big lie

Amerika: Neither Land of the Free Nor Home of the Brave

If you are charged with a crime in Amerika, you are guilty unless you are rich. If you are struck by a drone from Amerika, you are guilty unless you survive.   AMERIKA: NEITHER LAND OF THE FREE NOR HOME OF THE BRAVE “None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.”–Goethe As things stand, when corporate fascist puppet president Bushbamney signs NDAA 2013 (H.R. 4310, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013), bipartisan-sponsored Amendment 114 (based on H.R. 5736) will make it legal … Continued


NDAA 2012 Codified Indefinite Detention. Now NDAA 2013 Legalizes Domestic Propaganda.

America’s two-party tyranny has authorized endless wars, warrantless surveillance, homeland drones and indefinite detention. Now they’re legalizing the Big Lie. NDAA 2012 CODIFIED INDEFINITE DETENTION. NOW NDAA 2013 LEGALIZES DOMESTIC PROPAGANDA. What the Democrats and Republicans agree on is far more damaging and dangerous than the wedge issues on which they supposedly don’t. We saw that last year with the enactment of Public Law 112-81, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 (NDAA 2012), which had bipartisan sponsorship and sailed through both House and Senate with overwhelming bipartisan … Continued


One Percenter Erin Burnett: OutFront Corporate Fascist and Iran War Drumbeater

Ten years ago, most Americans believed Saddam Hussein had WMDs. Today, most Americans believe Iran has nuclear weapons. And once again, Big Lie propagandists like Erin Burnett are (mis)leading us into war. ONE PERCENTER ERIN BURNETT: OUTFRONT CORPORATE FASCIST AND IRAN WAR DRUMBEATER Various versions have been circulating for weeks, but if there’s anyone left in America who hasn’t seen the video of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Persian posse strolling around in those white lab coats that our perpetual war profiteers want us to believe are clear indications … Continued