Author Archives: danilo

Stop TPP “It’s NAFTA in Steroids!”

STOP TPP “The corporate and political leaders of the Pacific Rim nations are meeting in cities across America such as Chicago, Dallas, San Diego, and Leesburg to turn the Pacific Ocean and its peoples into a giant privatized corporate lake characterized by non-union workers, Wal-Mart supply chain feeders, poisoned, landless agricultural laborers, a dying biodiversity, and rising, drowning sea levels. We cannot and will not let this happen. These meetings are officially referred to as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Talks.The nations involved are the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Brunei, Chile, and … Continued


Oakland City Council Meeting – Item 20: Domain Awareness Center Phase II

Oakland City Council Meeting -Item 20: Domain Awareness Center Phase II Unfortunately, but expected, it passed; 6 to 1. – November 19, 2013 – Oakland, California Speaking against the Oakland City Council Meeting. Item 20: Domain Awareness Center (DAC) EFF representative speaking at the Oakland City Council Meeting. Item 20: Domain Awareness Center (DAC) Data Engineer Speaking at the Oakland City Council Meeting: Item 20 DAC Oakland Police and Homeland Security Personal at the Oakland City Council Meeting Item 20: Domain Awareness Center (DAC) . 54076


Stop DAC Spying! Come to City Hall Tue 11/19: Meeting in Progress come and join us (100+)!! LIVE STREAMING:

Please click the link: or twitter images to connect to the meeting live stream. Meeting in progress, 7:40pm status: Meeting in progress, 7:26pm status: Tell City Hall: NO SURVEILLANCE STATE IN OAKLAND! The Department of Homeland Security and Oakland Police are building a massive surveillance center to videotape, track, and log the movements of all Oakland residents and visitors!  The Domain Awareness Center (DAC) as its called, is an unprecedented attack on our civil liberties, giving the police department unlimited access to our whereabouts.  This includes a computer system … Continued


Say NO to Veolia/City Union Busting! – Demo Sat., 11/9, 3pm, 1720 Broadway, Oakland

Say NO to Veolia/City Union Busting! Hands off the Boston School Bus Union 5! Veolia fired two more of the five, today, totaling four fired and one suspended! Demo Against Veolia When: Saturday Nov 09 at 3PM Where: 1720 Broadway, Oakland . Oakland action: Boston info: web Facebook: .  – Vice President Steven Gillis (fired 11/1/13), Grievance Chair and Local founder Stevan Kirschbaum (fired 11/1/13), with the following three suspended and threatened with firing:  Recording Secretary and Charlestown Chief Steward Andre Francois, Steward and Local founder Richard … Continued


Port Truckers Solidarity Cookout – Photos/Videos –

Oakland Supports Port Truckers! . 2013/11/02 Video 15: Port Truckers Solidarity Cookout – Oakland, California   2013/11/02 Video 14: Port Truckers Solidarity Cookout – Oakland, California Truck arriving to the Port of Oakland . 53704


Sixty OPD Surround Plaza as Crowd Sings Happy Birthday, Dines on Roast Suckling Pig. 10/25/2013 -Photos-

Here some photos of today’s event.  For details and more photos (day time actions) you may want to visit: “Sixty OPD Surround Plaza as Crowd Sings Happy Birthday, Dines on Roast Suckling Pig.” : “OPD to the Left of Me, OPD to the Right of Me. Caught in the Middle with You All.”: “My Shield is Justice. Facing Down Urban Shield.” : . .   53494


Documentaries:THE BATTLE FOR OSCAR GRANT PLAZA & MANUFACTURING GUILT. Sat. Oct. 19, 2013 @ 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm

The National Lawyers Guild and Prison Radio present two films on repression and resistance: THE BATTLE FOR OSCAR GRANT PLAZA is a short documentary by Jacob Crawford about how the City of Oakland and its Police tried to shut down the budding “Occupy Wall Street” movement, turning downtown Oakland into a teargas filled war zone and injuring numerous people. Police video obtained in discovery in the National Lawyers Guild’s successful lawsuit and interviews with activists and journalists about their experiences, tell the real story of the disastrous Fall, 2011, police … Continued


Support Richmond eminent domain Wednesday October 9

Join the demonstration in Oakland to support the Richmond local principal reduction program, called by ACCE/Home Defenders League with the endorsement of Strike Debt Bay Area. Richmond has offered to restore financial stability to hundreds of homeowners by buying their distressed mortgages and negotiating new loans at fair market value–or seizing the mortgages by eminent domain if necessary. The banks holding these mortgages ignored the offers, Wells Fargo and other banks filed a law suit (dismissed for the time being) and Wall Street withheld purchasing a city bond. Wall Street is fighting back–and so … Continued


Community Gathering to Defend the Albany Bulb. Stop the Evictions! – Photos

” Dozens Gather at Albany Bulb to Oppose Eviction of Encampment Roughly 100 people gathered for a meeting at the Albany Bulb tonight, Saturday, to talk about possible ways to stop the city’s plan to begin enforcing the no-camping ordinance next month against the Bulb’s estimated 60-70 inhabitants.  Read more: Learn more about the Albany Bulb tent community please visit: 52728