
World War Web Advisory #6: NSA Big Brother Utah Data Center To Achieve “Total Information Awareness” By September 2013

While Americans focus on Kim, Kony, Clooney and the slave-produced iPad 3, the totalitarian takeover that assures their own subjugation draws near – and only 29 years later than Orwell predicted. WORLD WAR WEB ADVISORY #6: NSA BIG BROTHER UTAH DATA CENTER TO ACHIEVE “TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS” BY SEPTEMBER 2013 Too bad more hacktivists don’t follow @VVVPR on Twitter. If they did, Anonymous might have seen this warning in time to mitigate the impact of their infiltration and betrayal by LulzSec’s Sabu a.k.a. FBI informant Hector Xavier Monsegur: “How do … Continued


Money is Slavery by Proxy

Thomas Jefferson wrote: “Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty” It should be obvious that we are involved in an epic struggle to break free of those who use their control of money to control our leaders and governments and then use them against us and other nations. Truth and wisdom are the only sure guarantors of freedom and justice. On the other hand, ignorance is the surest path to enslavement. Since humanity is enslaved to those … Continued