
Occupy Oakland Hackathon 2 @ Applied Research Center's Third Floor Conference Room (Floor 3R)
Mar 24 @ 10:00 am – Mar 24 @ 5:00 pm

Hackathon II builds on the demos and tools from the first and turns our collaborative energy on visualizing the 5000+ responses to the OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey (ORGS), Occupy Oakland Serves the People Survey Results, and R-Shief Twitter #occupy tags aggregating since September 2011.


900 Alice Street, Oakland, CA 94607
3rd Rear Floor conference room (3R)
Between 9th and 10th St., Oakland’s Chinatown. Two blocks from Lake Merritt Bart, six blocks from Oscar Grant Plaza.

Saturday, March 24th 2012
10:00am to 6:00pm

More info

RSVP by emailing

What to bring
BYOL (laptop)

Everybody is welcome; you do not need to be a hacker to come to the hackathon. Bring ideas, or things you want to learn or teach.
Come by before the OO BBQ at Rainbow Park starts or stop by afterwards.
Check out some of the COOL things folks created at Hackathon I, like the metameme of the Pepper Spray Cop and comparison of mainstream media coverage of Occupy versus tweets about #OWS.

Metameme of Pepper Spray Cop Mosaic

A mosaic image of the Pepper Spraying Cop was created, composed of many tiny remixed Pepper Spraying Cop images.

Mainstream Media Coverage of Occupy vs. Tweets using hashtags #OWS and #Occupy

Comparison of surface area newspapers devoted to Occupy coverage to tweets of #OWS and #Occupy related hashtags over time. Results show that movement-created information distributed via Twitter is a more reliable, grassroots source of information than mainstream media.

Hackathon sponsors include:

Street-medic live action role playing
Apr 29 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 30 @ 12:00 am

Hey there! As a fun way to get ready for may day, we will host a wonderful medic event.

This event might be more useful if you have already been a street-medic, and or you have been trained. We will not go over a whole training at this event, this is just to  practice your skills and for us to hangout and have fun!

Please bring: Clothes you will get dirty in! supplies to share! A lunch or money/ebt etc to get one. friends who want to be lovely actors, your awesome skills,

Tentative schedule:

9am-12pm workshop skill share discussion, social, maybe breakout groups for detailed workshops

12-1pm lunch and social and supply swap!

1 til 4pm scenarios, feedback, and live action role playing.

4 til 5pm socialize

5pm end of the event!

First come First on the list. Limited room. Please RSVP to

Stand with Walmart Strikers on Black Friday @ Walmart #5435 San Jose
Nov 23 @ 8:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Black Friday at Walmart #5435 San Jose

Time-iconNovember 23 • 12:00 pm

Location-icon777 Story Rd, San Jose, CA or 650-302-5576

Stand with Walmart workers in their fight for their rights in San Jose, CA. For decades, Walmart Stores, Inc have dragged down wages, forcing their workers to work irregular schedules, and intimidated and took retribution on any workers who fought back. It’s time for the retribution to end, so come to this local Walmart to show your solidarity and tell Walmart that they need to pay their fair share.  This Walmart store also houses Walmart’s Corporate Market Offices (management, human resources, etc…), so join Walmart Workers from all over the South Bay at a rally Walmart will never forget!

350 Bay Area Organizing Meeting @ Ed Roberts Center
Dec 5 @ 3:00 am – 6:00 am

There will be an organizing meeting for Bay Area climate action hosted by on Tuesday, Dec. 4, from 7:00-9:00PM at the Ed Roberts Center/Ashby BART station

Stop the XL Pipeline Again!


Organize Against the DAC @ The Sudoroom (entrance on 22nd St, buzzer)
Jan 16 @ 2:30 am – 3:45 am

The Oakland Privacy Working Group will meet at the Sudoroom Wednesday Jan. 15th at 6:30 to organize to stop the planned building of an Oakland-wide surveillance grid to monitor the citizens of the East Bay.

Approval for a contractor to take over Phase II of the DAC contract from SAIC – summarily dismissed months ago for violations of Oakland’s Nuclear Free Zone Ordinance – is supposed to take place at the January 21st City Council meeting.

For more information on the insidiousness of the DAC and how it came to b in Oakland check out the DAC FAQ, the Oakland Wiki Domain Awareness Page and the Oakland Privacy WordPress.

OPG hopes to have a large presence and a big rally on February 4th in front of City Hall at Oscar Grant Plaza, and YOU ARE INVITED.  We are planning to have potluck food & drink  at the plaza at 6:15 before going in to the council chambers to voice our opinions on this spy-network. So far the City has always scheduled this skulduggery as the last item on the agenda, well after midnight, to try to discourage public comment, so we are planning to show movies in the Plaza to keep folks entertained while waiting for the item to come up.  Let’s stop this fucking thing, privacy is an essential element of freedom.

Getting There

Join Oakland Privacy Working Group to organize against the Domain Awareness Center (DAC), Oakland’s citywide mass surveillance center.

If you are interested in joining the Oakland Privacy Working Group email listserv, send an email to:


Also, please sign the on line petition to stop the DAC

On line petition to stop the DAC

On line petition to stop the DAC

City Council DAC protest date changed to Feb. 4 @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Jan 22 @ 2:00 am – 3:00 am

ATTENTION: The #DAC WILL NOT be on the agenda for the 1/21 #oakmtg. Admin plans to bring to Public Safety on 1/28, then to Council on 2/4.

per Dan Kalb

So we won’t be holding a big demonstration on Tuesday the 21st, but a few folks will probably show up with a bit of chow for those that didn’t get the change-of-date message.  If folks are interested we’ll show a movie at the Plaza at 7ish.

Please join us to tell the City Council what you think on February 4th:

Let's show 'em how we feel (again)!

Click to download full-sized printable flyer



Oakland Privacy Working Group Meeting @ The Sudoroom
Feb 27 @ 4:30 am – 5:45 am

NOTE: We are meeting at 8:30 tonight so we can attend the first public meeting on the DAC “privacy” policy.

Join Oakland Privacy Working Group to organize against the Domain Awareness Center (DAC), Oakland’s citywide networked mass surveillance hub.

We aim to have 2 monthly meetings, every 2nd and 4th Wednesday at 6:30 at the SUDOROOM.  Stop by and learn how you can help guard Oakland’s right not to be spied on by the government & if you are interested in joining the Oakland Privacy Working Group email listserv, send an email to:

The entrance to the sudoroom is on 22nd Street, ring the buzzer and come up the stairs or take the elevator.

For more information on the DAC check out the DAC FAQ, the Oakland Wiki Domain Awareness Page and the Oakland Privacy WordPress.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. It is being replaced with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Monday, May 26, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.

Come to KPFA at 7:00am Monday morning (or as soon afterwards as you can) to support the Morning Mix hosts in objecting to their treatment by KPFA.
1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way at Berkeley Way in Berkeley.


Protest and Action to Keep KPFA’s Morning Mix On the Air @ KPFA Radio Station
May 27 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which has been hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management wants to replace it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

With the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts are continuing to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA, and Direct Action to Keep the Morning Mix on the Air:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


If you can’t make it to the station in the morning, call in during the show between 8am and 9am, at 510-848-4425, or toll free at 800-958-9008, and let the Morning Mix hosts and KPFA management know that you support real community radio and diversity during drive time.


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 28 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management is replacing it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

On Monday, with the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts continued to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air, but was not able to reenter the studio the following day. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 31 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management is replacing it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

On Monday, with the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts continued to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air, but was not able to reenter the studio the following day. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Saturday, May 31, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


City of Oakland Privacy Committee Meeting @ Oakland City Hall Council Chambers
Jun 13 @ 1:00 am – 3:00 am

Meeting of the City of Oakland’s “Privacy and Data Retention Ad Hoc Advisory Committee” – open to the public.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Council Chambers
Oakland City Hall
14th & Broadway


Read the announcement from the City of Oakland City Administrator’s Weekly Report (April 25, 2014):

This committee was created by City Council action during the discussions earlier in the year about the Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The goal of the DAC is to improve readiness to prevent, respond to and recover from major emergencies in the Oakland region and ensure better multi-agency coordination across the larger San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the Privacy and Data Retention Policy is to ensure there are safeguards to protect against potential misuse of the data or violations of individuals’ privacy rights and civil liberties. The meeting is open to the public. For questions about the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact Joe DeVries, Assistant to the City

We need to show up to these meetings and pressure the City to adopt a privacy policy that makes privacy a priority, not only “security” or administrative convenience.


City of Oakland Privacy Committee Meeting @ Oakland City Hall Council Chambers
Jul 10 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Meeting of the City of Oakland’s “Privacy and Data Retention Ad Hoc Advisory Committee” – open to the public.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Council Chambers
Oakland City Hall
14th & Broadway


Read the announcement from the City of Oakland City Administrator’s Weekly Report (April 25, 2014):

This committee was created by City Council action during the discussions earlier in the year about the Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The goal of the DAC is to improve readiness to prevent, respond to and recover from major emergencies in the Oakland region and ensure better multi-agency coordination across the larger San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the Privacy and Data Retention Policy is to ensure there are safeguards to protect against potential misuse of the data or violations of individuals’ privacy rights and civil liberties. The meeting is open to the public. For questions about the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact Joe DeVries, Assistant to the City

We need to show up to these meetings and pressure the City to adopt a privacy policy that makes privacy a priority, not only “security” or administrative convenience.


City of Oakland Privacy Committee Meeting @ Oakland City Hall Council Chambers
Aug 14 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Meeting of the City of Oakland’s “Privacy and Data Retention Ad Hoc Advisory Committee” – open to the public.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Council Chambers
Oakland City Hall
14th & Broadway


Read the announcement from the City of Oakland City Administrator’s Weekly Report (April 25, 2014):

This committee was created by City Council action during the discussions earlier in the year about the Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The goal of the DAC is to improve readiness to prevent, respond to and recover from major emergencies in the Oakland region and ensure better multi-agency coordination across the larger San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the Privacy and Data Retention Policy is to ensure there are safeguards to protect against potential misuse of the data or violations of individuals’ privacy rights and civil liberties. The meeting is open to the public. For questions about the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact Joe DeVries, Assistant to the City

We need to show up to these meetings and pressure the City to adopt a privacy policy that makes privacy a priority, not only “security” or administrative convenience.


City of Oakland Privacy Committee Meeting @ Oakland City Hall Council Chambers
Sep 11 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Meeting of the City of Oakland’s “Privacy and Data Retention Ad Hoc Advisory Committee” – open to the public.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Council Chambers
Oakland City Hall
14th & Broadway


Read the announcement from the City of Oakland City Administrator’s Weekly Report (April 25, 2014):

This committee was created by City Council action during the discussions earlier in the year about the Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The goal of the DAC is to improve readiness to prevent, respond to and recover from major emergencies in the Oakland region and ensure better multi-agency coordination across the larger San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the Privacy and Data Retention Policy is to ensure there are safeguards to protect against potential misuse of the data or violations of individuals’ privacy rights and civil liberties. The meeting is open to the public. For questions about the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact Joe DeVries, Assistant to the City

We need to show up to these meetings and pressure the City to adopt a privacy policy that makes privacy a priority, not only “security” or administrative convenience.


City of Oakland Privacy Committee Meeting @ Oakland City Hall Council Chambers
Oct 9 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Meeting of the City of Oakland’s “Privacy and Data Retention Ad Hoc Advisory Committee” – open to the public.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Council Chambers
Oakland City Hall
14th & Broadway


Read the announcement from the City of Oakland City Administrator’s Weekly Report (April 25, 2014):

This committee was created by City Council action during the discussions earlier in the year about the Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The goal of the DAC is to improve readiness to prevent, respond to and recover from major emergencies in the Oakland region and ensure better multi-agency coordination across the larger San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the Privacy and Data Retention Policy is to ensure there are safeguards to protect against potential misuse of the data or violations of individuals’ privacy rights and civil liberties. The meeting is open to the public. For questions about the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact Joe DeVries, Assistant to the City

We need to show up to these meetings and pressure the City to adopt a privacy policy that makes privacy a priority, not only “security” or administrative convenience.


City of Oakland Privacy Committee Meeting @ Oakland City Hall Council Chambers
Nov 13 @ 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Meeting of the City of Oakland’s “Privacy and Data Retention Ad Hoc Advisory Committee” – open to the public.

2nd & 4th Thursdays
6:00pm – 8:00pm


Council Chambers
Oakland City Hall
14th & Broadway


Read the announcement from the City of Oakland City Administrator’s Weekly Report (April 25, 2014):

This committee was created by City Council action during the discussions earlier in the year about the Port Domain Awareness Center (DAC). The goal of the DAC is to improve readiness to prevent, respond to and recover from major emergencies in the Oakland region and ensure better multi-agency coordination across the larger San Francisco Bay Area. The goal of the Privacy and Data Retention Policy is to ensure there are safeguards to protect against potential misuse of the data or violations of individuals’ privacy rights and civil liberties. The meeting is open to the public. For questions about the Ad Hoc Committee, please contact Joe DeVries, Assistant to the City

We need to show up to these meetings and pressure the City to adopt a privacy policy that makes privacy a priority, not only “security” or administrative convenience.
