It’s that time of year again! The 7th Annual Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy Weekend will take place January 15th-18th 2020.

This year’s theme is Re-Imagine. Reimagine and remember King’s unrealized dream.

Oaklanders have a dream:

We dream of a total transformation of how Oakland defines and implements public safety.

We dream of REfunding our communities with 50% of OPD’s dollars to create true public safety.

We dream of housing our unhoused.

We dream of being able to afford our rent.

We dream of an equitable and competent response to our most COVID-19 impacted communities.

We dream of communities that are not terrorized and traumatized by gun violence.

We dream of a 100% progressive city government that reflects the values that are the heart and soul of Oakland.

We are making our dream the collective lived reality of our City.

We are asking organizations to organize events over the weekend on January 15, 16, or 17. But please reserve Monday, January 18, MLK Day itself, for the 7th Annual Day of Action to Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy — Car Caravan:

Events should be virtual or absolutely ensure safe social distancing and adherence to COVID-19 precautions. We will post events here as we learn of them.

See you online and in the streets!

7th Annual Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy Weekend
Jan 16 all-day

It’s that time of year again! The 7th Annual Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy Weekend will take place January 15th-18th 2020.

This year’s theme is Re-Imagine. Reimagine and remember King’s unrealized dream.

Oaklanders have a dream:

We dream of a total transformation of how Oakland defines and implements public safety.

We dream of REfunding our communities with 50% of OPD’s dollars to create true public safety.

We dream of housing our unhoused.

We dream of being able to afford our rent.

We dream of an equitable and competent response to our most COVID-19 impacted communities.

We dream of communities that are not terrorized and traumatized by gun violence.

We dream of a 100% progressive city government that reflects the values that are the heart and soul of Oakland.

We are making our dream the collective lived reality of our City.

We are asking organizations to organize events over the weekend on January 15, 16, or 17. But please reserve Monday, January 18, MLK Day itself, for the 7th Annual Day of Action to Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy — Car Caravan:

Events should be virtual or absolutely ensure safe social distancing and adherence to COVID-19 precautions. We will post events here as we learn of them.

See you online and in the streets!

Eco-Socialism Workshops @ Online
Jan 16 @ 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm

Green Eco-Socialist Network – 3 part series with David Cobb, Meleiza Figueroa, David Bond, Chey Bell!

Join us for a deep dive into Eco-Socialism, and learn how the capitalist status quo deprives us of our human rights and aspirations. The first presentation in this 3-part series is an introduction to Eco-Socialism vs. Capitalism including a discussion of what Eco-Socialism may mean to you.
The world we need and deserve is not only possible, it is an imperative. We and our children will not survive the status quo.

Event is FREE – advance registration required:

Here’s the Facebook event page.

Event opens with Comedian Chey Bell !

The two following presentations in the series will build on the first event and will be held on Feb. 20th and April 10th, 2021. Presentations will focus on Eco-Socialist platforms and programs and institutions being built around the country to shift away from capitalist systems and into a just, sustainable future.

2020 showed us how corporate America tripled their riches while we scrambled to feed our families and keep a roof over our heads. It’s time to break up big corporations! The Green Party platform and our Green New Deal seek to build an alternative economic system based on ecology and decentralization of power. We believe private ownership of production and state ownership of production are not ecologically sound, socially just, or democratic and that both contain built-in structures that advance injustices. We seek democratic decision making in communities and workplaces in balance with nature. This decentralized system is knows as co-ops, communalism, or ecological socialism (eco-socialism).

Please join the Ecosocialist Network for this kick ass kick off with California Greens: Cooperation Humboldt co-founder David Cobb, 2016 press director for Stein/Baraka presidential campaign & UC Berkeley PhD candidate Meleiza Figueroa, and David Bond of Los Angeles who was Kenneth Mejia’s campaign manager.  Cobb is an attorney who was the 2004 Green Party candidate for U.S. President.
This is sure to be a riveting panel, with kick ass comedy, to boot, to kick off the series!

7th Annual Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy Weekend
Jan 17 all-day

It’s that time of year again! The 7th Annual Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy Weekend will take place January 15th-18th 2020.

This year’s theme is Re-Imagine. Reimagine and remember King’s unrealized dream.

Oaklanders have a dream:

We dream of a total transformation of how Oakland defines and implements public safety.

We dream of REfunding our communities with 50% of OPD’s dollars to create true public safety.

We dream of housing our unhoused.

We dream of being able to afford our rent.

We dream of an equitable and competent response to our most COVID-19 impacted communities.

We dream of communities that are not terrorized and traumatized by gun violence.

We dream of a 100% progressive city government that reflects the values that are the heart and soul of Oakland.

We are making our dream the collective lived reality of our City.

We are asking organizations to organize events over the weekend on January 15, 16, or 17. But please reserve Monday, January 18, MLK Day itself, for the 7th Annual Day of Action to Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy — Car Caravan:

Events should be virtual or absolutely ensure safe social distancing and adherence to COVID-19 precautions. We will post events here as we learn of them.

See you online and in the streets!

The Farmer’s Movement in India @ Online
Jan 17 @ 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Our speaker, Cde. Nagraj, is an agronomist based in Karnataka State of India in South-India. This state is now ruled by BJP but was ruled by the Congress Party in 1983. He resigned from his state gov. job in 1983 over what he saw was unfairness to the farmers. He then worked with farmers unions. I think he is associated with CPI-M (to be confirmed).  He is available both for the 17th and 31st of January 2021. I have asked him to send me a synopsis of his talk by email.  Since the farmers’ movement is at a crucial stage, we would prefer we give him the 17 January slot if at all possible

The meeting will be opened up, as usual, at 10:15 for anyone to join and discuss technical matters, catch up with each other, say Hi, etc. We Intend to start the presentation as close to 10:30 am as possible. The program (and recording) will end at 12:30, but the Waiting Room will remain open for informal discussion.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 259 108 2607

Passcode: 6MwQP7

#DefundOPD Teachin @ Online
Jan 17 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

7th Annual Day of Action to Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy – Car Caravan Edition @ Port of Oakland
Jan 18 @ 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Gather your friends and family. Reach out to your schools, unions, churches and other organizations. On Monday, January 18, join the Anti Police-Terror Project for the 7th Annual March to Reclaim MLK’s Radical Legacy!

This year’s Reclaim “march” will be a car caravan that begins at the Port of Oakland, makes its way down International/E14 and ends in East Oakland with a short program.

(See our separate event for how you can also support by calling related events all weekend -except MLK Day:

For seven years running, the APTP Reclaim MLK event has been the only MLK March in the city of Oakland and brings together thousands of people across race, class and political ideology with a commitment to build a just and equitable Oakland that Dr. King would be proud of.

For decades, MLK’s legacy has been whitewashed. Often portrayed as a passive figure, in truth he was a radical leader demanding rational change: an end to capitalism, to war, to empire, to poverty, and to white supremacy. Communities in Oakland and across the country take this opportunity every year to celebrate the true spirit of this revolutionary. We intend to follow in his legacy through our campaign to defund the police and refund the community.

This year’s theme is Re-Imagine. Reimagine and remember King’s unrealized dream.

The work to Refund. Restore. Reimagine our communities is a modern day reflection of King’s work, legacy and unfulfilled dream. He said, “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.” That’s Oakland’s budget every year. As we reimagine what public safety means in Oakland — violence interruption, housing as a human right, living-wage jobs with dignity, good schools, clean streets and parks, mental health care and crisis support, and thriving communities — we are making King’s Dream a reality.

We acknowledge that the pandemic is still raging through our communities. We will take this seriously. But we also acknowledge the essential work of defunding OPD in order to eradicate police terror. Police terror, like the pandemic, is a public health emergency.

And that’s why we still plan to hit the streets on MLK Day and Weekend but will do so in a car caravan that envelopes our whole city as we ride from the Port to Eastmont Mall.

On Monday, January 18, we will take action to demand:
-Cut OPD’s allocation from the General Fund by 50% (roughly $150 Million);
-Redirect funds to invest in housing, jobs, youth programs, restorative justice, mental health workers and other services that actually keep us safe.
-Discontinue unauthorized overtime by OPD;
-An immediate response to the violence in our streets that is NOT rooted in the carceral state.


Kid & family friendly! More info TBD.

Message or email us if you’d like to get involved in the planning:

Car Caravan: Climate Resistance in Richmond
Jan 19 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Join Idle No More SF Bay and Urban Tilth on the day before the Inauguration for a #BuildBackFossilFree Day of Action.

Facebook info and RSVP

Call on Joe Biden to kick off his term by taking executive action to:

  • Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities that have borne the brunt of fossil fuel pollution and climate disasters.
  • Reject new fossil fuel projects, eliminate giveaways to oil gas, and coal corporations, and end the era of fossil fuel production.
  • Launch a national climate mobilization to Build Back Fossil Free, and deliver jobs, justice, and opportunity for all.

Please ask your network to sign the petition that will be delivered to the Biden Administration in the first 100 days.

Car Caravan Instructions:
You are encouraged to create and bring your own signs, due to more strict safety and health guidelines during the pandemic.  Here are some ideas:
“Joe Biden, end the era of fossil fuels!”
“Dear Chevron: We demand clean air, not polluted air”
“Build Back Fossil Free”
“Protect and invest in the Black, Indigenous, Brown, and working-class communities”
“We live for a healthy, safe and clean future!”Keep in touch: A google number is available for current locations and ETA.  Keep an eye out the morning of the action: it will be shared on the Facebook event page.
Make noise: If you have instruments, pots, pans, rattles or drums bring them!  Driving directions will be given at the beginning of the event at Fallas Padres parking lot.
Please be mindful of your surroundings.
Stick with the slow speed of the caravan.
Masks are mandatory.
Maintain social distances of more than 6 feet at the beginning and ending of the caravan.

If you plan on taking photos or video footage, please share them on the Facebook event page and other social media handles with the hashtags #BuildBackFossilFree#BBFF#KeepItInTheGround,   #ClimatePresident, and #IdleNoMoreSFBay .


Reflections On Politics, Race and Culture: Where We Are and Where We’re Going @ Online
Jan 19 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Busboys and Poets and the Center for Popular Democracy are proud to present this virgual gathering to welcome in a new presidential administration:

Reflections On Our Current Political Climate: Where We Are and Where We’re Going
Tuesday January 19, 2021
6:00-8:00pm ET. 

This virtual gathering will bring together organizers, activists, artists, entertainers and political leaders to give a nonpartisan toast to the incoming administration and to share our ideas and visions of how we make sure that it is responsive to the needs, hopes and dreams of our communities. Join us to celebrate the organizing power of the progressive movement and lay out our big, bold vision of a country that treats people with dignity, respect and equality.

Special Guests:
Nikki Giovanni
Alicia Garza
Ben Jealous
Maurice Mitchell
Piper Perabo
Alice Walker
Angela Davis
Somava Saha

Tickets are free and can be purchased here!

Questions? Please contact Beth Slade at

Socialist Night School: MLK In His Own Words @ Online
Jan 19 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

In the decades since Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s assassination at sanitation workers strike in Memphis, his legacy has been appropriated by just about every political movement out there. From Fox News pundits claiming he would oppose tax increases on the rich because he was “for freedom,” to the more typical whitewashing of his radical politics for a broad audience, anyone and everyone claim the sainted image2 of the good Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. as their own.

But in his own time, MLK was viewed as the radical that he was. By cleaving toward an uncompromising politics of racial justice, economic transformation, and peace abroad, MLK won the ire of nearly ¾ of Americans who said they disapproved of him in a 1967 Harris Poll. Today, on our national holiday celebrating his legacy, we invite you to read and listen to his own prophetic words as he wrote and spoke them in his time.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 817 1742 5470

Passcode: school

One tap mobile

+16699006833,,81717425470#,,,,*434903# US (San Jose)

+12532158782,,81717425470#,,,,*434903# US (Tacoma)

Workers’ Rally Against Racism and Fascism! For a General Strike! @ SF City Hall
Jan 20 @ 5:55 pm – 6:55 pm

Fascism and racism are on the rise! Covid-19 is claiming lives! Poverty, unemployment and homelessness are suffocating the working class! Biden is not going to save us with his neoliberal agenda and suppressive policies!

Join us in this rally to raise workers’ own united, independent voice against racism, fascism, poverty and the virus!

Make sure to bring your masks and keep socially distant.

Oakland Privacy: Fighting Against the Surveillance State @ ONLINE, VIA 'ZOOM' - SEE BELOW
Jan 20 @ 6:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Email a few days before the meeting to obtain Zoom meeting access info.

Join Oakland Privacy to organize against the surveillance state, police militarization and ICE, and to advocate for surveillance regulation around the Bay and nationwide.

op-logo.2.1We fight against spy drones, facial recognition, police body camera secrecy, anti-transparency laws and requirements for “backdoors” to cellphones; we oppose “pre-crime” and “thought-crime,” —  to list just a few invasions of our privacy by all levels of Government, and attempts to hide what government officials, employees and agencies are doing.

We draft and push for privacy legislation for City Councils, at the County level, and in Sacramento. We advocate in op-eds and in the streets. We stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and believe no one is illegal.

Check out some of what we worked on in 2020 and 2019.

Oakland Privacy originally came together in 2013 to fight against the Domain Awareness Center, Oakland’s citywide networked mass surveillance hub. OP was instrumental in stopping the DAC from becoming a city-wide spying network.  We helped fight and helped win the fight against Urban Shield.

Our major projects currently include local legislation to regulate state surveillance (we got the strongest surveillance regulation ordinance in the country passed in Oakland!), supporting and opposing state legislation as appropriate, battling mass surveillance in the form of facial recognition, mass aerial surveillance, and other analytics, and pushing back against ICE.

On September 12th, 2019 we were presented with a Barlow Award by the Electronic Frontier Foundation for our work, and on March 16th, 2021 s James Madison Freedom of Information Award by the Northern California Society of Professional Journalists.

If you are interested in joining the Oakland Privacy email listserv, coming to a meeting, or have questions, send an email to:

Check out our website:

Follow us on twitter: @oaklandprivacy



Oakland Privacy works regionally to defend the right to privacy and enhance public transparency and oversight regarding the use of surveillance techniques and equipment.  Oakland Privacy drove the passage of surveillance regulation and transparency ordinances in Oakland and Berkeley and is kicking off new processes in various municipalities around the Bay.  To help slow down the encroaching police and surveillance state all over the Bay Area, join us at the Omni.

End the Harassment of the Union Point Encampment @ Union Point Park
Jan 21 @ 12:00 pm – 2:00 pm


A Socialist Strategy for Defeating The Far Right @ Online
Jan 21 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm

RSVP here
Zoom Link

It has been two weeks since the attempted far-right coup at the US Capitol, egged on by Trump and some Republicans. Though in many ways the aftermath of January 6th was a defeat for Trump, the far right isn’t going anywhere, and we need to take the riots seriously as a possible embryo for a more organized far right movement.

In response, left and establishment Democrats, along with some Republicans have started impeachment proceedings. While impeachment is positive, it does virtually nothing to neutralize the conditions that brought Trump into power, discourage far right forces emboldened by him, or prevent another far right leader from running for office in 2024.

So how can we mobilize the largest possible masses of working people into the streets to show our strength against the far right? How can we further this fight to unite working people around a program to win working-class demands like Medicare For All, COVID relief, and an end to racist policing? How can we build a political alternative to Trumpism and billionaire backed establishment politicians?

Join Socialist Alternative this Thursday, Jan 21, to discuss how we can build an organized mass movement to defeat the far right, and ultimately, the billionaire class!

East Oakland SuSu Lending Circle Informational @ Online
Jan 21 @ 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Do you face barriers to accessing loans from traditional banks? Interested in programs that will help with debt management, jump start a business and enhance your quality of life? Join us to learn more about collective economics through the East Oakland SuSu Lending Circle program!

  Register via Zoom