
People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Jan 11 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Jan 18 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Jan 25 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Feb 1 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Feb 8 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Feb 15 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Feb 22 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Feb 29 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

People of Color/QPoC Meeting @ TBD
Mar 7 @ 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm


This is a meeting for people who self-identify as people of color/ queer people of color. We meet with the goal of strengthening our participation in the Occupy movement here in Oakland and beyond, and to likewise strengthen the Occupy movement by situating it in the context of our local, living communities and the ongoing work being done by those communities.

Our meeting location sometimes changes based on the availability of spaces. Please contact us at for up-to-date information. Please also be patient (and persistent) if we don’t respond as quickly as we would like to. We’re growing and evolving our capacities!

Occupy Oakland Focus Group for Young Organizers (18-30 years) @ The Holdout
Mar 8 @ 3:00 pm – Mar 8 @ 4:30 pm

Got thoughts on Occupy?

The Applied Research Center (publisher of Colorlines) is conducting focus groups with young organizers (between 18 to 30 years of age) to understand what motivates you to participate in the Occupy movement.

The focus group will run an hour and a half, from 3:00 to 4:30pm, this Thursday, 3/8 at The Holdout, 2313 San Pablo and 19th St., Oakland.

Participants will receive a $25 gift certificate from Arizmendi Pizza or AK Press (both are worker-owned coops!) for their time.

RSVP here:

Contact if you have any questions.

Street-medic live action role playing
Apr 29 @ 4:00 pm – Apr 30 @ 12:00 am

Hey there! As a fun way to get ready for may day, we will host a wonderful medic event.

This event might be more useful if you have already been a street-medic, and or you have been trained. We will not go over a whole training at this event, this is just to  practice your skills and for us to hangout and have fun!

Please bring: Clothes you will get dirty in! supplies to share! A lunch or money/ebt etc to get one. friends who want to be lovely actors, your awesome skills,

Tentative schedule:

9am-12pm workshop skill share discussion, social, maybe breakout groups for detailed workshops

12-1pm lunch and social and supply swap!

1 til 4pm scenarios, feedback, and live action role playing.

4 til 5pm socialize

5pm end of the event!

First come First on the list. Limited room. Please RSVP to

“COINTELPRO Panel with Diane Fujimo and Gerald Sanders” HoldOut @7:30pm @ HoldOut
Oct 14 @ 2:30 am – 3:30 am


WHAT: COINTELPRO Panel with Diane Fujimo and Gerald Sanders

WHEN: Saturday October 13th at 7:30pm

WHERE: The HoldOut – 2313 San Pablo Ave, Oakland CA

NOTE: Post originally created by WiseOldSnail and posted at:


From the Red Scare of 1919-1920 to the McCarthy period of the 1950′s to the COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program) era of the 1960′s, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has operated primarily as America’s political police. With the recent alegations that long time activist and former Black Panther member Richard Ioki was an FBI informant it is imperative that militants become familiar with the History of COINTELPRO.”

Post created/copied by/from WiseOldSnail at:


RALLY TO DEFEND ILWU ! International Day Of Action @ 1 Montgomery/Market in SF
Mar 15 @ 11:30 pm – Mar 16 @ 1:30 am


International Day Of Action  

Stop Mitsui Union Busting and Concessionary Contracts

Fight the Lockout of ILWU by United Grain

in the Port of Vancouver, Washington


Friday March 15, 2013 –  4:30PM

1 Montgomery/Market Sts., SF


On March 15, 2013 there will be international actions and protests against the union busting lockout of ILWU Local 4 members by the Mitsui-owned company United Grain in the Port Of Vancouver, Washington.

Since the concessionary contract at EGT in Longview, Washington, other grain handlers have imposed a similar contract in NW grain ports after longshore workers voted 94% to reject it. The contract eliminated the union hiring hall, imposed a 12 hour day and allowed the replacement of union members if they stopped work for health and safety reasons. The other anti-union grain monopoly Cargill/Temco signed a separate agreement which includes many of these draconian measures which is being heralded by union officials as a “victory” because, they say, Cargill is American-owned. Longshore workers  in Portland, the West Coast’s largest grain port, voted that concessionary contract down.

Already there have been fires and dangerous accidents working under these contracts.

Mitsui-owned United Grain locked out the ILWU members and have brought in scabs who have been training for many months to bust the ILWU. This attack on the union hiring hall, a key victory of the 1934 West Coast Maritime strike, is a major defeat for  members of the ILWU and all workers whether in unions or not. This also whets the appetite of all maritime bosses who are want to impose EGT-type concessions in 2014 when the West Coast longshore contract expires.

The ILWU International leadership, using racist, flag-waving nationalism, is attacking Japanese capitalist bosses like they did during the lockout of ILWU Local 30 miners who were locked out in Boron, California by British-based Rio Tinto. This is a reactionary diversion. Only international labor solidarity actions can  beat these union busters. Many companies are global. Whether British-owned company, Japanese-owned or American-owned, these companies are intent on destroying union labor here and around the world.

The ILWU Local 8 Executive Board in Portland and Japanese Doro-Chiba railway union have taken the initiative to call for action against Mitsui in solidarity with ILWU grain workers. The Transport Workers Solidarity Committee (TWSC) is supporting this International Day of Action.

Join us on Friday March 15th at 4:30 PM at 1 Montgomery Street in San Francisco at the headquarters of Mitsui in California. Let them know: Union busting is disgusting!

For more information go to    Or call 510-501-7080

Fuck the Police March #FTP April,5,2013 @ Oscar Grant Plaza
Apr 6 @ 2:00 am – 5:00 am


14 and broadway 7:00pm
FTP 3.0 – FUCK THE POLICE Take our pigs for a walk. They need the exercise. And it only costs the city $50K a week!
*** This event is being called by the Occupy Oakland Tactical Action Committee. It might continue weekly.
The Tactical Action Committee was approved by Occupy Oakland’s GA to perform autonomous actions at their discretion. In that sense it is not an “official” Occupy Oakland event, in the sense that it was not directly, but indirectly, approved through the GA.***
IMPORTANT NOTE:  NV folks are welcome, this is a peaceful protest — whatever that means.
FTP March, Iteration – Tactical Parameters
Due to the fact that most of our internal issues on each march and action to date have come from a lack of information on what the tactical parameters of a particular action are expected to be, TAC will be calling for tactical parameters on this and all future FTP marches that may change as we learn and practice our skills in the streets.
Note that these are the wishes by the callers of the march. In the interests of solidarity please respect these parameters. These are being called for this march only. This goes both ways — please be respectful enough of the event to not pursue certain actions at this time if they are being put on the “please don’t” list; likewise, if you are uncomfortable with someone performing an action that is acceptable within the march parameters DO NOT INTERFERE with them. This is respect for diversity of tactics, and also proper solidarity in the face of our common enemy. There will come a day that this practice, discipline and restraint will serve us well as a unit.
If you cannot follow the parameters DO NOT ATTEND. They will be read before the march during the rally. People will be given the opportunity to back out if they feel they cannot respect the tactics, with no loss of face.
So, for this march, TAC is asking for the following:
SHIELDS: If you have the capability and the will to march in the front line, make a shield to carry for this Saturday’s action.
NO DAMAGE TO PRIVATE PROPERTY of any kind — people’s cars, any Oakland businesses (especially small businesses – but the Starbucks that was hit last time actually gives free coffee and food to our vigil so we prefer to leave all of them out at this time).
PROPERTY THAT IS FAIR GAME IF YOU ARE SO INCLINED – police vehicles and equipment. The police are not our friends, never have been, and never will be.
NO FRONTAL ASSAULTS ON THE POLICE – i.e., no bottle throwing. Defensive actions are fully accepted and encouraged. Shields, unarresting, disarming cops that are beating comrades, etc. MAKE THE POLICE STRIKE THE FIRST BLOW.
SPLIT-OFF MARCHES AND AUTONOMOUS ACTIONS ARE NOT DISCOURAGED. If you do decide to go your own route, please respect the above parameters. Large banks, huge international corporations that run this city with their money, political organization HQ such as the Democrat campaign office or the chamber of commerce are not considered private property for the purposes of the parameters. If you decide to split off, do your autonomous actions away from the main march, not right next to it.
We are not encouraging anyone to attack any property whatsoever, but some property is more acceptable than others if you really must risk your freedom by doing something of that nature.
FIRE CAN BE FUN – if you want to burn a usa flag in the street (that isn’t somebody’s car) then more power to you. If someone is burning a flag in the street then DO NOT INTERFERE.

BLOC UP: If you hear the shout, “Bloc up!” Or “Tighten up!” It is in your best interest to clump together with the main group in tight formation. Be aware of distance and do not string out along the march route. Do not give the police an opportunity to snatch you and plant evidence on you to conflate charges with.
And to repeat:
NO INTERFERING IN OTHER PEOPLE’S ACTIONS EVEN IF YOU DO NOT PERSONALLY AGREE WITH THEM. Do not yell stop. Do not grab your comrades. If you feel unsafe, move away. The parameters listed above are for our own use so that we can hold one another accountable afterwards for things that may not have gone according to plan. But in the face of the enemy WE SHOW FULL SOLIDARITY. Afterwards we can argue about stuff. Not during the action.
We are all adults. We are all comrades. We have a common enemy and we will have to learn to work as a unit. Following the action parameters on each FTP march should mitigate the fighting and problems we have consistently had after every action to date.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Oakland Police Department has harassed and brutalized Occupy Oakland and participants in the vigil. Camps and liberated foreclosed buildings have been raided and shut down. OOers at the vigil have been arrested for as little as standing nearby when the police decide to raid, all the way up to the ridiculous charge of lynching. People have been physically assaulted by those supposed to protect and serve, but only do so in the interests of the 1%.
With dozens of our comrades having been arrested in the past couple of weeks, and culminating in the city’s revocation of the vigil’s permit and the immediate threat of another police raid to clear the plaza, the time has come to rise up and let them know what we think of them and that we will no longer meekly accept their violations of our civil and human rights.
Spread the word, send the invite, join us as we march in solidarity against police repression.
Wear black Bring shields if you are able and willing
Rally at 7:00 pmMarch on OPD HQ at 9:00 pm

We are Anonymous,

We are legion,

We never forgive,

We never forget,

Expected us.


@ Mike's Place
May 25 @ 7:00 pm – May 26 @ 5:00 am




Sunday, May 25

Noon to 10:00PM


Mike’s house:

3413 Belmont Ave., El Cerrito 94530


The time of year cries out for a backyard party to ring in the outdoor season, and there’s no more benevolent use for carbon as a fuel than a barbecue.  Also, we’ll be saying “Keep in touch” to our great friend Hannah who will be leaving in June for Gomorrah – the City of Angels – with her family.

AND we’re anticipating a visit from Occupy Oakland’s candidate for Mayor – Einstein!  Come and meet the candidate and hear his views on Jean Quan, squirrels, and cows!

There will be plenty of music from Mike’s disturbingly eclectic collection.  Food will be provided by Eat Don’t Worry, but please – if you can – bring something to share.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. It is being replaced with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Monday, May 26, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.

Come to KPFA at 7:00am Monday morning (or as soon afterwards as you can) to support the Morning Mix hosts in objecting to their treatment by KPFA.
1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way at Berkeley Way in Berkeley.


Protest and Action to Keep KPFA’s Morning Mix On the Air @ KPFA Radio Station
May 27 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which has been hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management wants to replace it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

With the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts are continuing to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA, and Direct Action to Keep the Morning Mix on the Air:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


If you can’t make it to the station in the morning, call in during the show between 8am and 9am, at 510-848-4425, or toll free at 800-958-9008, and let the Morning Mix hosts and KPFA management know that you support real community radio and diversity during drive time.


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 28 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management is replacing it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

On Monday, with the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts continued to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air, but was not able to reenter the studio the following day. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 31 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management is replacing it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

On Monday, with the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts continued to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air, but was not able to reenter the studio the following day. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Saturday, May 31, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Which Way For the ILWU – Militant Unionism or Business Unionism?
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm

Which way for the ILWU-

Militant Unionism or Business Unionism?

— Hear ILWU Longshore Activists Speak on the Recent Longshore Contract Negotiations
— Open Discussion on the Tentative Agreement 
–Longshore Members & Caucus delegates invited (EVERYONE IS WELCOME!)
WHERE: 1187 Franklin St., SF (across the street from ILWU International Headquarters)


The ILWU has a proud history of class struggle and the fight for democratic principles codified in the Ten Guiding Principles of the ILWU. Today ILWU officials flaunt these union principles, using top down control to direct longshore workers to cross picket lines and keep contract negotiations secret while the PMA gives the contract to the maritime employers’ Journal Of Commerce. This contract gives employers a free hand to automate without counter demands of shorter shifts tied to wage increases and follows on the tail of the concessionary grain contracts at EGT and the Northwest Grain agreements. Left unchecked, it will gut ILWU’s coastwide power and bury arguably the last militant union in the United States.


Anthony Leviege, activist member ILWU Local 10
Stacey Rodgers, Executive Board member ILWU Local 10
Jack Mulcahy*, member ILWU Local 8 Portland, grain negotiator
Dan Coffman*, former president of Longview ILWU Local 21
– Howard Keylor, retired member of ILWU Local 10, an organizer of the historic 1984 longshore anti-apartheid strike
Jack Heyman, retired member of ILWU Local 10, organizer of militant port actions
* speaking by skype
Organized by the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee (