
Occupy Oakland Hackathon 2 @ Applied Research Center's Third Floor Conference Room (Floor 3R)
Mar 24 @ 10:00 am – Mar 24 @ 5:00 pm

Hackathon II builds on the demos and tools from the first and turns our collaborative energy on visualizing the 5000+ responses to the OccupyResearch General Demographics and Participation Survey (ORGS), Occupy Oakland Serves the People Survey Results, and R-Shief Twitter #occupy tags aggregating since September 2011.


900 Alice Street, Oakland, CA 94607
3rd Rear Floor conference room (3R)
Between 9th and 10th St., Oakland’s Chinatown. Two blocks from Lake Merritt Bart, six blocks from Oscar Grant Plaza.

Saturday, March 24th 2012
10:00am to 6:00pm

More info

RSVP by emailing

What to bring
BYOL (laptop)

Everybody is welcome; you do not need to be a hacker to come to the hackathon. Bring ideas, or things you want to learn or teach.
Come by before the OO BBQ at Rainbow Park starts or stop by afterwards.
Check out some of the COOL things folks created at Hackathon I, like the metameme of the Pepper Spray Cop and comparison of mainstream media coverage of Occupy versus tweets about #OWS.

Metameme of Pepper Spray Cop Mosaic

A mosaic image of the Pepper Spraying Cop was created, composed of many tiny remixed Pepper Spraying Cop images.

Mainstream Media Coverage of Occupy vs. Tweets using hashtags #OWS and #Occupy

Comparison of surface area newspapers devoted to Occupy coverage to tweets of #OWS and #Occupy related hashtags over time. Results show that movement-created information distributed via Twitter is a more reliable, grassroots source of information than mainstream media.

Hackathon sponsors include:

Justice for Alan Blueford: Rally at the DA Office @ DA Office
May 23 @ 3:00 pm – May 23 @ 5:00 pm
Alan Blueford, an 18 year old Black student at Skyline, slated to graduate next month, was brutally murdered by OPD on May 6th in East Oakland.
Alan Blueford’s family and community activists are calling for a 3pm rally in front of the Alameda County DA’s office this Wednesday, May 23, 3:00 p.m., to make the these demands:
  • Release the cop’s name
  • Take him off paid leave
  • Charge him with murder
  • Fire him
The DA’s office is located at 1225 Fallon Street.
There is also a townhall with 6:00 Acts full gospel 1034 66th Avenue. We will non-disruptively participate in the townhall meeting. (Folks are gathering at Coliseum BART at 5 and traveling to Acts Full.)
Please contact the DA’s office with the above demands:
International Women’s Day March! in SF @ Broadway & Columbus Avenue
Mar 10 @ 1:59 am – 5:59 am
International Women’s Day March Against the Sites of the Oppression of Women
Saturday, March 9
6-9PM, Meet at Broadway & Columbus in SF

From the expanding porn industry to the escalating attacks on abortion rights… In a world like this, there is no “neutral.” If you are not fighting the oppression of women, you are saying it’s okay!


This International Women’s Day, 2013, join Stop Patriarchy! Bay Area in the streets to say:
We refuse to accept a world which enslaves and degrades half of humanity  simply  because they are born female. We are done turning our heads and making excuses. We are done swallowing the daily insults and abuses. We are  done blaming ourselves and/or each other. We are done choking on our rage. We dare to confront this war on women head-on, without fear and without compromise.


We will start LOUDLY and BOLDLY at Broadway and Columbus in North Beach, where women are commodified, sold, and used at the strip clubs, porn stores and on the street.  Then we will MARCH through San Francisco, take back the night in the name of women everywhere, and CALL OUT the institutions of patriarchy, in all forms – no matter how normalized they have become.


Only  through mass, ferocious, political struggle can we begin turn the tide, and we won’t stop until we create a world where women can walk the earth free of fear of rape or violence from men, a world where women participate fully  and equally in every realm together with men, a world where being born female is no longer condemnation to a life of abuse and shame.


For International Women’s Day 2013, through our mass public actions around the country – joining with women and men around the world – we will make it known:  there is a new movement taking hold, a movement you have to join, a movement that will not stop until all the chains that bind women have been shattered forever.




IWD2013 – See full flier
@ Mike's Place
May 25 @ 7:00 pm – May 26 @ 5:00 am




Sunday, May 25

Noon to 10:00PM


Mike’s house:

3413 Belmont Ave., El Cerrito 94530


The time of year cries out for a backyard party to ring in the outdoor season, and there’s no more benevolent use for carbon as a fuel than a barbecue.  Also, we’ll be saying “Keep in touch” to our great friend Hannah who will be leaving in June for Gomorrah – the City of Angels – with her family.

AND we’re anticipating a visit from Occupy Oakland’s candidate for Mayor – Einstein!  Come and meet the candidate and hear his views on Jean Quan, squirrels, and cows!

There will be plenty of music from Mike’s disturbingly eclectic collection.  Food will be provided by Eat Don’t Worry, but please – if you can – bring something to share.


WiFi Mesh Meeting Thursdays 7:30pm-11:30pm @ Sudoroom at Omni Commons
Apr 2 @ 7:30 pm – 11:30 pm

WiFi Mesh General Meeting
When: Every Thursday @ 7:30pm – 11:30pm
Where: 4799 Shattuck Avenue – Oakland, CA
(corner of 48th and Shattuck)
Contact: Jenny Ryan – email

We’re building a community wireless mesh network!

A wireless mesh network is a network where each computer acts as a relay to other computers, such that a network can stretch to cover entire cities. Our goal is to create such a free mesh network that is entirely controlled and operated by the community!

Want to help create an alternate means of digital communication that isn’t governed by for-profit internet service providers? Join us for the mesh hacknight!

We have crowdfunded the purchase of our first 100+ routers and are preparing to deploy the first nodes in Oakland. We need people with both technical and non-technical backgrounds to help with everything from local community involvement and crowdfunding to mounting wifi routers on buildings and developing software!

Last Thursdays are General Meetings for planning, strategy, and orientation for new folks.


Free Puerto Rican Political Prisoner Oscar López Rivera
May 29 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Oscar López RiveraSupport the struggle for the self-determination and independence of the Puerto Rican people


Join us

in calling for the release of
Friday, May 29, 2015
Market & Powell St., SF
5:00 P.M. until 7:00 P.M.


The San Francisco Support Committee for the unconditional release of Puerto Rican political prisoner Oscar López Rivera, calls all political, civic, religious, labor unions and the community in general to join us to demand his freedom.

Oscar López Rivera has spent thirty four years of his life imprisoned due to his unbending commitment for the independence and self-determination of our Puerto Rican nation.

Petitions from all over the globe supporting his unconditional release have been sent to the President of the United States from Nobel Prize Laureates such as Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu from South Africa, and Carlos Esquivel from Argentina to name a few.

The current Governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro Garcia Padilla, as well as countless Puerto Rican artists and celebrities, and U.S. Congressional representatives, such as Luis Gutiérrez, José Serrano and Nydia Velázquez, have also made their voices heard in support of his immediate and unconditional release.

Add your voice!


For more info,
please call (510) 290-2312, or (510) 823-8262


Partial list of endorsers:

Jack Heyman, Chairman Transport Workers Solidarity Committee*
Steve Zeltzer, United Public Workers for Action*
Howard Keylor, ILWU Local 10* (Retired Member)
ANSWER Coalition
Freedom Socialist Party
Radical Women

* For identification purposes only

