Welcome to the People of Color Caucus

Categories: People of Color Caucus

We are so excited to be on the ground, in the plaza, in the streets and in our communities with allies of such diverse experiences and identities!

At this time, please be patient with our ability to respond (which will likely be slow). There is much work, joy, healing and inspiration to be shared! Our meeting times & locations are listed at the bottom of this post so that you can join us.

THIS WEDNESDAY IS THE CITYWIDE GENERAL STRIKE!! Mass meetings in the plaza are scheduled for 9AM, 12 noon and 5PM, with speakers and workshops throughout the day. Please join us at 5PM at the north side of Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza to march together to the Port of Oakland to demonstrate our PEOPLE’S POWER to SHUT IT DOWN! When we come together, we have the power to change an unjust system.

How can you support the strike? First, and most importantly – participate in way and at any time that you can! Even if you come alone, have faith that you will find brothers and sisters here. You can organize your friends, family and coworkers to come together. You can organize your neighborhood and community to march together from the plaza, or start from your neighborhood and meet us at the plaza. Make banners and signs ahead of time if you can.

This movement requires that we are all leaders, in whatever way we can be.

How to get involved after the strike:

If you self-identify as a person of color, we welcome you to join our regular meetings, held on the north side of Frank Ogawa/Oscar Grant Plaza at the following times: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6PM until 7PM, and Sundays at 4PM to 5:30PM (tentative end time). We usually have a sign identifying our meeting group as such. We review our ground rules, introduce ourselves, and set the agenda at the start of every meeting.

The People of Color Caucus can be reached online at peopleofcolor@occupyoakland.org. We will try to respond to additional requests for information and dialogue in a timely manner. Again, please be patient as we are still establishing tools for communication that reflect the spirit of a non-hierarchical movement. Thank you.


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