political labels

Occupy Wall Street is One Step Away from a Fourth Reich Gulag: Then Who Goes Next?

OCCUPY WALL STREET IS ONE STEP AWAY FROM A FOURTH REICH GULAG: THEN WHO GOES NEXT? Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 83: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 8 Dec 2011 (g1a2d0083c1) Will you go quietly like the Jews, or make a stand against Fascism? Section 1031 of the National Defense Authorization Act (S.1867/H.R.1540) as currently worded (see text below) authorizes the President to use Military Force to detain indefinitely and without trial persons who engage in belligerent acts or are part of or support forces engaged in … Continued


Amerika, The Fourth Reich: Here’s Your SAR List, Sheeple!

AMERIKA, THE FOURTH REICH: HERE’S YOUR SAR LIST, SHEEPLE! Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 80: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 5 Dec 2011 (g1a2d0080c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? This message is intended for the Amerikan Sheeple.  That excludes YOU, doesn’t it?  If not… We don’t need to wait for BushBama to sign the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which will officially make Amerika a Fascist Police State by affirming government power to arrest United States citizens on … Continued


Call to Action! National Defense Authorization Act (S.1867) Makes America a Police State!

CALL TO ACTION! NATIONAL DEFENSE AUTHORIZATION ACT (S.1867) MAKES AMERICA A POLICE STATE! Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 77: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 2 Dec 2011 (g1a2d0077c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? Last night (12/1) the United States Senate voted 93-7 to pass the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (S.1867), which must now be reconciled with a House-passed version (H.R.1540).  Here is the bill: http://tinyurl.com/c4w2wdh This web page identifies the 93 Traitors who voted YEA … Continued


Eating Cheerios Doesn’t Make You Healthier, It Just Makes General Mills Wealthier

EATING CHEERIOS DOESN’T MAKE YOU HEALTHIER, IT JUST MAKES GENERAL MILLS WEALTHIER Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 76: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 1 Dec 2011 (g1a2d0076c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? Our corporations are lying to us, America.  They sell us happiness and health, they deliver anything but, and they’re getting away with it.  Why?  Because in many cases they’ve paid politicians and “lobbied” bureaucrats to twist the rules to where it is legal to lie – or … Continued


SAIC Banks Billions from Top Secret America, Millions to Put DHS in an Asylum

SAIC BANKS BILLIONS FROM TOP SECRET AMERICA, MILLIONS TO PUT DHS IN AN ASYLUM Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 74: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 29 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0074c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? The Terrorism Industrial Complex a.k.a. “Top Secret America” may sound like tin foil hat conspiracy to some, but many of you will remember it as the name of an extensive investigation by the Washington Post, whose editors’ intro says:  “[This] is a project nearly two … Continued


Bayer Behind BPA Study That Preserves Their Profits By Prolonging Your Risks

BAYER BEHIND BPA STUDY THAT PRESERVES THEIR PROFITS BY PROLONGING YOUR RISKS Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 72: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 27 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0072c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? Bayer Group (Bayer AG) is a German holding company that ranks #147 on the Forbes Global 2000 and #1 on the Toxic 100 Air Polluters list: http://tinyurl.com/yfzjvvk With more than 111,000 employees and over $47 billion in annual revenues, the company’s (dirty) business operations are organized into … Continued


United Technologies: Black Hawks for Brunei & Billions from a Boondoggle

UNITED TECHNOLOGIES: BLACK HAWKS FOR BRUNEI & BILLIONS FROM A BOONDOGGLE Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 70: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 25 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0070c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? Doing his part to promote the ever-increasing export of aircraft and weapons to shoot them down “made in America” by our Military and Prison Industrial Complexes, last week U.S. Arms-Dealer-in-Chief Barack Hussein Bushbama wrapped up his 9-day Asia-Pacific sales trip by touting $25 billion in new orders from … Continued


Eleven Reasons Overthrowing the Government Would Fix the Economy

ELEVEN REASONS OVERTHROWING THE GOVERNMENT WOULD FIX THE ECONOMY Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 67: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 21 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0067c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? “With revolutions all across the Arab world, riots spreading through Europe, and the continued persistence of the economic downturn, it seems like everyone’s coming to the consensus that perhaps the situation has become so unthinkably bad that previously unthinkable solutions might be necessary.  Government solutions to catastrophic economic collapse have … Continued


The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter: A One Trillion Dollar Boondoggle That is “Too Big to Fail”

THE F-35 JOINT STRIKE FIGHTER: A ONE TRILLION DOLLAR BOONDOGGLE THAT IS “TOO BIG TO FAIL” Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 66: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 20 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0066c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? The constitutionality of “the United States Congress Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction” a.k.a. “the Supercommittee” created on August 2nd by the “Budget Control Act of 2011” is a question few of our corporate-controlled politicians or media pundits have the intestinal fortitude to … Continued


Good Will Hunting Warned Us About Corporate Greed and the Rising Kleptocracy Years Ago

GOOD WILL HUNTING WARNED US ABOUT CORPORATE GREED AND THE RISING KLEPTOCRACY YEARS AGO Global Revolution 1: American Revolution 2: Day 65: Communication 1 IronBoltBruce’s Kleptocracy Chronicles for 20 Nov 2011 (g1a2d0065c1) How many examples of greed and corruption must you see before you act? In his job interview at the NSA (‘N’ow ‘S’pying on ‘A’mericans), “Good Will Hunting” warned us about corporate greed and the rising Kleptocracy, and everything Matt Damon said back in 1997 applies equally if not more so today.  In under three minutes, here’s a big … Continued