
Renegade Occupy Oakland Potluck and Dance Party @ Snow Park
Nov 20 @ 12:00 pm – Nov 20 @ 5:00 pm

“At the dances I was one of the most untiring and gayest. One evening a cousin of Sasha, a young boy, took me aside. With a grave face, as if he were about to announce the death of a dear comrade, he whispered to me that it did not behoove an agitator to dance. Certainly not with such reckless abandon, anyway. It was undignified for one who was on the way to become a force in the anarchist movement. My frivolity would only hurt the Cause.
I grew furious at the impudent interference of the boy. I told him to mind his own business. I was tired of having the Cause constantly thrown into my face. I did not believe that a Cause which stood for a beautiful ideal, for anarchism, for release and freedom from convention and prejudice, should demand the denial of life and joy. I insisted that our Cause could not expect me to become a nun and that the movement would not be turned into a cloister. If it meant that, I did not want it. “I want freedom, the right to self-expression, everybody’s right to beautiful, radiant things.” Anarchism meant that to me, and I would live it in spite of the whole world — prisons, persecution, everything. Yes, even in spite of the condemnation of my own closest comrades I would live my beautiful ideal.”

-Emma Goldman

Protest Poster_01 copy5.2

This is a Mobile Event–it will take place wherever Occupy Oakland decides to set up camp

Come one Come all. Feel free to bring your kids and a dish of food to share.
There will be live painting, hoola hooping, and dance music.
Bring your donations for the campers. Lets build a community again.

! ! ! LINE UP ! ! !

Mermaid – disco & stuff
Atish Mehta – funky deep house
Dao & Pwny Show – dirty funky tech house tag team
Skye X – drum & bass/techno
Brian Demodulate – post acid crunky dubstep
Bert – 2 step/garage
Indigo – drum & bass or psy breaks
Drag’n’fly – tech trance (or whatever she calls it these days)
Br@in – breaks

Please note – this lineup is subject to change. no refunds in case of rain. by attending this event, you accept all liability for train wrecks, dirty hippy hugs, tear gassing, billy clubbing, seal clubbing, bad dancing, and regime change. offer not valid in NV or where legal.

Love to bake & cook? There will also be a potluck brunch, for ourselves and the camp as a whole while we are there, & we would love it if you want to bring something. Even a carafe of coffee, or a dozen bagels is a welcome contribution – home cooked brunchy goodies are also greatly encouraged!

Join us while we dance our way into a new era!

Facbook Event page: Occupy Oakland Renegade




Neighorhood BBQ & Speakout @ Rainbow Park
Mar 24 @ 8:00 pm – Mar 25 @ 12:00 am

Occupy Oakland will have its 2nd BBQ and Speak Out event on Saturday, March 24, 2012. It will be in East Oakland at 1-5pm at Rainbow Park located near Seminary and International, from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. We are requesting help with side dishes and desserts from all cooks who are able to help.

International Women’s Day March! in SF @ Broadway & Columbus Avenue
Mar 10 @ 1:59 am – 5:59 am
International Women’s Day March Against the Sites of the Oppression of Women
Saturday, March 9
6-9PM, Meet at Broadway & Columbus in SF

From the expanding porn industry to the escalating attacks on abortion rights… In a world like this, there is no “neutral.” If you are not fighting the oppression of women, you are saying it’s okay!


This International Women’s Day, 2013, join Stop Patriarchy! Bay Area in the streets to say:
We refuse to accept a world which enslaves and degrades half of humanity  simply  because they are born female. We are done turning our heads and making excuses. We are done swallowing the daily insults and abuses. We are  done blaming ourselves and/or each other. We are done choking on our rage. We dare to confront this war on women head-on, without fear and without compromise.


We will start LOUDLY and BOLDLY at Broadway and Columbus in North Beach, where women are commodified, sold, and used at the strip clubs, porn stores and on the street.  Then we will MARCH through San Francisco, take back the night in the name of women everywhere, and CALL OUT the institutions of patriarchy, in all forms – no matter how normalized they have become.


Only  through mass, ferocious, political struggle can we begin turn the tide, and we won’t stop until we create a world where women can walk the earth free of fear of rape or violence from men, a world where women participate fully  and equally in every realm together with men, a world where being born female is no longer condemnation to a life of abuse and shame.


For International Women’s Day 2013, through our mass public actions around the country – joining with women and men around the world – we will make it known:  there is a new movement taking hold, a movement you have to join, a movement that will not stop until all the chains that bind women have been shattered forever.




IWD2013 – See full flier
Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 26 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. It is being replaced with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Monday, May 26, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.

Come to KPFA at 7:00am Monday morning (or as soon afterwards as you can) to support the Morning Mix hosts in objecting to their treatment by KPFA.
1929 Martin Luther King Jr Way at Berkeley Way in Berkeley.


Protest and Action to Keep KPFA’s Morning Mix On the Air @ KPFA Radio Station
May 27 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which has been hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management wants to replace it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

With the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts are continuing to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA, and Direct Action to Keep the Morning Mix on the Air:


Tuesday, May 27, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


If you can’t make it to the station in the morning, call in during the show between 8am and 9am, at 510-848-4425, or toll free at 800-958-9008, and let the Morning Mix hosts and KPFA management know that you support real community radio and diversity during drive time.


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 28 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management is replacing it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

On Monday, with the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts continued to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air, but was not able to reenter the studio the following day. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Wednesday, May 28, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Protest the Cancellation of KPFA’s Morning Mix @ KPFA Radio Station
May 31 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Protest the cancellation of the Morning Mix, a radio show on KPFA during morning drive time, which was hosted by diverse programmers who are based in the local community. KPFA management is replacing it with a show, with one radio personality, that will be piped in from Los Angeles.

Only some Morning Mix segments have been rescheduled, and at times of the day when most working people are at work and unable to listen, including the labor show Work Week Radio (, and Project Censored (

This removal of the Morning Mix from drive time is part of a larger, ongoing coup, which you can read about here:

On Monday, with the support of the community, the Morning Mix hosts continued to broadcast in spite of attempts to remove it from the air, but was not able to reenter the studio the following day. You can listen to Monday’s broadcast at


Support the Morning Mix hosts and real Community Radio.


Rally in front of KPFA:


Saturday, May 31, 2014


1929 Martin Luther King Jr. Way

Berkeley, California


May 23, 2014
For Immediate Release

Stand Up And Fight Back For Free Speech Radio

“This is Miguel Gavilan Molina. It has come to my attention that this past Wednesday – the same day that Pacifica’s new interim executive director was introducing the staff of KPFA to the three finalists for the general manager position – KPFA’s outgoing interim manager was slashing and scattering the Morning Mix and removing it from the morning.

Whose idea was it to make major changes and have them put in place by a manager in his last days at KPFA? Regardless of who decided this, what reason was there to rush it through, with no prior notice to listeners, instead of waiting for the new manager to come in?

The co-hosts of the Project Censored Show, part of the Morning Mix on Friday mornings, were told by the interim General Manager last Friday that they were pre-empted for the final week of the fund drive, but were moved to the 1 P.M. slot for that week only, and that no program changes would be implemented until a new manager was in place.

I ask, as a former child farmworker, who toiled in the fields of misery, and as a producer on Pacifica for over thirty years: Who is running KPFA? Who is making the decisions?

And what do those people who are killing the Morning Mix, think they are doing to the morale for our newest group of emerging producers? Once again, mostly white people are deciding for the entire KPFA community—mostly black and brown – how things are to be run at KPFA.

It is time to defend this station or lose it: the white-minority ruling group does not have the right to drive through their own changes, which now include destroying the Morning Mix.

One of the Morning Mix crew, Sabrina Jacobs, is now calling for support by the black, brown, Asian, and progressive white staff and the community, to rIse up and support the Morning Mix.

I quote our colleague, Sabrina Jacobs:

“The People of Color that are affiliated with KPFA and Pacifica Radio will not be silenced until the questions of all those concerned are answered. The world outside of this “bubble” that has been created where white supremacy reigns will cease to exist when the necessary changes are made and our demands to be treated equally are heard and executed, post haste.”

Dr. Marc Sapir, a long time generous supporter of KPFA, and a long time activitist said in a widely distributed statement: “The stepping forward of minority programmers along with the rest of the Mix staff can be a signal that this resistance is possible and this could lead to a much improved station and network…”


This is Miguel Gavilan Molina standing strong for Free Speech Radio, KPFA Pacifica”

After this statement on air Miguel continues to discuss this with Dennis Bernstein on his program; hear more at ; statement at about 28 minutes and 35 seconds into the program.


Which Way For the ILWU – Militant Unionism or Business Unionism?
Mar 31 @ 7:00 pm

Which way for the ILWU-

Militant Unionism or Business Unionism?

— Hear ILWU Longshore Activists Speak on the Recent Longshore Contract Negotiations
— Open Discussion on the Tentative Agreement 
–Longshore Members & Caucus delegates invited (EVERYONE IS WELCOME!)
WHERE: 1187 Franklin St., SF (across the street from ILWU International Headquarters)


The ILWU has a proud history of class struggle and the fight for democratic principles codified in the Ten Guiding Principles of the ILWU. Today ILWU officials flaunt these union principles, using top down control to direct longshore workers to cross picket lines and keep contract negotiations secret while the PMA gives the contract to the maritime employers’ Journal Of Commerce. This contract gives employers a free hand to automate without counter demands of shorter shifts tied to wage increases and follows on the tail of the concessionary grain contracts at EGT and the Northwest Grain agreements. Left unchecked, it will gut ILWU’s coastwide power and bury arguably the last militant union in the United States.


Anthony Leviege, activist member ILWU Local 10
Stacey Rodgers, Executive Board member ILWU Local 10
Jack Mulcahy*, member ILWU Local 8 Portland, grain negotiator
Dan Coffman*, former president of Longview ILWU Local 21
– Howard Keylor, retired member of ILWU Local 10, an organizer of the historic 1984 longshore anti-apartheid strike
Jack Heyman, retired member of ILWU Local 10, organizer of militant port actions
* speaking by skype
Organized by the Transport Workers Solidarity Committee (