Grand Lake Theater’s #OO Fundraiser a Great Success

Categories: Front Page, Local Business Liaison Committee, News

Thanks to the Grand Lake Theater and the fun and lively crowd that came out on Tuesday night, the # OO benefit was a great success, raising over $6,200 for Occupy Oakland on Tuesday, December 13, 2011.


Attendees enjoyed two special screenings of the 2006 film, “V for Vendetta.” Still energized by the Port Shutdown success of the previous day, the crowd was animated.  Cheers went up in the audience in response to classic lines like, “People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people” and (to paraphrase anarchist Emma Goldman)  “A revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having.”

Funds will be turned over to the finance committee this week, after the exact total has been tallied.  The LBL (Local Business Liaison) committee wishes to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Allen Michaan, the owner of the Grand Lake Theater for his amazing generosity in Support of Occupy Oakland.


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