
Renegade Occupy Oakland Potluck and Dance Party @ Snow Park
Nov 20 @ 12:00 pm – Nov 20 @ 5:00 pm

“At the dances I was one of the most untiring and gayest. One evening a cousin of Sasha, a young boy, took me aside. With a grave face, as if he were about to announce the death of a dear comrade, he whispered to me that it did not behoove an agitator to dance. Certainly not with such reckless abandon, anyway. It was undignified for one who was on the way to become a force in the anarchist movement. My frivolity would only hurt the Cause.
I grew furious at the impudent interference of the boy. I told him to mind his own business. I was tired of having the Cause constantly thrown into my face. I did not believe that a Cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from convention and prejudice, should demand the denial of life and joy. I insisted that our Cause could not expect me to become a nun and that the movement would not be turned into a cloister. If it meant that, I did not want it. “I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things.” Anarchism meant that to me, and I would live it in spite of the whole world — prisons, persecution, everything. Yes, even in spite of the condemnation of my own closest comrades I would live my beautiful ideal.”

-Emma Goldman

Protest Poster_01 copy5.2

This is a Mobile Event–it will take place wherever Occupy Oakland decides to set up camp

Come one Come all. Feel free to bring your kids and a dish of food to share.
There will be live painting, hoola hooping, and dance music.
Bring your donations for the campers. Lets build a community again.

! ! ! LINE UP ! ! !

Mermaid – disco & stuff
Atish Mehta – funky deep house
Dao & Pwny Show – dirty funky tech house tag team
Skye X – drum & bass/techno
Brian Demodulate – post acid crunky dubstep
Bert – 2 step/garage
Indigo – drum & bass or psy breaks
Drag’n’fly – tech trance (or whatever she calls it these days)
Br@in – breaks

Please note – this lineup is subject to change. no refunds in case of rain. by attending this event, you accept all liability for train wrecks, dirty hippy hugs, tear gassing, billy clubbing, seal clubbing, bad dancing, and regime change. offer not valid in NV or where legal.

Love to bake & cook? There will also be a potluck brunch, for ourselves and the camp as a whole while we are there, & we would love it if you want to bring something. Even a carafe of coffee, or a dozen bagels is a welcome contribution – home cooked brunchy goodies are also greatly encouraged!

Join us while we dance our way into a new era!

Facbook Event page: Occupy Oakland Renegade




Occupy Oakland Hackathon 2 @ Applied Research Center's Third Floor Conference Room (Floor 3R)
Mar 24 @ 10:00 am – Mar 24 @ 5:00 pm

Hackathon II builds on the demos and tools from the first and turns our collaborative energy on visualizing the 5000+ responses to the OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey (ORGS), Occupy Oakland Serves the People Survey Results, and R-Shief Twitter #occupy tags aggregating since September 2011.


900 Alice Street, Oakland, CA 94607
3rd Rear Floor conference room (3R)
Between 9th and 10th St., Oakland’s Chinatown. Two blocks from Lake Merritt Bart, six blocks from Oscar Grant Plaza.

Saturday, March 24th 2012
10:00am to 6:00pm

More info

RSVP by emailing

What to bring
BYOL (laptop)

Everybody is welcome; you do not need to be a hacker to come to the hackathon. Bring ideas, or things you want to learn or teach.
Come by before the OO BBQ at Rainbow Park starts or stop by afterwards.
Check out some of the COOL things folks created at Hackathon I, like the metameme of the Pepper Spray Cop and comparison of mainstream media coverage of Occupy versus tweets about #OWS.

Metameme of Pepper Spray Cop Mosaic

A mosaic image of the Pepper Spraying Cop was created, composed of many tiny remixed Pepper Spraying Cop images.

Mainstream Media Coverage of Occupy vs. Tweets using hashtags #OWS and #Occupy

Comparison of surface area newspapers devoted to Occupy coverage to tweets of #OWS and #Occupy related hashtags over time. Results show that movement-created information distributed via Twitter is a more reliable, grassroots source of information than mainstream media.

Hackathon sponsors include:

Neighorhood BBQ & Speakout @ Rainbow Park
Mar 24 @ 8:00 pm – Mar 25 @ 12:00 am

Occupy Oakland will have its 2nd BBQ and Speak Out event on Saturday, March 24, 2012. It will be in East Oakland at 1-5pm at Rainbow Park located near Seminary and International, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. We are requesting help with side dishes and desserts from all cooks who are able to help.

Street-medic live action role playing
Apr 29 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 30 @ 12:00 am

Hey there! As a fun way to get ready for may day, we will host a wonderful medic event.

This event might be more useful if you have already been a street-medic, and or you have been trained. We will not go over a whole training at this event, this is just to  practice your skills and for us to hangout and have fun!

Please bring: Clothes you will get dirty in! supplies to share! A lunch or money/ebt etc to get one. friends who want to be lovely actors, your awesome skills,

Tentative schedule:

9am-12pm workshop skill share discussion, social, maybe breakout groups for detailed workshops

12-1pm lunch and social and supply swap!

1 til 4pm scenarios, feedback, and live action role playing.

4 til 5pm socialize

5pm end of the event!

First come First on the list. Limited room. Please RSVP to

Justice for Alan Blueford: Rally at the DA Office @ DA Office
May 23 @ 3:00 pm – May 23 @ 5:00 pm
Alan Blueford, an 18 year old Black student at Skyline, slated to graduate next month, was brutally murdered by OPD on May 6th in East Oakland.
Alan Blueford’s family and community activists are calling for a 3pm rally in front of the Alameda County DA’s office this Wednesday, May 23, 3:00 p.m., to make the these demands:
  • Release the cop’s name
  • Take him off paid leave
  • Charge him with murder
  • Fire him
The DA’s office is located at 1225 Fallon Street.
There is also a townhall with 6:00 Acts full gospel 1034 66th Avenue. We will non-disruptively participate in the townhall meeting. (Folks are gathering at Coliseum BART at 5 and traveling to Acts Full.)
Please contact the DA’s office with the above demands:
“COINTELPRO Panel with Diane Fujimo and Gerald Sanders” HoldOut @7:30pm @ HoldOut
Oct 14 @ 2:30 am – 3:30 am


WHAT: COINTELPRO Panel with Diane Fujimo and Gerald Sanders

WHEN: Saturday October 13th at 7:30pm

WHERE: The HoldOut – 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland CA

NOTE: Post originally created by WiseOldSnail and posted at:


From the Red Scare of 1919-1920 to the McCarthy period of the 1950′s to the COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) era of the 1960′s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has operated primarily as America’s political police. With the recent alegations that long time activist and former Black Panther member Richard Ioki was an FBI informant it is imperative that militants become familiar with the History of COINTELPRO.”

Post created/copied by/from WiseOldSnail at:


Stand with Walmart Strikers on Black Friday @ Walmart #5435 San Jose
Nov 23 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Black Friday at Walmart #5435 San Jose

Time-iconNovember 23 • 12:00 pm

Location-icon777 Story Rd, San Jose, CA or 650-302-5576

Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights in San Jose, CA. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It’s time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share.  This Walmart store also houses Walmart’s Corporate Market Offices (management, human resources, etc…), so join Walmart Workers from all over the South Bay at a rally Walmart will never forget!

David Rovics Benefit Concert for Occupy Oakland, 7 PM @ Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
Dec 11 @ 2:00 am – 5:00 am

Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library,  6501 Telegraph Ave, Oakland, CA 94609, USA

Doors open at 6 PM, Music starts at 7 PM

David’s music is almost all Creative Commons and he puts it out there for free download, or you can pigeon-hole Fat Ed and he can give you a pile of mp3s.  Check out Rovics’ web site here:

Hopefully there will be some rudimentary grub and maybe even beverages for sale, Ed has got to check with the library.

International Women’s Day March! in SF @ Broadway & Columbus Avenue
Mar 10 @ 1:59 am – 5:59 am
International Women’s Day March Against the Sites of the Oppression of Women
Saturday, March 9
6-9PM, Meet at Broadway & Columbus in SF

From the expanding porn industry to the escalating attacks on abortion rights… In a world like this, there is no “neutral.” If you are not fighting the oppression of women, you are saying it’s okay!


This International Women’s Day, 2013, join Stop Patriarchy! Bay Area in the streets to say:
We refuse to accept a world which enslaves and degrades half of humanity  simply  because they are born female. We are done turning our heads and making excuses. We are done swallowing the daily insults and abuses. We are  done blaming ourselves and/or each other. We are done choking on our rage. We dare to confront this war on women head-on, without fear and without compromise.


We will start LOUDLY and BOLDLY at Broadway and Columbus in North Beach, where women are commodified, sold, and used at the strip clubs, porn stores and on the street.  Then we will MARCH through San Francisco, take back the night in the name of women everywhere, and CALL OUT the institutions of patriarchy, in all forms – no matter how normalized they have become.


Only  through mass, ferocious, political struggle can we begin turn the tide, and we won’t stop until we create a world where women can walk the earth free of fear of rape or violence from men, a world where women participate fully  and equally in every realm together with men, a world where being born female is no longer condemnation to a life of abuse and shame.


For International Women’s Day 2013, through our mass public actions around the country – joining with women and men around the world – we will make it known:  there is a new movement taking hold, a movement you have to join, a movement that will not stop until all the chains that bind women have been shattered forever.




IWD2013 – See full flier
Fuck the Police March #FTP April,5,2013 @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Apr 6 @ 2:00 am – 5:00 am


14 and broadway 7:00pm
FTP 3.0 – FUCK THE POLICE Take our pigs for a walk. They need the exercise. And it only costs the city $50K a week!
*** This event is being called by the Occupy Oakland Tactical Action Committee. It might continue weekly.
The Tactical Action Committee was approved by Occupy Oakland’s GA to perform autonomous actions at their discretion. In that sense it is not an “official” Occupy Oakland event, in the sense that it was not directly, but indirectly, approved through the GA.***
IMPORTANT NOTE:  NV folks are welcome, this is a peaceful protest — whatever that means.
FTP March, Iteration – Tactical Parameters
Due to the fact that most of our internal issues on each march and action to date have come from a lack of information on what the tactical parameters of a particular action are expected to be, TAC will be calling for tactical parameters on this and all future FTP marches that may change as we learn and practice our skills in the streets.
Note that these are the wishes by the callers of the march. In the interests of solidarity please respect these parameters. These are being called for this march only. This goes both ways — please be respectful enough of the event to not pursue certain actions at this time if they are being put on the “please don’t” list; likewise, if you are uncomfortable with someone performing an action that is acceptable within the march parameters DO NOT INTERFERE with them. This is respect for diversity of tactics, and also proper solidarity in the face of our common enemy. There will come a day that this practice, discipline and restraint will serve us well as a unit.
If you cannot follow the parameters DO NOT ATTEND. They will be read before the march during the rally. People will be given the opportunity to back out if they feel they cannot respect the tactics, with no loss of face.
So, for this march, TAC is asking for the following:
SHIELDS: If you have the capability and the will to march in the front line, make a shield to carry for this Saturday’s action.
NO DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY of any kind — people’s cars, any Oakland businesses (especially small businesses – but the Starbucks that was hit last time actually gives free coffee and food to our vigil so we prefer to leave all of them out at this time).
PROPERTY THAT IS FAIR GAME IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED – police vehicles and equipment. The police are not our friends, never have been, and never will be.
NO FRONTAL ASSAULTS ON THE POLICE – i.e., no bottle throwing. Defensive actions are fully accepted and encouraged. Shields, unarresting, disarming cops that are beating comrades, etc. MAKE THE POLICE STRIKE THE FIRST BLOW.
SPLIT-OFF MARCHES AND AUTONOMOUS ACTIONS ARE NOT DISCOURAGED. If you do decide to go your own route, please respect the above parameters. Large banks, huge international corporations that run this city with their money, political organization HQ such as the Democrat campaign office or the chamber of commerce are not considered private property for the purposes of the parameters. If you decide to split off, do your autonomous actions away from the main march, not right next to it.
We are not encouraging anyone to attack any property whatsoever, but some property is more acceptable than others if you really must risk your freedom by doing something of that nature.
FIRE CAN BE FUN – if you want to burn a usa flag in the street (that isn’t somebody’s car) then more power to you. If someone is burning a flag in the street then DO NOT INTERFERE.

BLOC UP: If you hear the shout, “Bloc up!” Or “Tighten up!” It is in your best interest to clump together with the main group in tight formation. Be aware of distance and do not string out along the march route. Do not give the police an opportunity to snatch you and plant evidence on you to conflate charges with.
And to repeat:
NO INTERFERING IN OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTIONS EVEN IF YOU DO NOT PERSONALLY AGREE WITH THEM. Do not yell stop. Do not grab your comrades. If you feel unsafe, move away. The parameters listed above are for our own use so that we can hold one another accountable afterwards for things that may not have gone according to plan. But in the face of the enemy WE SHOW FULL SOLIDARITY. Afterwards we can argue about stuff. Not during the action.
We are all adults. We are all comrades. We have a common enemy and we will have to learn to work as a unit. Following the action parameters on each FTP march should mitigate the fighting and problems we have consistently had after every action to date.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Oakland Police Department has harassed and brutalized Occupy Oakland and participants in the vigil. Camps and liberated foreclosed buildings have been raided and shut down. OOers at the vigil have been arrested for as little as standing nearby when the police decide to raid, all the way up to the ridiculous charge of lynching. People have been physically assaulted by those supposed to protect and serve, but only do so in the interests of the 1%.
With dozens of our comrades having been arrested in the past couple of weeks, and culminating in the city’s revocation of the vigil’s permit and the immediate threat of another police raid to clear the plaza, the time has come to rise up and let them know what we think of them and that we will no longer meekly accept their violations of our civil and human rights.
Spread the word, send the invite, join us as we march in solidarity against police repression.
Wear black Bring shields if you are able and willing
Rally at 7:00 pmMarch on OPD HQ at 9:00 pm

We are Anonymous,

We are legion,

We never forgive,

We never forget,

Expected us.


@ Mike's Place
May 25 @ 7:00 pm – May 26 @ 5:00 am




Sunday, May 25

Noon to 10:00PM


Mike’s house:

3413 Belmont Ave., El Cerrito 94530


The time of year cries out for a backyard party to ring in the outdoor season, and there’s no more benevolent use for carbon as a fuel than a barbecue.  Also, we’ll be saying “Keep in touch” to our great friend Hannah who will be leaving in June for Gomorrah – the City of Angels – with her family.

AND we’re anticipating a visit from Occupy Oakland’s candidate for Mayor – Einstein!  Come and meet the candidate and hear his views on Jean Quan, squirrels, and cows!

There will be plenty of music from Mike’s disturbingly eclectic collection.  Food will be provided by Eat Don’t Worry, but please – if you can – bring something to share.


Demonstration at California Public Utilities Commission: Good Riddance to President Peevey! @ CPUC
Dec 18 @ 4:30 pm


cpuc peeveyThere are lots of important reasons to protest at the CPUC, not only ‘Smart’ meters, but also Diablo Canyon’s nuclear power plant, massive toxic dumping by PG&E (remember Hinkley, Hunters Point, and many more), AT&T’s push to get rid of landlines (an accessibility issue), gasline explosions due to neglect, etc etc etc.


These issues are about environmental health, community defense, disability justice, and labor. The people who are most immediately impacted by the decisions of the CPUC are the workers forced to implement them.


For example, this former PG&E meter reader was fired for refusing to be silent about the fact that ‘Smart’ meters are a fire hazard, and lays out the financial reality that these meters are actually more expensive than meter readers, who were the only people working for the utility who regularly checked for gas leaks like the one that preceded the San Bruno explosion:


One of the victims who died in a fire caused by ‘Smart’ meters was Larry Nikkel, of Vacaville, a member of Stationary Engineers Local 39:


Please mobilize your friends and comrades to come out on Thursday – Peevey’s last day – and bring your friends and your own grievances against this supposed watchdog agency that acts more like a lapdog of the corporate utilities. Tell Peevey: Good Riddance!


Details below.




California Public Utilities Commission
Thursday, December 18 8:30 AM
Van Ness at McAllister, San Francisc


Give CPUC President Michael Peevey the send-off into retirement that he deserves after a dozen years of corruption and complicity with corporate utilities.


Protest the CPUC’s proposed decisions in the ‘smart’ meter opt out proceedings. Show strength in unity against their proposals that:

Ignore serious public safety hazards including toxic injuries, fires, homelessness, violations of privacy, higher bills, loss of meter readers, and no promised energy savings.

Continue to impose coercive extortion opt out fees

Violate laws, and deny customer and disability rights

Prohibit opt-outs for communities, apartment buildings, and businesses

Reward utility companies with millions $$$ more for smart grid failings


Join us in demanding that the CPUC:

Reject the proposed decisions

Rescind and refund ‘opt out’ extortion fees

Halt the ‘smart’ meter program


Bring any other past or present grievances against the CPUC (toxic dumping, nuclear plants, gas line explosions, accessibility, public power, etc.)


We will be raising our demands both outside before the meeting, as well as inside. Please come prepared to make some noise and be seen. Wear black if you can. Rain or shine.


For more information about the proposed decisions, go to these links:


The proposed decisions would (as summarized by the EMF Safety Network):

  • Give 37 million dollars to the Investor Owned Utilities (PG&E, SCE, SDG&E, and So Cal Gas) for providing the opt-out program.
  • Adopt permanent fees for residential customers who “do not wish to have a wireless smart meter.”
  • Continue the same interim fees of $75 initial fee plus $10/month, and $10 initial fee plus $5/month for low income.
  • Local governments and multi-unit dwellings may not collectively opt out of smart meter installations.
  • Charging an opt-out fee does not violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • They will not address health and safety impacts in this decision.
  • Assess fees on a per location basis, for example if you have two or more meters on your property, that will be one fee, per utility company.
  • If you have two utilities, they can both charge you fees.
  • President Peevey proposes putting a cap on the opt-out fees at 3 years.
  • Neither proposal considers a no-fee option.



For more information contact Stop Smart Meters!:


Endorsed by:

Ecological Options Network
EMF Analysis
EMF Safety Coalition
EMF Safety Network
No Nukes Action
Smart Meter Health Alert
Stop OC Smart Meters
Smart Meter Harm
Stop Smart Grid
Stop Smart Meters!
Stop Smart Meters Irvine
United Public Workers for Action
Wireless Radiation Alert Network





WiFi Mesh Meeting Thursdays 7:30pm-11:30pm @ Sudoroom at Omni Commons
Apr 2 @ 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm

WiFi Mesh General Meeting
When: Every Thursday @ 7:30pm – 11:30pm
Where: 4799 Shattuck Avenue – Oakland, CA
(corner of 48th and Shattuck)
Contact: Jenny Ryan – email

We’re building a community wireless mesh network!

A wireless mesh network is a network where each computer acts as a relay to other computers, such that a network can stretch to cover entire cities. Our goal is to create such a free mesh network that is entirely controlled and operated by the community!

Want to help create an alternate means of digital communication that isn’t governed by for-profit internet service providers? Join us for the mesh hacknight!

We have crowdfunded the purchase of our first 100+ routers and are preparing to deploy the first nodes in Oakland. We need people with both technical and non-technical backgrounds to help with everything from local community involvement and crowdfunding to mounting wifi routers on buildings and developing software!

Last Thursdays are General Meetings for planning, strategy, and orientation for new folks.
